
Amir Moshiri - “Development of the reduced-aging cement-based matrices for high temperature (HT) and pressure (HP) operating environments”, scheduled to graduate 2021
Raj Gopal Nannopaneni - “Application of ultrasonic pulse velocity methods to assess and monitor early-age and long-term environment-driven microstructural changes in cement-based materials”, schedule to graduate 2021
Konrad J. Krakowiak, Ph.D. holds an Assistant Professor position, in the Civil and environmental Engineering Department (CEE) and he is a director of the SERC Civil and Environmental Engineering Facility at University of Houston (UH). He is also a Research Affiliate at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Before joining UH, he was appointed as a Research Scientist, and Postdoctoral Associate, in the Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub@MIT) at MIT, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from several departments across MIT working on concrete science and engineering. While at MIT he was a leading experimentalist in the research project focused on mechanical performance and durability of cement-based matrices for hightemperature and high-pressure applications (X-CEM, $5M / 5 years).This includes such experimental methods as x-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (EM), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and instrumented indentation (IND). He has also actively collaborated on the synthesis of new cementbased matrices for applications in geothermal wells. He developed a novel characterization method of composite materials which allows direct correlation of nano-indentation mechanical properties with local phase composition. He contributed to the development of The Laboratory for Materials in Extreme Environments (H.hub) at MIT, where he was also its manager. Dr. Krakowiak obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Minho, Portugal, where he focused on the experimental micromechanics of construction materials. His current research activities include advanced experimental analysis and modeling of cement-based materials under thermo-chemo-mechanical loads including high temperature and pressure, cement geochemistry, development of novel reduced-aging and carbon neutral cement-based materials, and the effect nuclear radiation on the physical and mechanical properties of calcium-silicate-hydrates. Results of his research on chemo-mechanical analysis of cementitious materials, from the nano-scale to the macro-scale of engineering applications, has been published in various journals including Cement and Concrete Research, Nature Communications, and recently Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He is an active member of the TRB committee on Basic Research and Emerging Technologies Related to Concrete - AFN10.
Conference Presentations
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, “Chemo-Mechanical Characterization of Heterogeneous Materials: Linking Indentation Properties to Local Phase Chemistry”, 3D Correlative Chemical Imaging Workshop, March 18th, 2017, Keynote Seminar
- University of Houston, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2016, “The challenge of Sustainable Development of Civil Infrastructure: Why materials matter?”, Invited Seminar
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Conrete (CONCREEP 2013 ), , 2013, “In-situ chemo-mechanical characterization of cementitious microstructures with coupled X-ray microanalysis and indentation technique”, Krakowiak K.J., Wilson W., James S., F.-J. Ulm
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Concrete Sustainability Hub, ”Meet the CSHub”, February, 2013, “The CSHub lab: A dedicated facility”, Krakowiak K.J.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Concrete Sustainability Hub, 2012, “Engineering cementitious matrix”, Krakowiak K., Grossier R., Jagannathan D., Ulm F.J., Pellenq R., van Vliet K.
- CSM Instruments Users’ Meeting, Needham, MA, 2011, “Statistical Indentation of Composite Solids”, Krakowiak K.J., Ulm F.-J.
- University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal, National Congress of Experimental Mechanics, 2010, “Experimental methods of micromechanics applied to microstructural characterization of extruded clay for masonry”, Krakowiak K.J., Lourenço P.B., Ulm F.-J
- Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures IASS-IACM 2008: “Spanning Nano to Mega”, “The multi-scale approach of masonry, paradigm of clay brick”, Krakowiak K.J., Lourenço P.B., Ulm F.-J
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Fourth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics-Focus: Fluid-Structure Interactions , 2007, “Environmental impact on the porous medium – the multi scale modeling of concrete like materials and prediction of the material performance." Krakowiak K.J., Lourenço P.B.
- Czestochowa, Poland, Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM – 2005), “Structural behavior and limit analysis of historical masonry structures: Portuguese case studies” Krakowiak, K.J., Lourenço, P.B., Gajewski R.
- Warsaw University of Technology, Civil Engineering Department, Poland, Division of Applied Science, 2004, “Advanced numerical modeling of structures”
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Krakowiak K.J., Thomas J. J., James S., Abuhaikal M., Ulm F.-J., Development of silica-enriched cement-based materials with improved aging resistance for application in high-temperature environments, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 105, pp. 99-110, 2018
- Le Caër S., Dezerald L., Boukari K., Lainé M., Taupin S., Kavanagh R., Johnston C., Foy E., Charpentier T., Krakowiak K. J., Pellenq R. J. -M., Ulm F.-J., Tribello G., Kohanoff J., Saúl A., “Unraveling the reactivity of cement pastes under ionizing radiation: a joined experimental and theoretical study,” accepted for publication, Cement and Concrete Research, 2017
- Seiphoori A, Whittle A. J., Krakowiak K. J., Einstein H. H., “Insights into diagenesis and pore structure of Opalinus Shale through comparative studies of natural and reconstituted materials, ” accepted for publication, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2017
- Ioannidou K., Krakowiak K.J., Bauchy M., Hoover Ch.G., Masoero E., Yip S., Ulm F.-J., Levitz P., Pellenq R.J.-M., Del Gado E., The mesoscale texture of cement hydrates., 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 113(8), pp. 2029-2034
- Krakowiak K.J., Wilson W., James S., Musso S., Ulm F.-J., 2015, Inference of the phase-to-mechanical property link via coupled x-ray spectrometry and indentation analysis: Application to cement-based materials, Cement and Concrete Research, 67, pp. 271-285
- Krakowiak K.J., Thomas J.J., Musso S., James S., Akono A.T., Ulm F.-J., 2015, Nano-chemo-mechanical signature of conventional oil-well cement systems: Effects of elevated temperature and curing time, Cement and Concrete Research, 67, pp. 103-121
- Abdolhosseini Qomi M.J., Krakowiak K.J., Bauchy M., Stewart K.L., Shahsavari R., Jagannathan D., Brommer D.B, Baronnet A., Buehler M.J., Yip S., Ulm F.-J., Van Vliet K.J., R.J-.M. Pellenq, 2014, Combinatorial molecular optimization of cement hydrates, Nature Communications 5, No. 4960.
- Kheradmand M., Azenha M., de Aguiar J.L.B., Krakowiak K.J., 2014, Thermal behavior of cement based plastering mortar containing hybrid microencapsulated phase change materials, Energy and Buildings 84, pp. 526-536.
- Wilson W., Krakowiak K.J., Ulm. F.-J., 2014, Simultaneous assessment of phase chemistry, phase abundance and bulk chemistry with statistical electron probe micro-analyses: Application to cement clinkers, Cement and Concrete Research, 55, pp. 35-48
- Krakowiak K.J., Lourenço P.B., Ulm F.-J., 2011, Multi-Technique Investigation of Extruded Clay Brick Microstructure, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94(9), pp. 3012-3022
- Ulm F.-J., Vandamme M., Jennings H.M., Vanzo J., Bentivegna M., Krakowiak K.J., Constantinides G., Bobko Ch.P., Van Vliet K.J., 2010, Does microstructure matter for statistical nanoindentation techniques?, Cement and Concrete Composites, 32, pp. 92-99.
- Lourenço P.B., Krakowiak K.J., Fernandes F.M., Ramos L.F., 2005, Failure Analysis of Monastery of Jeronimos, Lisbon: How to learn from sophisticated numerical models?, Engineering Failure Journal, 14, pp. 280-300.
Conference Proceedings / Technical Papers Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Krakowiak K.J., Wilson W., James S., F.-J. Ulm, 2013, In-situ chemo-mechanical characterization of cementitious microstructures with coupled X-ray microanalysis and indentation technique, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Conrete: A Tribute to Zdenek P. Bazant - Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conf. on Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability Mechanics, CONCREEP 2013 , pp. 190-200
- Thomas J.J., James S, Ortega A., Musso S., Auzerais F., Krakowiak K.J., Akono A.T., Ulm F.-J. Pellenq R.J.M., 2012, Offshore Technology Conference, Proceedings 4 , pp. 3277-3287
- Lourenço P.B., Ramos L.F., Krakowiak K.J., “Cathedral of Porto, Portugal: Conservation works 2002-2008,” 11th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, May 31 – June 3, 2009
- Krakowiak K.J., Lourenço P.B., Ulm F.-J., 2008, The multi-scale approach of masonry, paradigm of clay brick, Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures IASS-IACM 2008: “Spanning Nano to Mega” 28-31 May 2008, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, John F. ABEL and J. Robert Cooke (eds.)
- Krakowiak, K.J., Lourenço, P.B., Gajewski R., 2005, Structural behavior and limit analysis of historical masonry structures: Portuguese case studies. CMM - 2005, Czestochowa, Poland
- Pina-Henriques, J., Lourenço, P.B., Krakowiak, K.J., 2005, Modeling of masonry creep and damage, in 11th International Conference on Fracture, CD-ROM
- Lourenço, P.B., Krakowiak, K.J., 2004, Safety assessment of the Jerónimos church in Lisbon, in Computer Methods in Structural Masonry – 6, Rome, Italy, p. 75-81
- Krakowiak, K.J., Gajewski, R., Lourenço, P.B., 2004, Safety assessment of the nave vault of the Hieronymites Monastery Church in Lisbon, in Slovak-Polish-Russian Seminar Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering, Warsaw, Poland, p. 177-184, (in Polish)
- Krakowiak, K.J., Gajewski, R., Lourenço, P.B., 2004, Contemporary methods of safety assessment of historical buildings, in Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering (Polish-Ukrainian Transactions), Warsaw, Poland, p. 247-256 (in Polish)
- Lourenço, P.B., Krakowiak, K.J., 2004, Estabilidade das abóbadas da igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, em Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia 2004, Lisboa, Artigo 95 (em CD-ROM) (in Portuguese)
Reports / Manuals
- Krakowiak K.J, Thomas J., Abuhaikal M., James S., Ulm F.-J., 2015. Reduced-aging cement-based matrices for well cementing in HTHP conditions: Effect of solid volume fraction (SVF) and quartz size on cement liner micro-texture., X-CEM Schlumberger – MIT Collaboration Report, Year 4-5
- Krakowiak K.J, Wilson W., Ulm F.-J., James S., Musso S., 2014. Coupled IND-EDX characterization of oil-well cement systems, X-CEM Schlumberger – MIT Collaboration Report, Year 3
- Krakowiak K.J., Ulm F.-J., 2013, Basalt fibers for concrete: A Short Literature Review, Internal Report, Concrete Sustainability Hub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Krakowiak K.J., Ulm F.-J., 2013, On the use of basalt in concrete: A Short Literature Review, Internal Report, Concrete Sustainability Hub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Krakowiak K.J, Thomas J.J., James S., Ulm F.-J., 2013. Fracture performance design of oil-well cement systems through alumina- and silica-bearing additives, X-CEM Schlumberger – MIT Collaboration Report, Year 2
- Musso S., Thomas J.J., Krakowiak K.J., 2013, Expansive MgO Cement Systems, Fracture performance design of oil-well cement systems through alumina- and silica-bearing additives, X-CEM Year 2 Report Schlumberger – MIT Cement Research Collaboration
- Krakowiak K.J., Masoero E, Abuhaikal M., Ortega J.A., Akono A.T., Pellenq R., Ulm F.-J., Jennings H., Thomas J.J., Musso S., James S., Auzerais F., 2012, X-CEM Schlumberger – MIT Collaboration Report, Year 1
- Krakowiak K.J., Ulm F.-J., Lourenço P.B., 2009, Analytical study of potential use of local reservoirs of clay in the Sindh province of Pakistan for the brick making industry, report for Aga Khan University, Pakistan, and Payette (www.payette.com)
- Lourenço, P.B., Krakowiak, K.J., 2004, Stability Analysis of the skylight of the Oporto Cathedral, Relatório 04-DEC/E-21, Universidade do Minho, (in Portuguese)
- Lourenço, P.B., Krakowiak, K.J., 2003, Stability Analysis of the main vault of the Monastery of Jerónimos in Lisbon, Relatório 03-DEC/E-02, Universidade do Minho, 64 pp (in Portuguese)