
Vasileios Kotzamanis (09/2021-present)
PhD student
Dissertation topic: Understanding and enhancing the performance of coastal housing against
hurricane-induced loads
Noran Shahin (09/2021-present)
PhD student
Dissertation topic: Constitutive modeling of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC)
Abdulrahman Salah (09/2021-present)
PhD student
Dissertation topic: New-generation engineering materials for resilient concrete structures
Waleed Khan (09/2021-present)
PhD student
Dissertation topic: Integrating high strength steel in the design of structural masonry
Omar Khalid (05/2021-present)
MSc student
Thesis topic: Characterizing the bond behavior of high strength steel in structural masonry
John Alvey (08/2022-12/2022)
Undergraduate student
Research topic: Wave Energy Converter Systems
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Ultra-High-Performance Concrete
Prestressed Concrete
Analytical and Fiber-Based Modeling of Structural Systems
High-Strength Steel in Structural Masonry
PI: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Agency: American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation
Status: Current
PI: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Agency: National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
Status: Current
PI: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Agency: Precast Concrete Institute (PCI)
Status: Current
PI: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Agencies: Brick Industry Association (BIA) and Western States Clay Products Association (WSCPA)
Status: Current
PI: Abdeldjelil Belarbi; Co-PIs: Dimitrios Kalliontzis, Antonio Nanni, and Ayman Okeil.
Agency: Federal Highway Administration
Status: Current
PI: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Agency: Internal UH Award
Status: Current
- CWRM Symposium, U.S. Army Corps Engineering Research and Development Center (2022). "Effects of Structural and Soil Flexibilities on the Responses of Coastal Housing to Wave-induced Loads." with Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD student
- Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (2022). "Effect of Foundation Flexibility on the Interaction between Elevated Light-Framed Timber Coastal Housing and Solitary Waves." with Vasileios Kotzamanis, PhD student
- Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (2022). "“Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE Formulation and Skeleton-Based Structural Models."
- 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (2022). "Self-Centering Rocking Bridge Columns with Hysteretic Damping through Locally Heat-treated Replaceable Bars."
- 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2022). "Hybrid Rocking Wall with Locally Heat-treated Replaceable Bars for Hysteretic Energy Dissipation."
- 14th Canadian Masonry Symposium (2021). "Structural Masonry Wall with Rubber Pads and Unbonded Posttensioning Tendons: Experiment and Design Procedure."
- Kobe-UCSD Joint Symposium (2019). "Recovery Columns for Bridge Structures: Numerical Study."
- 13th North American Masonry Conference (2019). “The Effect of Impact Energy Loss in the Dynamic Response of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls.”
- 13th North American Masonry Conference (2019). “Improving Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls with the Use of Elastomeric Interfaces.”
- 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2018). “Modeling of a Rocking Masonry Wall with Unbonded Post-Tensioning Subjected to Shake-Table Testing.
- 3rd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers (2017). “Modeling of Fully-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Post-Tensioning under Reverse-Cyclic Loading.”
- 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium (2017). “Simplified Approach for Estimating the Envelope Response of Unbonded-Posttensioned Masonry Walls.”
- PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference (2017). “Improving Seismic Response of Precast Structures Designed with Jointed Connections.”
- 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (2017). “Improving Accuracy of the Simple Rocking Model of Rigid Blocks.”
- VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (2016). “A Simple Analytical Model for the Rocking PreWEC System.”
Invited Presentations / Lectures
- Rice University, September 2022. "Understanding Fluid-Structure Interaction of Coastal Housing with Hurricane-induced Wave Action."
- South Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, April 2022. "Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations in Support of Developing Resilient Structural Systems in Coastal Regions."
- NHERI Lehigh Seminar Series, April 2022. "Multi-physics Simulations of Structural Responses to Fluid Flows Induced by Coastal Hazards."
- Texas A&M, College Station, Texas, December 2021. "Performance Assessment of the Pre-tensioned Piles in the San Diego-Coronado Bridge."
- EERI McMaster Guest Lecture Series, May 2017. "Understanding the behavior and improving the seismic performance of rocking structures." McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Refereed Journal Publications
- Kalliontzis, D. (2022). “Fluid-Structure Interaction with ALE Formulation and Skeleton-Based Structural Models.” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 110: 103513.
- Kalliontzis, D., Morrison, M., Liu, Q., Nazari, M, Kotzamanis, V. (2022). “Improving Recovery of Hybrid Rocking Walls through Locally Heat-treated Replaceable Bars for Hysteretic Energy Dissipation.” Engineering Structures, 267: 114621.
- Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., Sritharan, S. (2022). “Unbonded Post-tensioned Structural Masonry Wall with Rubber Interface for Limited-Damage Systems.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(1): 04021223.
- Kalliontzis, D., Shing, P. B. (2021). “Force-Based Frame Element with Axial Force-Flexure-Shear Interaction for Modeling Reinforced Concrete Members.” ACI Structural Journal, 118(3), 131-146.
- Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S. (2021). “Seismic Behavior of Unbonded Post-tensioned Precast Concrete Members with Thin Rubber Layers at the Jointed Connection.” PCI Journal, 66(1): January-February.
- Kalliontzis, D., Nazari, M. (2021). “Unbonded Post-tensioned Precast Concrete Walls with Rocking Connections: Modeling Approaches and Impact Damping.” Frontiers in Built Environment, 7: 638509.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2020). "Dynamic response and impact energy loss in controlled rocking members." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(4), 319-338.
- Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2020). "Generalized dynamic analysis of structural single rocking walls (SRWs)." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(7), 633-656.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2018). "Characterizing dynamic decay of motion of free-standing rocking members." Earthquake Spectra, 34(2), 843-866.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). "Characterizing the in-plane rocking response of masonry walls with unbonded posttensioning." ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(9): 04017110.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). "Improved estimation of the reverse-cyclic behavior of fully-grouted masonry shear walls with unbonded post-tensioning." Engineering Structures, 145, 83-96.
- Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S., and Schultz A. E. (2016). "Improved coefficient of restitution estimation for free rocking members." ASCE Journal of Structural engineering, 142(12): 06016002.
Conference Proceedings / Technical Papers Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Kalliontzis, D., and Morrison, M. (2022). “Self-Centering Rocking Bridge Columns with Hysteretic Damping through Locally Heat-Treated Replaceable Bars.” 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Athens, Greece.
- Kalliontzis, D., Morrison, M., Liu, Q., and Nazari, M. (2022). “Hybrid Rocking Wall with Locally Heat-Treated Replaceable Bars for Hysteretic Energy Dissipation.” 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2021). “Structural Masonry Walls with Rubber Pads and Unbonded Posttensioning Tendons: Experiment and Design Procedure.” 14th
Canadian Masonry Symposium, Montreal, Canada (Received Honorable Mention). - Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2019). “The Effect of Impact Energy Loss in the Dynamic Response of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls.” 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S., and Schultz A. E. (2019). “Improving Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls with the Use of Elastomeric Interfaces.” 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Kalliontzis, D., Schultz, A. E., and Sritharan, S. (2018). “Modeling of a Rocking Masonry Wall with Unbonded Post-Tensioning Subjected to Shake-Table Testing.” 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). “Modeling of Fully-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls with Unbonded Post-Tensioning under Reverse-Cyclic Loading.” 3rd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). “Simplified Approach for Estimating the Envelope Response of Unbonded-Posttensioned Masonry Walls.” 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Halifax, Canada (Received Honorable Mention).
- Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2017). “Improving Seismic Response of Precast Structures Designed with Jointed Connections.” PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Kalliontzis, D., Sritharan, S., and Schultz, A. E. (2017). “Improving Accuracy of the Simple Rocking Model of Rigid Blocks.” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2016). “A Simple Analytical Model for the Rocking PreWEC System.” VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Crete Island, Greece.
- Kalliontzis, D., and Sritharan, S. (2014). “A Finite-Element Approach for Modelling Controlled Rocking Systems.” 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.