
Dr. Thomas Hsu, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Office Location N107 Engineering Building 1, Houston, TX 77204-4003
Email thsu [at] uh.edu
Ph.D. Structural Engineering, Cornell University, 1962
M.S. Structural Engineering, Cornell University, 1960
B.S. Architectural Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 1957
Professional Experience
1998 – Present: Moores Professor of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas
1980 – 2003: Director of Structural Research Laboratories, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas
1980 – 1998: Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas
1980 – 1984: Chairman, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas
1991 – 1992: Eshbach Distinguished Visiting Professor. School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinios
1978 – 1979: Visiting Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
1974 – 1978: Chairman and Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
1973 – 1980: Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
1968 – 1973: Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
1962 – 1968: Development Engineer, Structural Laboratory, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois
1959 – 1962: Research Assisitant Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Advanced Concrete Design (CIVE 6335)
Behavior and Design of Prestressed Concrete (CIVE 6353)
Unified Theory of Concrete Structures (CIVE 7352)
Awards & Honors
John and Rebecca Moores Professor, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 1998 (chaired professorships established in 1997)
Fluor-Daniel Faculty Excellence Award, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston (first recipient of this highest honor accorded an engineering faculty member for overall career excellence in research, teaching and service), 1998
Abraham E. Dukler Distinguished Engineering Faculty Award, Engineering Alumni Association, University of Houston, 1998
Research Awards
Authur J. Boase Award, American Concrete Institute (highest ACI award for contribution to concrete structures, given annually to one person), 2007
Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, University of Houston (highest research award given annually by the university to one faculty member at the full professor level), 1996
Senior Faculty Research Award, Halliburton Foundation, College of Engineering, University of Houston, 1992
Arthur R. Anderson Award, American Concrete Institute (highest ACI award for life-long research contribution, given annually to one person), 1990
Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1974
Research Medal, American Society for Engineering Education, Southeastern Section, 1969
Leonard C. Wason Medal for Noteworthy Research, American Concrete Institute, 1965
Academic Awards
Halliburton Outstanding Teacher, College of Engineering, University of Houston, 1990
Teaching Excellence Award, ASCE Student Chapter, University of Houston, 1989
Letter of Commendation from the Effective Instruction Committee, College of Engineering, University of Houston, for Outstanding Teaching, 1980
Other Awards and Honors
The testing laboratory for full-size structures in the College of Engineering was named "Thomas T.C. Hsu Structural Research Laboratory," 2002
Plenary Speech (40 minutes), "Rational Shear Theory of Reinforced Concrete: A Historical Overview," International Conference on "Advances in Civil Enineering", Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, Jan. 3-5, 2002
Keynote Speech (50 minutes) "A History of Rational Theories for Reinforced Concrete," First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 23-25, 1999
Keynote Speech (one-hour) "The Evolution of Reinforced Concrete Theory," Third Conference on Structural Engineering, Chinese Association of Structural Engineers, Kenting, Taiwan, Sept. 1-3, 1996. Attended by over 300 engineers. (All expenses paid plus honorarium.)
Honorary Distinguished Professor, Harbin University of Construction, Harbin, China, 1993
Commendation Award by City of Houston, 1994, 1993 and 1991
Keynote speech (one-hour): "Unified Reinforced Concrete Theory and the Structural Failure," Third International Conference on Structural Failures, Singapore, April 4-5, 1991. Attended by over 400 engineers. (All expenses paid plus honorarium.)
Eshbach Society Distinguished Visiting Professorship Award, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University, 1991. (An award of $15,000 established in 1989 to bring distinguished visitors from academia and/or industry to the School for lectures and research. The first award in 1990 was given to Professor Peter Platt, Material Science, Imperial College, London, England. Hsu is the second to receive this award.)
Commendation from Kaiser Transit Group for the Innovative Design of the Aerial Guideways for the Miami Rapid Transit System, March, 1978
John McMullen Graduate Scholarship, Cornell University, 1958-59
Research Interests
Dr. Hsu has been Principal and Co-Principal Investigator on funded projects for over 30 years, and has received project funding amounting to over 3.5 millions, including 14 grants from National Science Foundation totaling 2.2 millions. He established the University of Houston’s Structural Research Laboratory, which is widely recognized and has supported over thirty Ph. D., M. S., and post-doctoral students. His research work has formed the basis for the shear and torsion design provisions in the American concrete Institute Building Code. His current research interests are in concrete, concrete structures, and structural mechanics.
- Shear behavior of prestressed concrete membrane elements
- Shear design of prestressed concrete beams
- Steel fibers in prestressed concrete beams
- Cyclic constitutive laws of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements
- Cracking in reinforced concrete inverted-T pile caps
- Seismic behavior of concrete buildings and bridges, including ductility and energy dissipation
- Torsion in reinforced concrete structures
- New innovative materials for buildings and bridges, including high performance concrete, 3-D steel wire grids, and fiber reinforced plastic
Sponsored Research / Research Grant
National Science Foundation Grant, "Strength and Behavior of Spandrel Beams in Frames," September 1, 1970 to August 31, 1973, $53.000.
Prestressed System, Inc., Grant , "Effect of Prestress on the Properties of Concrete," June, 1973 to August, 1974, $8,000.
Smith Korach and Assoc., Structural Research Fund, June, 1973, $1,000.
National Science Foundation Grant, "Reinforced Concrete Curved Beams," January 1, 1975 to June 1, 1977, $81,500.
Prestressed Concrete Institute Grant, "Minimum Torsional Reinforcement for Prestressed Concrete," January 1, 1977, $4,680.
Kaiser Transit Group Contract, "Torsion Analysis of Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," March, 1977, $4,500.
Kaiser Transit Group Contract, "Torsion Tests of Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," June, 1977, $4,500.
Prestressed System, Inc. Contract, "Horizontal Shear Tests of PSI Prestressed Composite Tee Beams," March, 1978, $10,000.
Kaiser Transit Group Contract, "Computerization of Design for Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," March, 1978, $9,000.
Urban Mass Transit Administration Grant, "Full Scale Tests of Prestressed Double-Tee for Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," April, 1978 (supported by Kaiser Transit Group), $340,000.
Prestressed System, Inc. (PSI) Fellowship, Sept., 1982 to Aug., 1984, $17,000.
National Science Foundation Grant, "Biaxial Fatigue and the Discontinuity of Concrete," January 1, 1983 to June 30, 1986, $140,499 (UH co-share $15,000 for equipment).
Texas Advanced Technology Research Program, "High Performance Cementitious and Polymer Composites," Jan. 1, 1986 to Aug. 31, 1987, P.I. (with 4 co-P.I.), $617,000.
National Science Foundation Grant, "Shear Behavior of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete," Feb. 1, 1986 to June 30, 1989 $133, 924.
National Science Foundation Grant, "Engineering Research Equipment Grant: A Shell Element Tester," July 15, 1987 to May 31, 1989, $73,598 (UH co-share $24,579).
Exxon Scholarship for Minority Graduate Students, June 1, 1988 to May 31, 1990, $23,000.
National Science Foundation Grant "Shear in Reinforced Concrete," Jan. 15, 1989 to Oct. 31, 1991, $166,080.
National Science Foundation Grant "International Workshop on Concrete Shear in Earthquake," June 15, 1989 to May 31, 1991, $26,226.
National Science Foundation Grant "A Servo Control System for Universal Penal Tester," Sept. 1, 1991 to Aug. 31, 1992, $126,700 (UH co-share $43,500).
National Science Foundation Grant, "Shear in High-Strength Concrete Membrane Elements," Oct. 1, 1991 to Sept. 30, 1994, $132,700.
National Science Foundation Grant, "Framed Shearwalls in Earthquake," May 15, 1993 to Dec. 31, 1996, $156,757.
Texas Advanced Technology Program, "A New 3-D Reinforcing Grid for Concrete Marine Structures," Jan. 1, 1994 to Aug., 1996, P.I. (with 1 co-P.I.), $135,175.
National Science Foundation Grant "A Data Management System for Universal Panel Tester," Sept. 1, 1994 to Aug. 31, 1995, $40,093 (UH co-share $13,736).
National Science Foundation Grant "A 2,500-kip Testing System for High-Strength Construction Materials," May 1, 1995 to April 30, 1997, P.I. (with 3 co-PI), $670,000 (UH co-share $335,000).
National Science Foundation Grant "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," April 1, 1997 to Mar. 31, 2000, $180,529.
National Science Foundation Grant "Cyclic Behavior of Concrete Shear Walls: A Rational Approach," Oct. 1, 1997 to July 31, 2001, $242,378.
Texas Department of Transportation “A New Design Method for Inverted ‘T’ Bent Caps” Oct. 8, 1998 to Aug. 31, 2003, $552,500.
Texas Department of Transportation “Fiber Reinforcement in Prestressed Concrete Beams” co-PI (50%) with Y. L. Mo, Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2005, $242,392.
Texas Department of Transportation “Rational Shear Provisions for AASHTO LRFD Specifications” co-PI (50%) with Y. L. Mo, Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2006, $434,304.
Texas Department of Transportation “Steel Fiber Replacement of Mild Steel in Prestressed Concrete Beams” co-PI (50%) with Y. L. Mo, Sept. 1, 2006 to Aug. 31, 2010, $686,774.
- "Behavior of Concrete Members Subjected to Torsion," Torsion Symposium, Annual Convention of American Concrete Institute, Philadelphia, March 9, 1966.
- "Torsion of Reinforced Concrete Members," Portland Cement Association Seminar, Skokie, Illinois, March 7, 1967.
- "Tentative Design Criteria for Torsion," Fall Convention of American Concrete Institute, Des Moines, November 2, 1967.
- "Torsion Provisions," Symposium on 1971 ACI Building Code, University of Miami, January 29-30, 1971.
- "Bending Members - Basic Principles," Lecture Series on Structural Design of Steel, University of Miami, January 27-28, 1972.
- "Shear and Torsion," Short course on 1971 ACI Building Code, University of Miami, October 6-7, 1972.
- "Design of Reinforced Concrete Spandrel Beams," Fall Convention of American Concrete Institute, Hollywood, Florida, November 2, 1972.
- "Design of Prestressed Spandrel Beams," Annual and National Environmental Meeting, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, New York, October 29-November 1, 1973.
- "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Curved Beams," Symposium on Concrete Guideways, Fall Convention, American Concrete Institute, Vancouver, Nov. 6, 1975.
- "Design of Reinforced Concrete Curved Beams," Annual Convention, American Society of Civil Engineers, Philadelphia, September 29, 1976.
- "Torsion Design of Prestressed Concrete," Annual Convention, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Miami Beach, October 18, 1976.
- "Pretensioned Double-Tee Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," Annual Convention, American Concrete Institute, Toronto, April 9-14, 1978.
- "Pretensioned Double-Tee Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," First International Conference on Advanced Transit Association, Indianapolis, April 25-28, 1978.
- "Design for Torsion and Shear in Prestressed Concrete" (with Paul Zia), ASCE Annual Convention, Chicago, October 16-20, 1978.
- "Testing of Full-Size Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit System" (with B. Rabbat), Annual Convention, American Society of Civil Engineers, Hollywood, FL, October 27-31, 1980.
- "Fatigue and Microcracking of Concrete," ACI/RILEM Symposium on Fatigue, Fall Convention, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, September 23, 1982.
- "Mixed Torsion Analysis of Reinforced Concrete - A Fourier Series Approach," (with C. S. Hwang), Fall Convention, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, September 24, 1982.
- "Softening of Concrete in Torsional Members," Shear-Torsion Committee Meeting, Annual Convention of the American Concrete Institute, March 23, 1983.
- "Shear and Torsion Design of Dade County Mass Rapid Transit Aerial Guideway" (with C. S. Hwang), International Conference on Concrete in Transportation, American Concrete Institute, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 9, 1986.
- "Testing of Double-Tee Concrete Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit System" (with H. G. Russell and B. G. Rabbat), International Conference on Concrete in Transportation, American Concrete Institute, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 9, 1986.
- "Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams," (with Belarbi) Annual Convention, American Concrete Institute, San Antonio, March 22-27, 1987.
- "Biaxial Compressive Fatigue of Concrete," RILEM First International Congress: From Materials Science to Construction Materials Engineering, Paris-Versailles, Sept. 7-11, 1987.
- "Biaxial Fatigue of Concrete," (with Eric Su), Symposium on New Developments on Fatigue of Concrete Structures, Fall Convention, American Concrete Institute, Seattle, Nov. 12, 1987.
- "Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Under Biaxial Compression," International Conference on Fracture and Damage of Concrete and Rock, Vienna, July 4-6, 1988.
- "Softening of Concrete in Compression by Transverse Tension," (with A. Belarbi), Annual Convention, American Concrete Institute, Toronto, March 18-23, 1990.
- "Uni- and Bi-Axial Compression Fatigue of Fiber Concrete," (with W. S. Yin), Materials Engineering Congress, ASCE Specialty Conference, Denver, Co. August 13-14, 1990.
- "Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete in Biaxial Tension-Compression," (with A. Belarbi), Fall Convention, American Concrete Institute, Dallas, Nov. 10-15, 1991.
- "Limit Design of Curved Beams," Annual Convention, American Concrete Institute, Washington, D. C. March 19, 1992.
- "Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," (with A. Belarbi), Session on Earthquake Resistant Structural Walls, Annual Convention, American Concrete Institute, Vancouver, March 28-April 2, 1993.
- "ACI Shear and Torsion Provisions for Guideway Design," Session on Concrete Guideways, Annual Convention, American Concrete Institute, Salt Lake City, March 5-11, 1995.
- "Maximum Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structures," Session on Recent Advances in Shear of Reinforced Concrete, ASCE Structural Congress, Chicago, April 15-18, 1996.
- "UH Experiences in Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structures," Second Workshop on Seismic Shear Wall ISP, OECD/NEA (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency), Yokohama, Japan, April 22-24, 1996.
- "Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," (with Belarbi and Zhang), Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, June 23-28, 1996.
- "Material Stiffness Matrix for Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," (with Zhang), Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 16-18, 1996.
- "Re-Examining the Biaxial Properties of Reinforced Concrete," Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, Hawaii, July 6-11, 1997.
- "Reinforced Membrane Elements with Concrete Strength up to 100 MPa," (with Zhang), PCI/FHWA International Symposium on High Performance Concrete, New Orleans, Oct. 19-22, 1997.
- "High-Strength Concrete Panels Reinforced with 3-D Welded Wire Grids," Structural Engineers World Congress, San Francisco, July 18-23, 1998.
- "A Critique on the Modified Compression Field Theory," Session 83 on Behavioral, Experimental and Theoretical Issues Related to Shear Design of Structural Concrete Bridge Members," 78th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., Jan. 10-14, 1999.
- "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Panels Subjected to Reversed Cyclic shear," (with Mansour and Lee), First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics," Seoul, Korea, Aug. 23-25, 1999.
- “Poisson Effect in Cracked Reinforced Concrete” ACI Committee 445, Shear and Torsion, meeting, Fall Convention of American Concrete Institute, Toronto, Oct. 16-20, 2000.
- "Pinching Effect in Hysteretic Loops of R/C Shear Elements" (with M. Mansour), Symposium on Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Organized by ACI Committee 447, Fall Convention of American Concrete Institute, Toronto, Oct. 16-20, 2000.
- “Earthquake Energy Dissipation in Reinforced Concrete Structures,” ACI Committee 445, Shear and Torsion, Meeting, Spring Convention of American Concrete Institute, Philadelphia, Mar. 25-30, 2001.
- “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Framed Shear Walls” (with T. J. Wang and X. D. Gao), Session H02, 16th International conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 16), Washington, D. C., Aug. 12-17, 2001.
- “Seismic Simulation of Prestressed Concrete Bridges,” (with Jeng, C. H. and Mo, Y. L.), Spring Convention of the American Concrete Institute, Detroit, April 21-25, 2002.
- “Seismic Simulation of Prestressed Concrete Bridges,” (with Jeng, C. H. and Mo, Y. L.), International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research, Hong Kong, China, August 19 - 20, 2002.
- “Cyclic Softened Membrane Model for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures,” (with Mansour, M. Y., Mo, Y. L., and Zhong, J. X.), US-Japan-Europe Workshop on Simulation of Collapse of Concrete Structures: from Research to Practice, Maui, Hawaii, Nov. 2-4, 2003.
- “Torsion of Reinforced Concrete – A Historical Overview,” Session on State-of-the-Art of Torsion of Structural Concrete, ASCE Structures Congress, Nashville, TN, May 22-26, 2004.
- “Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Shearwalls with Cyclic-Softened Membrane Model,” (with Zhong, J. X. , Mo, Y. L., and Mansour, M. Y.), Session on Model-Based Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Walls, American Concrete Institute Fall Convention, San Francisco, Oct. 24-28, 2004.
- “Constitutive Relationships of Reinforced Concrete with Steel Fibers,” (with Mansour, M. Y. and Mo, Y. L.), Presentation to Committee 544-E, Fiber Reinforced Concrete –Mechanical Properties, American Concrete Institute Fall Convention, San Francisco, Oct. 24-28, 2004.
- “Effect of Steel Grid Orientation on Seismic Performance of Shearwalls,” (Mo and Hsu), ACI Fall Convention, San Francisco, CA, October 24 – 28, 2004.
- “Crack Width Prediction for Ledges in Inverted ‘T’ Bent Caps,” (with Zhu, R. R. H.) Edward G. Nawy Symposium Session: “Serviceability of Concrete,” Spring Convention of American Concrete Institute, New York, April 17-20, 2005.
- “Simulation of Shear-Critical Bridge Columns using Cyclic Softened Membrane Model,” Committee 342 session, ACI Convention, Charlotte, NC, May 25-29, 2006.
- “Performance-based Design of RC Shear Walls Using Cyclic Softened membrane Model,” (Mo, Y. L., Zhong, J. and Laskar, A.), 2nd FIB Congress, Session 8 “Seismic Design of New Concrete Structures,” Naples, Italy; June 5-8, 2006.
Invited Presentations / Lectures
- Cornell University Colloquium on Nature of Inelasticity of Concrete and Its Structural Effects, "Inelastic Behavior of Concrete Under Short Time Loading," Ithaca, NY, June, 1965.
- McGill University Seminar, "Tentative Torsion Provisions for the 1971 ACI Code," Montreal, Canada, August, 1967 (honorarium).
- University of Hawaii Symposium on 1971 ACI Building Code, "Torsion Provision in the 1971 ACI Code," Honolulu, November 19-20, 1971 (honorarium and expense).
- ASCE Short Course on ACI Building Code, "Shear and Torsion," Sponsored by ASCE Florida Section; Tampa, FL, March 23-24, 1973 (honorarium and expense).
- University of South Alabama Seminar on ACI Building Code, "Shear and Torsion," Mobile, AL, April 27-28, 1973 (honorarium and expense).
- National University of Mexico Seminar on Design Criteria of Concrete Structures. Three lectures: (1) Various Criteria of Design, (2) Plastic Analysis of Concrete Structures, (3) Rotational Capacity of Concrete Structures. Sponsored by Mexico Institute of Cement and Concrete, Mexico City, Oct. 9-10, 1975 (honorarium and expenses).
- University of Calgary Seminar, "Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Members," Calgary, Alberta, December 8, 1975.
- National Taiwan University lectures. Three lectures on "Miami Rapid Transit System, Florida, USA." , Taipei, Taiwan, October, 1978 to May, 1979.
- Institute of Chinese Architects, Taiwan. Four lectures on "Earthquake Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Structures," Taipei/Taichung/Tainan/Kaohsiung, July 1979 (honorarium and expenses)
- Fourth Annual Science, Engineering, and Technology Seminars, Association of American-Chinese Professionals, "Double-Tee Prestressed Girder for Miami Rapid Transit System," Houston , May 29-30, 1982.
- National Taiwan University special lecture series, Ten lectures on "Torsion Design of Reinforced Concrete," Taipei, Taiwan, May 16-20, 1983 (honorarium and expenses).
- Delft University of Technology lecture, "Prestressed Double-Tee Girders for Miami Rapid Transit System," Delft, Netherland, July 4, 1983 (honorarium).
- Technical University of Braunschweig lecture, "Prestressed Double-Tee Girders for Miami Rapid Transit System," Braunschweig, Germany, July 7, 1983 (honorarium).
- Technical University of Stuttgart lecture, "Prestressed Double-Tee Girders for Miami Rapid Transit System," Stuttgart, Germany, July 8, 1983 (honorarium).
- Technical University of Munich lecture, "Prestressed Double-Tee Girders for Miami Rapid Transit System," Munich, Germany, July 11, 1983 (honorarium).
- George Winter Symposium (in memory of Professor Winter), "Microcracking of Concrete," Fall Convention of the American Concrete Institute, Kansas City, Sept. 25-30, 1983.
- Association of American-Chinese Professionals Annual Meeting, "Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings," Houston, Nov. 19, 1983.
- Chinese Academy of Building Research special lectures. A series of four lectures (3 hours each) on "The New 1983 ACI Building Code," , Beijing, China, July 25-28, 1984.
- Harbin Civil and Architectural Engineering Institute lectures. A ten-hour short course on "Reinforced Concrete in Shear and Torsion," , Harbin, China, August 1-12, 1984.
- Tokyo Institute of Technology lecture, "Dade County Rapid Transit System, Florida, USA.", Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 15, 1984 (honorarium).
- Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry seminar, "Limit Design of Spandrel Beams in the ACI 318-83 Code," Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 16, 1984 (honorarium).
- Kajima Institute of Construction Technology seminar, "Prestressed Double-Tee Girders for Aerial Guideways," Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 17, 1984 (honorarium).
- Rutgers University lecture, "Double-Tee Girders for Miami Rapid Transit System." New Brunswick, New Jersey, Oct. 29, 1984 (honorarium).
- Tulane University seminar, "Shear and Torsion Design of Double-Tee Girders," New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 15, 1985 (honorarium and expenses).
- Purdue University Structural Engineering Seminar, "Shear and Torsion Design of Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideway," West Lafayette, Indiana, April 3, 1986 (honorarium and expenses).
- Association of American-Chinese Professionals Annual Meeting, "Truss Model for Shear and Torsion of Reinforced Concrete," Houston, April 5, 1986.
- American Concrete Institute Seminar Series for Structural Engineers, "Advances in Torsion Research," (4 hours), Sponsored by South Florida Chapter, Miami, Florida, April 15, 1986; (honorarium and expenses).
- American Concrete Institute Seminar Series for Structural Engineers, "Advances in Torsion Research," (4 hours), Sponsored by Sun Coast Chapter, Tampa, Florida, April 16, 1986; (honorarium and expenses).
- American Concrete Institute Seminar Series for Structural Engineers, "Advances in Torsion Research," (4 hours), Sponsored by Central Florida Chapter, Orlando, Florida, April 17, 1986; (honorarium and expenses).
- Chinese Academy of Building Science seminar, "Softened Truss Model Theory for Shear and Torsion," (2.5 hours and 370 attendance), Beijing, China, June 18-19, 1986; (Expenses paid).
- Chinese Northwest Building Design Institute seminar, "Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings," (3 hours and 100 attendance), Xian, China, June 23-24, 1986; (Expenses paid).
- Sichuan Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute seminar, "Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings," (3 hours and 300 attendance), Chengdu, China, June 28, 1986; (Expenses paid).
- Southwest Jiaotung University seminar, "Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings," (3 hours and 80 attendance), Emei, China, July 1-2, 1986; (Expenses paid).
- Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering seminar, "Softened Truss Model Theory for Shear and Torsion," (2.5 hours and 250 attendance), Chongqing, China, July 5-6, 1986; (Expenses paid).
- Wuhan Polytechnic University seminar, "Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings," (3 hours and 300 attendance), Wuhan, China, July 10, 1986, (Expenses paid).
- United Nation Short Course at Beijing Polytechnic University, "A Unified Theory for Reinforced Concrete," (12 hours and 200 attendance), Beijing, China, sponsored by United Nations Development Program, Aug. 26-29, 1991 (honorarium and expenses paid by United Nations).
- Tsinghua University seminar, "Static and Fatigue Behavior of Plain and Fiber Reinforced Concrete," Beijing, China, Aug. 30, 1991.
- Tianjin University seminar, "Softened Truss Model for Shear and Torsion in Reinforced Concrete," Tianjin, China, Aug. 23, 1991; (expenses paid by U. N.).
- Anhui Building Design Institute seminar, "Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings," Hefei, China, Sept. 2, 1991; (expenses paid by U. N.).
- Tsejiang University seminar, "Softened Truss Model for Shear and Torsion in Reinforced Concrete," Hangzhou, China, Sept. 9, 1991; (expenses paid by U. N.).
- Tongji University seminar, "Softened Truss Model for Shear and Torsion in Reinforced Concrete," Shanghai, China, Sept. 12, 1991 (expenses paid by U. N.).
- Northwestern University Public Lecture of Eshbach Distinguished Visiting Professor, "Unified Theory for Reinforced Concrete," Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Evanston, IL, October 9, 1991.
- University of California at Berkeley Seminar, "Unified Theory for Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials; Berkeley, CA, Febuary 10, 1992 (honorarium).
- University of Michigan seminar, "Unified Theory for Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI, May 5, 1992 (honorarium).
- National Cheng-Kung University short course, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," (10-hour); Sponsored jointly by the National Science Council and the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, Tainan, August 10-12, 1992 (Expenses and honorarium paid by Taiwan Government).
- National Taiwan University Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, August 21, 1992 (honorarium).
- Cornell University Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Structural Engineering, , Ithaca, NY, Nov. 9, 1992 (honorarium).
- Pennsylvania State University Public Lecture, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil Engineering, State College, PA, Nov. 10, 1992 (expenses paid).
- Texas Association of Structural Engineers Annual Meeting, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Houston, Texas, Oct. 22, 1993.
- University of Missouri Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil Engineering, Rolla, Mo., Nov. 11, 1993 (honorarium).
- University of Texas at Austin Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil Engineering, Austin, TX, April 6, 1994, (honorarium).
- Technical University of Munich Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Institut für Tragwerksbau, Munich, Germany; May 26, 1994.
- Polytechnic University of Milan Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," School for Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Milan, Italy; May 31, 1994, (honorarium).
- Polytechnic University of Milan Seminar, "Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," Dept. of Structural Engineering, Milan, Italy; June 1, 1994, (honorarium).
- Rice University Seminar, "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Dept. of Civil Engineering, Houston, TX, Nov. 2, 1994, (honorarium).
- University of Stuttgart Seminar, "Tests of 100 MPa Panels and the Evolution of Structural Concrete Theory," Institut für Werkstoffe im Bauwesen, Stuttgart, Germany; May 20, 1997, (honorarium). (Civil Engineering at the University of Stuttgart is ranked No. 1 in Germany by the largest newspaper, Der Spiegel).
- Tianjin University seminar, "The Evolution of Reinforced Concrete Theory," Tianjin, China, June 15, 1998 (Expenses paid). Tianjin University is the oldest university in China. Its engineering school is ranked in the top five).
- Tsinghua University seminar, "The Evolution of Reinforced Concrete Theory," Beijing, China, June 22, 1998 (Expenses paid). (Tsinghua University is the No. 1 Engineering School in China).
- Keynote Speech (50 minutes) “A History of Rational Theories for Reinforced Concrete,” First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics. Seoul, Korea, Aug. 23-25, 1999. (Expenses paid partially by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).
- US-Japan Joint Seminar “Post-Yield Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements - The Hsu/Zhu Ratios,” (with Zhu), NSF-JCPS Seminar on Post-Peak Behavior of Reinforced Concrete structures Subjected to Seismic Loads - Recent Advances and Challanges on Analysis and Design,” Oct. 25-29, 1999, Tokyo/Lake Yamanaka, Japan (expenses paid by US National Science Foundation and Japan Council for the Promotion of Science).
- ACI Committee 445, Shear and Torsion “Torsion in the 20th Century and Looking Toward the Future,” Torsion Symposium, Fall Convention of American Concrete Institute, Toronto, Oct. 16-20, 2000.
- New Jersey Institute of Technology seminar, “Earthquake Energy Dissipation in Reinforced Concrete Structures,” Newark, N. J., Feb. 26, 2001
- Tuft University seminar, “Rational Shear Theory of Reinforced Concrete: A Historical Review,” Medford, MA, Dec. 12, 2001.
- Plenary Speech (40 minutes), “Rational Shear Theory of Reinforced Concrete: A Historical Overview,” International Conference on “Advances in Civil Engineering”, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, Jan. 3-5, 2002.
- Hong Kong ACI seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Hong Kong, May 20, 2005.
- Shenzhen University seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Shenzhen, China, May 22, 2005.
- Shantou University seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Shantou, China, May 24, 2005.
- Quangxi Univerity seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Nanning, Quangxi, China, May 26, 2005.
- Guangxi Concrete Association seminar, “High-rise Concrete Buildings,” Nanning, Quangxi, China, May 27, 2005.
- Guilin Institute of Technology seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Guilin, Quangxi, China, May 30, 2005.
- Tsinghua University seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Beijing, China, June 1, 2005.
- Harbin Institute of Technology seminar, "Shear in Concrete Structures – A Historical Overview,” Harbin, China, June 8, 2005.
- Invited Speech honoring Paul Zia: “Shear and Torsion in Concrete Structures,” Special Session for Paul Zia, ACI Convention, Charlotte, NC, May 25-29, 2006.
- University of Missouri seminar, “Shear in Concrete Structures–A Historical Overview,” Dept. of Civil Engineering, Rolla, MO, March 1, 2007.
- Washington University seminar, “Shear in Concrete Structures–A Historical Overview,” Dept. of Civil Engineering, St. Louis, MO, March 2, 2007.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Hsu, T.T.C., Slate, F.O., Sturman, G.M., and Winter, G., "Microcracking of Plain Concrete and the Shape of the Stress-Strain Curve," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 60, No. 2, February, 1963, pp. 209-224.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Mathematical Analysis of Shrinkage Stresses in a Model of Hardened Concrete," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 60, No. 3, March, 1963, pp. 371-390.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Slate, F.O., "Tensile Bond Strength Between Aggregate and Cement Paste or Mortar," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 60, No. 4, April, 1963, pp. 465-486.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Mattock, A.H., "A Torsion Test Rig," Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 1965, pp. 2-9.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete - A Summary on Pure Torsion," Torsion of Structural Concrete, SP-18, American Concrete Institute, 1968, pp. 165-178.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete - Plain Concrete Rectangular Sections," Torsion of Structural Concrete, SP-18, American Concrete Institute, 1968, pp. 203-238.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete - Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Members," Torsion of Structural Concrete, SP-18, American Concrete Institute, 1968, pp. 261-306.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Ultimate Torque of Reinforced Rectangular Beams," Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 94, No. ST 2, February, 1968, pp. 485-510.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete - Interaction Surface of Torsion, Shear and Bending in Members Without Web Reinforcement," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 65, No. 1, January, 1968, pp. 51-60.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete - Uniformly Prestressed Rectangular Beams Without Web Reinforcement," Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 13, No. 2, April, 1968, pp. 34-44.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "An Investigation of Concrete-to-Rail Fasteners," Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 10, No. 3, September, 1968, pp. 14-35.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Kemp, E.L., "Background and Practical Application of Tentative Design Criteria for Torsion," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 66, No. 1, January, 1969, pp. 12-23.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Torsion Criteria for Concrete - A Comparison of ACI and NBC 1970," Canadian Consulting Engineers, March, 1971, pp. 44-47.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Post-Cracking Torsional Rigidity of Reinforced Concrete Sections," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 70, No. 5, May, 1973, pp. 352-360.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Burton, K.T., "Design of Reinforced Concrete Spandrel Beams," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. ST 1, January, 1974, pp. 209-229.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Hwang, C.S., "Torsional Limit Design of Spandrel Beams," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 74, No. 2, February, 1977, pp. 71-79.
- Collins, J., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Properties of Florida-Oolite Concrete," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1977, pp. 141-144.
- Hsu, T.T.C., Inan, M., and Fonticiella, L., "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Horizontally Curved Beams," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 75, No. 4, April, 1978, pp. 112-123.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Members and Shearwalls," Journal of the Chinese Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 3, No. 1, January, 1980, pp. 1-20.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Fatigue of Plain Concrete," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 78, No. 4, July-August, 1981, pp. 292-305.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Is the Staggering Concept of Shear Design Safe?" Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 79, No. 6, November-December, 1982, pp. 435-443.
- Hwang, C.S., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Mix Torsion Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Channel Beams - A Fourier Series Approach," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 80, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., 1983, pp. 377-386.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Fatigue and Microcracking of Concrete," RILEM Journal, Materials and Structures, Vol. 17, No. 97, January, 1984, pp. 51-54 (translated and published in the Journal of the Japan Concrete Institute, 1985).
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Mo, Y.L., "Softening of Concrete in Torsional Members - Theory and Tests," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 82, No. 3, May-June, 1985, pp. 290-303.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Mo, Y.L., "Softening of Concrete in Torsional Members - Design Recommendations," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 82, No. 4, July-August, 1985, pp. 443-452.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Mo, Y.L., "Softening of Concrete in Torsional Members - Prestressed Concrete," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 82, No. 5, September-October, 1985, pp. 603-615.
- Hsu, T. T. C., and Mo, Y. L., "Softening of Concrete in Low-Rise Shear Walls," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 82, No. 6, November-December, 1985, pp. 883-889.
- Mau, S. T., and Hsu, T. T. C., "Shear Design and Analysis of Low-Rise Structural Walls," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 83, No. 2, March-April, 1986, pp. 306-315.
- Hsu, T. T. C., and Hwang, C. S., "Shear and Torsion Design of Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," Concrete in Transportation, Special Publications SP-93, American Concrete Institute, September 1986, pp. 433-466.
- Russell, H.G., Rabbat, B.G., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Testing of Double-Tee Concrete Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit System," Concrete in Transportation, Special Publications SP-93, American Concrete Institute, September 1986, pp. 467-490.
- Hsu, T.T.C., Mau, S.T., and Chen, B., "A Theory on Shear Transfer Strength of Reinforced Concrete," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 84, No. 2, March-April, 1987, pp. 149-160.
- Mau, S.T., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Framed Wall Panels with Vertical Loads," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 84, No. 3, May-June, 1987, pp. 228-234.
- Mau, S.T., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Shear Strength Prediction for Deep Beams with Web Reinforcement," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute Vol. 84, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1987, pp. 513-523.
- Su, E.C.M. and Hsu, T.T.C., "Biaxial Compression Fatigue and the Discontinuity of Concrete," Materials Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 85, No. 3, May-June 1988, pp. 178-188.
- Su, E.C.M. and Hsu, T.T.C., "A Fatigue Test Machine for the Biaxial Compression of Concrete," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol. 16, No. 6, Nov. 1988, pp. 549-554.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Softening Truss Model Theory for Shear and Torsion," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 85, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1988, pp. 624-635.
- Yin, W.S., Su, C.M., Mansur, M.A. and Hsu, T.T.C., "Biaxial Tests of Plain and Fiber Concrete," Materials Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 86, No. 3, May-June 1989, pp. 236-243.
- Mau, S.T. and Hsu, T.T.C., "Formula for the Shear Design of Deep Beams," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 86, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1989, pp. 516-523.
- Yin, W.S., Su, C.M., Mansur, M.A. and Hsu, T.T.C., "Fiber Reinforced Concrete under Biaxial Compression," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 35, No. 1/2/3, 1990, pp. 261-268; Reprinted in book "Fracture and Damage of Concrete and Rock," Ed. H.P. Rossmanith, Pergamon Press, 1990.
- Yin, W. S. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Uni- and Bi-Axial Compression Fatigue of Fiber Concrete," Serviceability and Durability of Construction Materials, ASCE, Materials Engineering Congress, Proc. Vol. 2, August 1990, pp.1172-1181.
- Belarbi, A. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Stirrup Stresses in Reinforced Concrete Beams," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 87, No. 5, Sept. - Oct. 1990, pp. 350-358.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Shear Flow Zone in Torsion of Reinforced Concrete," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 116, No. 11, Nov. 1990, pp. 3205-3225.
- Mo, Y. L. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Redistribution of Moments in Spandrel Beams," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 88, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1991, pp. 22-30.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Membrane Elements," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 88, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1991, pp. 552-561.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Torsional Members," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 88, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1991, pp. 674-682.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Crack Angle in Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete," Studi e Ricerche, Italcementi S.p.A., Bergamo, Italy, Vol. 14, 1993, pp. 279-300.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete - A Summary," Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Techno-Press, Vol 2, No. 1, Jan. 1994, pp. 1-16.
- Belarbi, A. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Constitutive Laws of Concrete in Tension and Reinforcing Bars Stiffened by Concrete," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 91, No. 4, July-August 1994, pp. 465-474.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Belarbi, A. and Pang, X. B., "A Universal Panel Tester," Journal of Testing and Evaluations, ASTM, Vol. 23, No. 1, Jan. 1995. pp. 41-49.
- Yin, W. S. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Fatigue Behavior of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Uni- and Bi-Axial Compression," Materials Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 92, No. 1, Jan. - Feb. 1995, pp. 1-11.
- Belarbi, A. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Constitutive Laws of Softened Concrete in Biaxial Tension-Compression," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 92, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1995, pp. 562-573.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Theory of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," Journal of Building Structures, Beijing, Vol. 16, No. 5, October 1995, pp.10-19.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Zhang, L. X. and Gomez, T., "A Servo-Control System for Universal Panel Tester," Journal of Testing and Evaluations, ASTM, Vol. 23, No. 6, Nov. 1995, pp. 424-430.
- Pang, X. B. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements in Shear," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 92, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1995, pp. 665-679.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhang, L. X., "Tension Stiffening in Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 93, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1996, pp. 108-115.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Toward a Unified Nomenclature for Reinforced Concrete Theory," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 3, March 1996, pp. 275-283.
- Pang, X. B. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Fixed-Angle Softened-Truss Model for Reinforced Concrete," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 93, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1996, pp. 197-207.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Concrete Stiffness Matrices for Membrane Elements," Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Techno-Press, Vol. 5, No. 5, Sept. 1997, pp. 599-608.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhang, L. X., "Nonlinear Analysis of Membrane Elements by Fixed-Angle Softened-Truss Model," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 94, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1997, pp. 483-492.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "ACI Shear and Torsion Provisions for Prestressed Hollow Girders," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 94, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1997, pp. 787-799.
- Zhang, L. X. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Behavior and Analysis of 100 MPa Concrete Membrane Elements," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 1, Jan. 1998, pp. 24-34.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Unified Approach to Shear Analysis and Design," Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 20, 1998, Elsevier Science Ltd., London, pp. 419-435.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Stresses and Crack Angles in Concrete Membrane Elements," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 12, Dec. 1998, pp.1476-1484.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhu, R. H., “Post-Yield Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements - The Hsu/Zhu Ratios,” ASCE Publication: Modeling of Inelastic Behavior of RC Structures Under Seismic Loads, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, April 2001, pp. 139-157.
- Zhu, R. H., Hsu, T. T. C. and Lee, J. Y., "Rational Shear Modulus for Smeared Crack Analysis of Reinforced Concrete," Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 98, No. 4, July-Aug. 2001, pp. 443-450.
- Mansour, M., Hsu, T. T. C. and Lee. J. Y. "Pinching Effect in Hysteretic Loops of R/C Shear Elements," ACI Special Publication 205: Deterioration Analysis of RC Structures under Cyclic Loading, Edited by K. Willam and A. Tanabe, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hill, MI, 2001, pp. 293-321.
- Mansour, M., Lee, J. Y. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Constitutive Laws of Concrete and Steel Bars in Membrane Elements under Cyclic Loading," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No. 12, Dec. 2001, pp. 1402-1411.
- Wang, T. J. and Hsu, T. T. C., “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures Using New Constitutive Models,” Computers & Structures, Vol. 79/32, Dec. 2001, pp. 2781-2791.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Mansour, M. Y., “Failure Mechanism of Reinforced Concrete Elements under Cyclic Loading,” ACI Special Publication 207: Concrete: Material Science to Applications – A Tribute of Surendra Shah, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hill, MI, April 2002, pp. 1-24.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhu, R. R. H., “Softened Membrane Model for Reinforced Concrete Elements in Shear,” Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 99, No. 4, July-August, 2002, pp. 460-469.
- Zhu, R. R. H. and Hsu, T. T. C., “Poisson Effect of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements,” Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 99, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., 2002, pp. 631-640.
- Zhu, R. H., Wanichakorn, W. and Hsu, T. T. C. and Vogel, J. “Crack Width Prediction Using Compatibility-Aided Strut-and-Tie Model,” Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 100, No. 4, July-August, 2003, pp.413-421.
- Zia, P. and Hsu, T. T. C., “Design for Torsion and Shear in Prestressed Concrete,” PCI Journal, Prescast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 49, No. 3, May-June, 2004, pp. 34-42.
- Mansour, M. and Hsu, T. T. C., " Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements Under Cyclic Shear: Part I - Experiments," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 1, Jan. 2005, pp. 44 - 53.
- Mansour, M. and Hsu, T. T. C., " Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements Under Cyclic Shear: Part II - Theoretical Model," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 1, Jan. 2005, pp. 54 – 65.
- Zhu, R. R H. and Hsu, T. T. C., “Crack Width Prediction for Ledges in Inverted ‘T’ Bent Caps,” ACI Special Publication 225, “Serviceability of Concrete,” April 2005, American Concrete Institute, Farmington, MI, pp. 179-196.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Mansour, M. Y., “Stiffness, Ductility, and Energy Dissipation of RC Elements under Cyclic Shear,” Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Vol. 21, No. 4, Nov. 2005, pp. 1093-1112.
- Hsu , T. T.C., M. Y. Mansour, Y.L. Mo And J. Zhong, “Cyclic Softened Membrane Model for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures,” ACI SP-237, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute, Farmington, MI, 2006, pp.71-98.
- Dhonde H., Y.L. Mo and T.T.C. Hsu, “Passing Ability Tester for Self-Consolidating Concrete,“ Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 3, Issue 9, September 2006, Paper ID JAI100330 available online at www.astm.org.
- Song, G., H. Gu, Y. L. Mo, T. Hsu, and H. Dhonde, (2006). “Concrete Structural Health Monitoring Using Piezoceramic Transducers,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2007, pp. 959-968.
- Dhonde, H. B., Y.L. Mo, T.T.C. Hsu and J. Vogel, (2006). “Fresh And Hardened Properties of Self-Consolidating Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 104, No.5, Sept.-Oct. 2007, pp. 491-500.
- Laskar, A., Hsu, T. T. C. and Mo, Y. L. “Shear Strength of Prestressed Concrete Beams,” Structural Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, (on the website of ACI Committee 343, Concrete Bridges, being reviewed by committee members).
- Hsu, T. T. C., Laskar, A. and Mo, Y. L. “Shear Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams,” Structural Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, (on the website of ACI Committee 343, Concrete Bridges, being reviewed by committee members).
Editorial Activities / Discussions in Refereed Journals
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Discussion of a Paper: Shear Bond Strength Between Coarse Aggregate and Cement Paste or Mortar," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 62, No. 3, March, 1965, pp. 1710-1712.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Discussion of a Paper: Ultimate Strength in Combined Bending and Torsion of Concrete Beams Containing Both Longitudinal and Transverse Reinforcement," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 62, No. 6, June, 1965, Part 2, p. 1827.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Discussion of a Paper: Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Columns in Torsion," Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 95, No. ST 7, July, 1969, pp. 1593-1597.
- Hsu, T.T.C., Meyers, B.L., Shah, S.P., and Slate, F.O., "Discussion of a Paper: Cracking and Fracture of Concrete and Cement Paste," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 66, No. 7, July, 1969, pp. 602-604.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Discussion of a Paper: Optimum Prestress Analysis and Ultimate Strength Design of Prestressed Concrete Sheet Piles," Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 16, No. 5, September-October, 1971, pp. 100-101.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Hwang, C.S., "Discussion of a Paper: Design Methods for R. C. Spandrel Beams," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 105, No. ST 9, September, 1979, pp. 1858-1962.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Discussion of a Paper: Torsion of R. C. Rectangular Sections - A Reexamination," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 76, No. 6, June, 1979, pp. 741-746.
- Hsu, T.T C., Author's closure to the paper, "Is the 'Staggering Concept' of Shear Design Safe?," Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc., Vol. 80, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., 1983, pp. 450-454.
- Hsu, T.T.C, and Mo, Y.L., "Discussion of a paper: Prestressed Concrete Tests Compared with Torsion Theories, by McMullen and El-Degwy," Journal of Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 31, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., 1986, pp. 160-164.
- Mau, S.T. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Discussion of a paper: Influence of Concrete Strength and Load History on the Shear Friction Capacity of Concrete Members by Walraven, Frenay and Pruijssers," Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1988, pp. 166-168.
- Yin, W. S., Su, E. C. M., Mansur, M. A. and Hsu, T. T. C., Author's closure to the paper "Biaxial Tests of Plain and Fiber Concrete," Materials Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proc. Vol. 87, No. 2, March-April 1990, pp 179-180.
- Belarbi, A. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Discussion of a paper: 'Compression Response of Cracked Reinforced Concrete,' by Vecchio and Collins," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 7, July 1995, pp. 1151-1152.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Author's closure to the paper "Toward a Unified Nomenclature for Reinforced Concrete Theory," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 123, No. 8, Dec. 1997, pp. 1692-1693.
- Hsu, T. T. C., “Discussion of a paper: ‘Effect of Softening Models on Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Framed Shearwalls’ by Y. L. Mo and H. Rothert (Paper 94-S67), Structural Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Vol. 95, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1998, pp. 768-769.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Author's Closure to the paper "Stresses and Crack Angles in Concrete Membrane Elements," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, May 2000, pp. 632-633.
- Hsu, T. T. C., “Discussion of a paper: ‘Disturbed Stress Field Model for Reinforced Concrete: Formulation,’ by F. J. Vecchio, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 11, Nov. 2002, pp. 1487-1488.
Books / Book Chapters
- Hsu, T.T.C., Torsion of Reinforced Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Inc., New York, 1984, 544 pp.
- Mau, .S.T. and Hsu, T.T.C., "Shear Strength Prediction - Softened Truss Model," Chapter 7, Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams, Edited by F.K. Kong, Academic and Professional Book, Blackie and Son Limited, Glasgow, Great Britain, 1990, pp. 157-181.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Mau, S. T., editors, Concrete Shear in Earthquake, Elsevier Science Publishers, Inc., London / New York, 1992, 535 pp.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Unified Theory of Reinforced Concrete, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1993, 329 pp.
- Hsu, T. T. C., and Mo, Y. L. Unified Theory of Concrete Structures, under preparation.
Conference Proceedings / Technical Papers Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Hsu, T.T.C., "A Modified Method of Moment Distribution," M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, June, 1960.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Microcracks Between Coarse Aggregate and Paste-Mortar in Concrete," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, June, 1962.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Inelastic Behavior of Concrete Under Short Time Loading," Colloquium on Nature of Inelasticity of Concrete and Its Structural Effects, Report No. 322, School of Civil Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, June, 1965, pp. 31-32.
- Hsu, T.T C., and Dhondy, S., "Prestressed Double-Tee Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit Aerial Guideways," Proceedings, First International Conference of Advanced Transit Association, Indianapolis, April, 25-28, 1978, 29 pp.
- Zia, P., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Design for Torsion and Shear in Prestressed Concrete," Proceedings, ASCE Annual Convention, Chicago, October, 16-20, 1978, 17 pp.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Static and Dynamic Tests of Full-Scale Double-Tee Girders for Dade County Rapid Transit System," U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Report No. UMTA-FL-06-0017-80-1, Oct. 10, 1979, 69 pages plus 79 figures.
- Hsu, T.T.C., "Microcracking and Fatigue of Concrete," George Winter Symposium Volume, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1984, 23 pp. (invited).
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Mo, Y.L., "Softening of Concrete in Torsional Members," Symposium Volume on Developments in Design for Shear and Torsion, Edited by ACI/ASCE Committee 445, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1984, pp. 30-34.
- Hsu, T.T.C., and Mo, Y.L., "Reinforced Concrete Box Tubes Subjected to Torsion," Proceedings of the International Conference on Tall Buildings, Singapore, Oct. 22-26, 1984, pp. 371-378.
- Su, C.M., and Hsu, T.T.C., "Biaxial Compression Fatigue of Concrete," Proceedings, RILEM First International Congress, From Material Science to Construction Materials Engineering, Paris-Versailles, 1987, pp. 967-974.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Belarbi, A. and Pang, X. B., "Stress-Strain Relationships for Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," Concrete Shear in Earthquake, (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concrete Shear in Earthquake, Jan. 14-16, 1991, Houston), Elsevier Science Publishers, Inc., London-New York, Jan. 1992.
- Han, K. J., Mau, S. T., Hsu, T. T. C. (1991). "Ductile and Brittle Failures of Reinforced Concrete Wall Elements Subjected to Shear," Concrete Shear in Earthquake, (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concrete Shear in Earthquake, Jan. 14-16, 1991, Houston), Elsevier Science Publishers, Inc., London-New York, Jan. 1992.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Unified Reinforced Concrete Theory and the Structural Failure," Proceedings Volume, Third International Conference on Structural Failures, Singapore, April 4-5, 1991 (keynote paper).
- Zhang, L. X. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Maximum Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structures," Worldwide Advances in Structural Concrete and Masonry, ASCE, (Proceeding Volume of ASCE Structural Congress, Chicago), Edited by Schultz and McCabe, 1996, pp. 408-419.
- Wang, T. J., James, R. J., Rashid, Y. R. and Hsu T. T. C., "Evaluation of NUPEC Shear Wall Behavior by ANACAP Program," Proceeding Volume, Second Workshop on Seismic Shear Wall ISP, OECD/NEA (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency), Yokohama, Japan, April 22-24, 1996. 20 pp.
- Belarbi, A., Zhang, L. X. and Hsu, T. T. C., "Constitutive Laws of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," Proceeding Volume, Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, June 23-28, 1996, Paper No. 1208, 8 pp (no page number for CD-ROM), Abstract Volume, p.545.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "The Evolution of Reinforced Concrete Theory," Proceeding Volume, Third Conference on Structural Engineering, Chinese Society of Structural Engineers, Kenting, Taiwan, Sept. 1-3, 1996, pp. 1-22 (keynote paper).
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhang, L. X., "Material Stiffness Matrix for Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements," Proceeding Volume, Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 16-18, 1996, pp. 1459-1464.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "Re-Examining the Biaxial Properties of Reinforced Concrete," Proceedings Volume, Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, Hawaii, July 6-11, 1997, pp. 447-448.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhang, L. X., "Reinforced Membrane Elements with Concrete Strength up to 100 MPa," Proceedings Volume, PCI/FHWA International Symposium on High Performance Concrete, New Orleans, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Oct. 19-22, 1997, pp. 206-217.
- Hsu, T. T. C., "3-D Welded Wire Grid in High Strength Concrete," Proceedings Volume of the XIIIth FIP (International Federation of Prestressed Concrete) Congress, Amsterdam, May 23-29, 1998, “Challenges for Concrete in the Next Millennium,” Edited by Stoelhorst & Den Boer, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherland, or A. A. Balkema Publishers, Brookfield, VT, USA, Vol. 1, pp. 125-126.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Garza, G., "High-Strength Concrete Panels Reinforced with 3-D Welded Wire Grids," Proceedings Volume, Structural Engineers World Congress, San Francisco, July 18-23, 1998, Paper No. T209-3, 6 pp (no page number for CD-ROM), Abstract Volume, p.390.
- Keynote Paper: Hsu, T. T. C., “A History of Rational Theories for Reinforced Concrete,” Proceedings Volume, First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics.” Seoul, Korea, Aug. 23-25, 1999, Vol.1, pp. 23-32.
- Mansour, M., Lee, J. Y. and Hsu, T. T. C., “Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Panels Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Shear,” Proceedings Volume, First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics,” Seoul, Korea, Aug. 23-25, 1999, Vol. 2, pp.971-980.
- Hsu, T. T. C. and Zhu, R. H., “Post-Yield Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements - The Hsu/Zhu Ratios,” Proceedings Volume, US-Japan Joint Seminar on Post-Peak Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Loads - Recent Advances and Challanges on Analysis and Design,” Tokyo/Lake Yamanaka, Japan, Oct. 25-29, 1999, Vol. 1, pp. 43-60.
- Wang, T. J., Gao, X. D. and Hsu T. T. C., “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Framed shear Walls,” Transaction, 16th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 16), Washington, D. C., August 12-17, 2001, Paper H1233, pp. 1-8.
- Mo, Y. L., Yeh, Y. K, and Hsu, T. T. C., “Seismic Performance of Hollow Bridge Columns,” Proceedings Volume, Fifth National Workshop on Bridge Research in Progress, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 8-10, 2001, pp. 139-144.
- Jeng, C. H., Mo, Y. L. and Hsu T. T. C., “Seismic Simulation of Prestressed Concrete Bridges,” Proceeding Volume, International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research, Hong Kong, China, August 19 - 20, 2002.
- Hsu, T. T. C. “Rational Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges,” ACI 343/445 Joint Session “Concrete Bridges in Shear,” Fall Convention of American Concrete Institute, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 28, 2002.
- Hsu, T. T. C., Mansour, M. Y., Mo, Y. L., and Zhong, J. X., “Cyclic Softened Membrane Model for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Structures,” Proceedings, US-Japan-Europe Workshop on Simulation of Collapse of Concrete Structures: from Research to Practice, Maui, Hawaii, Nov. 2-4, 2003.
- Mo, Y. L. Dhonde, H. and Hsu, T. T. C. “Self-Consolidating Fiber-Reinforced Concrete For Prestressed Concrete Beams,” Texas SCC Workshop, Houston, Texas, March 11, 2004.
- Song, G., H. Gu, Y.L. Mo, T.T.C. Hsu, H. Dhonde and R.H. Zhu, “Health Monitoring of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge Bent-Cap Using Piezoceramic Materials,” Third European Conference on Structural Control, Vienna, Austria, July 12-15, 2004.
- Song, G., Gu, H., Mo, Y. L., Hsu, T. T. C., Dhonde, H. and Zhu, R. H., “Health Monitoring of a Concrete Structure using Piezoceramic Materials,” Proceedings of 2005 SPIE International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials (San Diego, CA), Vol. 5765, No. 5765-13, 2005.
- Liao, W.I., E. Effendy, G. Song, Y.L. Mo, T.T.C. Hsu and C.H. Loh, “Effect of SMA Bars on Cyclic behavior of Low-Rise Shear Walls,” International Society for Optical Engineering, San Diego, CA, United States, February 26 - March 2, 2006.
- Mo, Y.L., Y.K. Yeh, J. Zhong and T.T.C. Hsu, “Seismic Behavior of Shear-Critical Hollow Bridge Columns,” ASCE Structures Congress, St. Louis, MO, May 18-21, 2006.
- Hsu, T. T. C, Mo, Y. L., Zhong, J. And Laskar, A., “Performance-based Design of RC Shear Walls Using Cyclic Softened membrane Model,” Proceedings, 2nd International FIB Congress, Naples, Italy; June 5-8, 2006; Session 8 “Seismic Design of New Concrete Structures,” ID 8-26 (in disc), Condensed paper volume 1, pp. 554-555.
- Jeng, C. H., Hsu, T. T. C. and Shih, J. R., “New Softened Membrane Model for RC Members under Torsion,” Proceedings, 8th National Conference on Structural Engineering, Sun-Moon Lake, Taiwan, ROC, Paper No. L-030, Sept. 2006.
- Mo, Y.L., J. Zhong and T.T.C. Hsu, “Seismic Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” 5th National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways, San Mateo, CA, September 18-20, 2006.
- Dhonde, H., Mo, Y. L. And Hsu, T. T. C., “Control of Early-Age Cracks in Prestressed Concrete Beams using Steel Fibers,” Proceeding, 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 16-17, 2006.