Undergraduate Students
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Houston is home to a diverse and interesting group of undergraduate students. Traditional young undergraduate students of multiple races and nationalities mix with mature students in our undergraduate program. The mixture of student age groups allows a more dynamic education, different experience levels, and points of view spark many intellectual discussions.
The college's Co-op Programs as well as many Civil and Environmental Engineering firms in Houston allow students the chance to get job experience and to earn money while attending school.
Undergraduate Student Advisory Council
The student advisory council members are the student ambassadors of the department to the community within and outside UH. The Council members discuss student issues with faculty and are the direct link between the faculty and the students. Membership is appointed by the Department Chair with the recommendation from the faculty, and represents a wide cross section of the undergraduate student population. The Council members also help the department during special functions, recruiting new students and developing relationships between the department and alumni.
Graduate Students
The University of Houston Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is home to graduate students pursuing degrees in both Civil and Environmental Engineering. The student population is a mixture of full time research students and part time degree seeking students.
Full time research students are generally M.S. and Ph.D. candidates supported by faculty members to work on research projects. These students attend classes, work on their research or TA classes and eventually write and defend a thesis or dissertation.
Part time students generally are employed in the daytime so they take classes in the evenings and do not write a thesis. All of the graduate classes are offered in the evening to serve our part time student contingency.
Our graduate students are also from a wide variety of backgrounds, representing cultures from all around the world. The presence of so many diverse and interesting students is a highlight of graduate education at UH.
Graduate students attend the yearly Civil Engineering picnic as well as other social events organized in the Department.