
Director, Geosensing Systems Engineering Graduate Program
Zih-Syun Chen, Ph.D. Student, BS National Central University.
Yue Li, Ph.D. Student, BS Hefei University, MS University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
Amirhossein Rostami, Ph.D. Student, BS K.N. Toosi University of Technology, MS University of Tehran.
Ngoc T. Nguyen, Ph.D. Student, BS Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, MS Incheon National University.
Hung-Hsien Wan, Ph.D. Student, BS MS National Central University.
Clifton Kyle, Ph.D. Student, BS US Military Academy, MS Texas A&M University, JD University of Houston Law Center, MA US Army War College.
Jinkyoo Choi, Ph.D. Student, BS University of Wyoming, MS University of Houston.
Tien Du, Ph.D. in 2021.
Chi-Hung Chang, Ph.D. in 2021.
Donghwan Kim, Ph.D. in 2019.
Zhiyue Sun, Ph.D. in 2019.
Ting Yuan (NASA Earth and Space Science Fellow), Ph.D. in 2017.
Ning Cao, Ph.D. in 2016.
Son K Do, M.S. in 2022.
Surendar Babu, M.S. in 2022.
Abureli Aierken, M.S. in 2018.
- Tien Du, Ph.D. University of Houston, 2021.
- Chi-Hung Chang, Ph.D. University of Houston, 2021.
- Ning Cao, Ph.D. University of Houston, 2016.
- Hanwen Yu, Ph.D. Xidian University, 2012, Now Professor at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
Dr. Lee specializes in using spaceborne and airborne geodetic instruments including satellite altimetry, SAR/InSAR, and GRACE to better understand earth system sciences. His primary research focus includes quantifying and characterizing terrestrial water dynamics towards applications for water resources management.
- Lee, H., Monitoring surface water storage changes over Lower Mekong, NASA Applied Sciences Week 2020, Virtual, August 3-6, 2020 (ORAL-Invited).
- Lee, H., T. Yuan, E. Beighley, H.C. Jung, D. Kim, Determining source and sink of water in Congo wetlands using satellite datasets and Hillslope River Routing Model, AGU Chapman Conference on Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin, Washington, D.C., USA, 25-27 September 2018 (ORAL-INVITED).
- Lee, H., F. Hossain, M.A. Okeowo, L.D. Nguyen, D.D. Bui, C.-H. Chang, Application of Jason-2/3 altimetry for virtual gauging and flood forecasting in Mekong Basin, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 12-16, 2016 (ORAL).
- Lee, H., H.C. Jung, T. Yuan, E. Beighley, D. Alsdorf, C. Shum, Estimating fine-resolution terrestrial water storage changes over central Congo Basin by integrating GRACE, PALSAR, and altimetry, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22 - July 2, 2015 (ORAL).
- Lee, H., T. Yuan, H.C. Jung, J. Duan, C.K. Shum, E. Beighley, Storage changes over the middle reach of the Congo River, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19, 2014 (ORAL - INVITED).
- Lee, H., H. Jung T. Yuan, E. Beighley, J. Duan, D. Alsdorf, R. Raoufi, Surface and subsurface water storage changes over the central Congo Basin revealed by integrating GRACE, Envisat altimetry, and PALSAR ScanSAR observations, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 9-13, 2013 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., R.E. BEIGHLEY, D. ALSDORF, H.C. JUNG, C. SHUM, J. DUAN, J. GUO, D. YAMAZAKI, K. ANDREADIS, Terrestrial Storage Changes over the Congo Basin from GRACE and Hillslope River Routing Model, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7, 2012 (ORAL - INVITED).
- LEE, H., S. CALMANT, C.K. SHUM, J. KIM, Z. HUANG, S. BETTADPUR, D. ALSDORF, Application of satellite radar altimetry for near-real time monitoring of floods, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 5-9, 2011 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., D. ALSDORF, H.C. JUNG, C.K. SHUM, J. DUAN, J.-Y. GUO, K. ANDREADIS, Characterization of terrestrial water dynamics in the Congo Basin using GRACE and satellite radar altimetry, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 13-17, 2010 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, J.-W. KIM, H.C. JUNG, Z. LU, B. HUBERTY, J. JONES, IFSAR water elevation change mapping, ASPRS WGL-EGL Joint Technical Summer Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA, June 18, 2010 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, M. IBARAKI, Z. LU, J.-W. KIM, Towards high-resolution rapid monitoring and prediction of hydrologic change, NGA Academic Research Program Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, September 29-October 2, 2009 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., D. ALSDORF, M. DURAND, J. DUAN, C. SHUM, Science requirements for hydrologic storage change from the SWOT mission, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 15-19, 2008 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, J.-Y. GUO, Y. YI, A. BRAUN, P. WU, C.-Y. KUO, M. SCHMIDT, H. WANG, Laurentia glacial isostatic adjustment: constrains from satellite data and modeling, IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007 (ORAL).
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, A. BRAUN, C.-Y. KUO, Y. YI, Use of TOPEX Altimetry for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Studies in the Hudson Bay Land Region, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 11-16, 2006 (ORAL).
- LEE H., C. SHUM, Y. YI, C.-Y. KUO, Application of Satellite Altimetry for Solid Earth Crustal Deformation Studies, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006 (ORAL).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Rp_Bl3gAAAAJ&hl=en (* Denote advisee)
- Prince, L., R.C. Hales, K.N. Markert, E.J. Nelson, G.P. Williams, D.P. Ames, H. Lee, A. Rostami*, Assessing coincidence of satellite acquisitions and flood events to predict suitability for flood map synthesis, Remote Sensing, in review, 2025.
- Nguyen, N.T.*, T.L.T. Du*, H. Lee, H.-Y. Li, D.D. Bui, H.C. Jung, Satellite and geometry-based hypsometric relationships: A new approach for enhancing reservoir storage estimates, Water Resources Research, in review, 2025.
- Wan, H.-S.*, H. Lee, L.T.T. Du*, A. Rostami*, C.-H. Chang*, K.N. Markert, E.J. Nelson, G.P. Williams, S. Li, W. Straka III, S. Helfrich, F.J. Meyer, An interpretable and scalable model for rapid flood extent forecasting using satellite imagery and machine learning with rotated EOF analysis, Environmental Modelling & Software, in review, 2025.
- Markert, K.N., H. Lee, G.P. Williams, E.J. Nelson, D.P. Ames, R.E. Griffin, F.J. Meyer, Evaluating the feasibility of scaling the FIER framework for large-scale flood inundation prediction, Hydrology and Earth System Science, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-3491, in review, 2025.
- Do, S.K.*, T.L.T Du*, H. Lee, C.-H. Chang*, D.D. Bui, N.T. Nguyen*, K.N. Markert, J. Stromqvist, P. Towashiraporn, S.E. Darby, L.K. Bui, Assessing impacts of hydropower development on downstream inundation using a hybrid modeling framework integrating satellite data-driven and process-based models, Water Resources Research, accepted, 2025.
- Das, P., S. Suresh, F. Hossin, V. Balakrishnan, P.J. Jainet, H. Lee, M. Laverde, K. Hosen, C. Meechaiya, P. Towashiraporn, Forecasting informed reservoir operations using a satellite based framework for mountainous and high precipitation regions: the case of the 2018 Kerala floods, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 30, 05025003, https://doi.org/10.1061.JHYEFF.HEENG-6276, 2025.
- Rostami, A.*, C.-H. Chang*, H. Lee, H.-S. Wan*, L.T.T. Du*, K. Markert, G.P. Williams, E.J. Nelson, S. Li, W. Straka III, S. Helfrich, A.L. Gutierrez, Forecasting VIIRS Water Fractions in the U.S. Flood-prone regions utilizing a data-driven technique (FIER) and the National Water Model, Remote Sensing, 16, 4357, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16234357, 2024.
- Ross, N.*, A. Rostami*, H. Lee, C.-H. Chang*, F. Hossain, P. Milillo, T.L.T. Du*, S. Jayasinghe, P. Towashiraporn, Monitoring reservoir elevation changes using Jason-2/3 altimetry satellite missions: Exploring the capabilities of JASTER (Jason-2/3 Altimetry Stand-Alone Tool for Enhanced Research), International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1), 2406387, https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2024.2406387, 2024.
- Minocha, S., F. Hossain, P. Das, S. Suresh, S. Khan, G. Darkwah, H. Lee, S. Galelli, K. Andreadis, P. Oddo, Reservoir Assessment Tool Version 3.0: A scalable and user-friendly software platform to mobilize the global water management community, Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 3137-3156, 2024.
- Suresh, S., F. Hossain, S. Minocha, P. Das, S. Khan, H. Lee, K. Andreadis, P. Oddo, Satellite-based tracking of reservoir operations for flood management during the 2018 extreme weather event in Kerala, India, Remote Sensing of Environment, 307, 114149, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2024.114149, 2024.
- Markert, K.N., G.P. Williams, E.J. Nelson, D.P. Ames, H. Lee, R.E. Griffin, Dense time series generation of surface water extents through Optical-SAR sensor fusion and gap-filling, Remote Sensing, 16, 1262, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16071262, 2024.
- Das, P., F. Hossain, S. Minocha, S. Suresh, S. Suresh, G. Darkwah, H. Lee, K. Andreadis, M. Laverde-Barajas, P. Oddo, ResORR: A globally scalable and satellite data-driven algorithm for river flow regulation due to reservoir operations, Environmental Modelling & Software, 176, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106026, 2024.
- Nguyen, N.T.*, T.L.T. Du*, C. Chang*, H. Park*, S. Choi, H. Chae, J. Nelson, F. Hossain, D. Kim*, H. Lee, Estimating the impacts of ungauged reservoirs using publicly available streamflow simulations and satellite remote sensing, Remote Sensing, 15, 4563, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15184563, 2023.
- Bui, T.T.P., S. Kantoush, A. Kawamura, T.L.T. Du*, N.T. Bui, R. Capell, N.T. Nguyen*, D.D. Bui, M. Saber, S. Tetsuya, H. Lee, A. Saleh, V. Lakshmi, A. Bartosova, D.V. Binh, B.Q. Ngyuen, T.T.T. Nguyen, Reservoir operation impacts on streamflow and sediment dynamics in the transboundary river basin, Vietnam, Hydrological Processes, 37, e14994, https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14994, 2023.
- Tao, D., Y.-S. Cheng, C. Hwang, W. Sun, H. Lee, The rise and fall of Alaska and Yukon glaciers detected by TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-2 altimeters using a novel glacier-threshold method, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128, e2022JF006977, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JF006977, 2023.
- Chang, C.-H.*, H. Lee, S.K. Do*, Tien L.T. Du*, K. Markert, F. Hossain, S.K. Ahmad, T. Piman, C. Meechaiya, D.D. Bui, J.D. Bolten, E. Hwang, H.C. Jung, Operational forecasting inundation extents using REOF analysis (FIER) over lower Mekong and its potential economic impact on agriculture, Environmental Modelling & Software, 162, 105643, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105643, 2023.
- Du, T.L.T*, H. Lee, D.D. Bui, P. Graham, I.G. Pechlivanidis, S.D. Darby, J. Leyland, N.K. Biswas, G. Choi, O. Batelaan, T.T.P. Bui, T.V. Tran, H.T. Nguyen, Streamflow prediction in highly regulated, transboundary watersheds using multi-basin modelling and remote sensing imagery, Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031191, doi:10.1029/2021WR031191, 2022.
- Das, P., F. Hossain, S. Khan, N.K. Biswas, H. Lee, T. Piman, C. Meechaiya, U. Ghimire, K. Hosen, Reservoir Assessment Tool 2.0: Stakeholder driven improvements to satellite remote sensing based reservoir monitoring, Environmental Modelling & Software, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105533, 2022.
- Saatchi, S., et al., Detecting vulnerability of humid tropical forests to multiple stressors, One Earth, 4, 988-1003, 2021.
- Kim, D.*, H. Lee, E. Beighley, R.M. Tshimanga, Estimating discharges for poorly gauged river basin using ensemble learning regression with satellite altimetry data and a hydrologic model, Advances in Space Research, 68, 607-618, 2021.
- Biswas, N., F. Hossain, M. Bonnema, H. Lee, F. Chishtie, Towards a global reservoir assessment tool for predicting hydrologic impact and operating pattern of existing and planned reservoirs, Environmental Modelling & Software, 140, 105043, 2021.
- Bose, I., F. Hossain, H. Eldardiry, N.K. Biswas, S. Ahmad, M. Ashraf, B. Fatimah, N. Iqbal, F. Hasan, A.Z. Bhatti, H. Lee, M. Aziz, Integrating gravimetry data with thermal infra-red data from satellites to improve efficiency of operational irrigation advisory in South Asia, Water Resources Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR028654, 2021.
- Hu, X., R. Bürgmann, E.J. Fielding, H. Lee, Internal kinematics of the Slumgullion landslide (USA) from high-resolution UAVSAR InSAR data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 251, 112057, 2020.
- Du, T.L.T.*, H. Lee, D.D. Bui, B. Arheimer, H.-Y. Li, J. Olsson, S.E. Darby, J. Sheffield, D. Kim*, E. Hwang, Streamflow prediction in "geopolitically ungauged" basins using satellite observations and regionalization at subcontinental scale, Journal of Hydrology, 588, 125016, 2020.
- Chang, C.-H.*, H. Lee, D. Kim*, E. Hwang, F. Hossain, F. Chishtie, S. Jayasinghe, S. Basnayake, Hindcast and forecast of daily inundation extents using satellite SAR and altimetry data with rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis: case study in Tonle Sap Lake Floodplain, Remote Sensing of Environment, 241, 111732, 2020.
- Lee, H., T. Yuan*, H. Yu*, H.C. Jung, Interferometric SAR for wetland hydrology: An overview of methods, challenges, and trends, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (Invited for Special Issue of "Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry"), 8, 120-135, doi:10.1109/MGRS.2019.2958653, 2020.
- Kim, D.*, H. Lee, H.C. Jung, E. Hwang, F. Hossain, M. Bonnema, D.-K. Kang, A. Getirana, Monitoring river basin development and variation in water resources in transboundary Imjin River in North and South Korea using remote sensing, Remote Sensing, 12, 195, doi:10.3390/rs12010195, 2020.
- Kim, D.*, H. Lee, C.-H. Chang, D.D. Bui, S. Jayasinghe, S. Basnayake, F. Chistie, E. Hwang, Daily river discharge estimation using multi-mission radar altimetry data and Ensemble Learning Regression in lower Mekong River Basin, Remote Sensing, 11, 2684, doi:10.3390/rs11222684, 2019.
- Yuan, T.*, H. Lee, H. Yu*, H.C. Jung, A. Madson, Y. Sheng, E. Beighley, Mapping forested floodplain topography using InSAR and radar altimetry, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12, 5189-5198, 2019.
- Nickles, C., Y. Zhao, E. Beighley, M. Durand, C. David, H. Lee, How does the unique space-time sampling of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission influence river discharge series characteristics?, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 8154-8161, https://doi.org/10.1029.2019GL083886, 2019.
- Sikder, S., S. Ahmad, F. Hossain, A. Gebregiorgis, H. Lee, Case study: Rapid urban inundation forecasting technique based on quantitative precipitation forecast for Houston and Harris County Flood Control District, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001807, 05019017, 2019.
- Van Den Hoek, J., A. Getirana, H.C. Jung, M. Okeowo*, H. Lee, Monitoring reservoir drought dynamics with Landsat and radar altimetry time series in persistently cloudy eastern Brazil, Remote Sensing, 11, 827, doi:10.3390/rs11070827, 2019.
- Markert, K.N., S.T. Pulla, H. Lee, A.M. Markert, E.R. Anderson, M.A. Okeowo*, A.S. Limaye, AltEx: An open source web application and toolkit for accessing and exploring altimetry datasets, Environmental Modelling & Software, 117, 164-175, 2019.
- Yu, H.*, H. Lee, N. Cao*, Y. Lan, Optimal baseline design for multi-baseline InSAR phase unwrapping, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57, 5738-5750, 2019.
- Yu, H.*, Y. Lan, Z. Yuan, J. Xu, H. Lee, A review on phase unwrapping in InSAR signal processing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 7, 40-58, 2019.
- Kim, D.*, H. Yu*, H. Lee, E. Beighley, M. Durand, D.E. Alsdorf, E. Hwang, Ensemble learning regression for estimating river discharges using satellite altimetry data: central Congo River as a test-bed, Remote Sensing of Environment, 221, 741-755, 2019.
- Chang, C.-H.*, H. Lee, F. Hossain, S. Basnayake, S. Jayasinghe, F. Chishtie, D. Saah, H. Yu, K. Sothea, D.D. Bui, A model-aided satellite altimetry based flood forecasting system for Mekong River, Environmental Modelling & Software, 112, 112-127, 2019.
- Kim, S.P., H.-G. Sohn, M.-K. Kim, H. Lee, Analysis of the relationship among flood severity, precipitation, and deforestation in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia using multi-sensor approach, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-019-1061-7, 2019.
- Biswas, N.K., F. Hossain, M. Bonnema, M. Okeowo*, H. Lee, An altimeter height extraction technique for dynamically changing rivers of South and South-East Asia, Remote Sensing of Environment, 221, 24-37, 2019.
- Yu, H.*, Y. Lan, H. Lee, N. Cao*, 2-D phase unwrapping using minimum infinity-norm, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15, 1887-1891, 2018.
- Hiep, N.H.H., N.D. Luong, T.T.V. Nga, B.T. Hieu, U.T.T. Ha, B.D. Duong, V.D. Long, F. Hossain, H. Lee, Hydrological model using ground- and satellite-based data for river flow simulation towards supporting water resource management in the Red River Basin, Vietnam, Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 346-355, 2018.
- Cao, N.*, H. Lee, H.C. Jung, H. Yu*, Estimation of water level changes of large-scale Amazon wetlands using ALOS2 ScanSAR differential interferometry, Remote Sensing, 10, 966, doi:10.3390/rs10060966, 2018.
- Cao, N.*, H. Yu*, H. Lee, A multi-baseline InSAR phase unwrapping method using designed optimal baselines obtained by motion compensation algorithm, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15, 1219-1223, 2018.
- Du, T.L.T.*, D.D. Bui, M.D. Nguyen, H. Lee, Satellite-based, multi-indices for evaluation of agricultural droughts in a highly dynamic tropical catchment, central Vietnam, Water, 10, 659, doi:10.3390/w10050659, 2018.
- Yu, H.*, H. Lee, T. Yuan*, N. Cao*, A novel method for deformation estimation based on multi-baseline InSAR phase unwrapping, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56, 5231-5243, 2018.
- Cao, N.*, H. Lee, E. Zaugg, R. Shrestha, W. Carter, C. Glennie, Z. Lu, H. Yu*, Estimation of residual motion errors in airborne SAR interferometry based on time-domain backprojection and multisquint techniques, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56, 2397-2407, 2018.
- Yuan, T.*, H. Lee, H.C. Jung, A. Aierken*, E. Beighley, D. Alsdorf, R. Tshimanga, D. Kim*, Absolute water storages in the Congo River floodplains from integration of InSAR and satellite radar altimetry, Remote Sensing of Environment, 201, 57-72, 2017.
- Kim, D.*, H. Lee, M.A. Okeowo*, S. Basnayake, S. Jayasinghe, Cost-effective monitoring of land subsidence in developing countries using semi-permanent GPS stations: a test study over Houston, Texas, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11(2), 026033, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.11.026033, 2017.
- Kim, D.*, H. Lee, A. Laraque, R. Tshimanga, T. Yuan*, H. Jung, E. Beighley, C.-H. Chang*, Mapping spatio-temporal water level variations over the central Congo River using PALSAR ScanSAR and Envisat altimetry data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38, 7021-7040, 2017.
- Cao, N.*, H. Lee, E. Zaugg, R. Shrestha, W. Carter, C. Glennie, G. Wang, Z. Lu, J.C. Fernandez-Diaz, Airborne DInSAR results using time-domain backprojection algorithm: a case study over the Slumgullion landslide in Colorado, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10, 4987-5000, 2017.
- Yu, H.*, Y. Lan, J. Xu, D. An, H. Lee, Large-scale L0-norm and L1-norm two-dimensional phase unwrapping, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, 4712-4728, 2017.
- Okeowo, M.*, H. Lee, F. Hossain, A. Getirana, Automated generation of lakes and reservoirs water elevation changes from satellite radar altimetry, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10, 3465-3481, 2017.
- Xiao, M., A. Koppa, Z. Mekonnen, B. Pagan, S. Zhan, Q. Cao, A. Aierken*, H. Lee, D. Lettenmaier, How much groundwater did California's Central Valley lose during the 2012-2015 drought?, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL073333, 2017.
- Hossain, F., S. Sikder, N. Biswas, M. Bonnema, H. Lee, N.D. Luong, N.H. Hiep, B.D. Duong, D. Long, Predicting water availability of the regulated Mekong River Basin using satellite observations and a physical model, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 14, 39-48, 2017.
- Iqbal, N., F. Hossain, H. Lee, G. Akhter, Integrated groundwater resource management in Indus Basin using satellite gravimetry and physical modeling tools, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,189:128, doi:10.1007/s10661-017-5846-1, 2017.
- Sun, Z.*, H. Lee, Y. Ahn, A. Aierken*, K.-H. Tseng, M.A. Okeowo*, C. Shum, Recent glacier dynamics in the northern Novaya Zemlya observed by multiple geodetic techniques, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10, 1290-1302, 2017.
- Iqbal, N., F. Hossain, H. Lee, G. Akhter, Satellite gravimetric estimation of groundwater storage variations over Indus Basin in Pakistan, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9, 3524-3534, 2016.
- Alsdorf, D., E. Beighley, A. Laraque, H. Lee, R. Tshimanga, F. O'Loughlin, G. Mahe, B. Dinga, G. Moukandi, R.G.M. Spencer, Opportunities for hydrologic research in the Congo Basin, Reviews of Geophysics, 54, doi:10.1002/2016RG000517, 2016.
- Bonnema, M., S. Sikder, Y. Miao, X. Chen, F. Hossain, I.A. Pervin, S.M.M. Rahman, H. Lee, Understanding satellite-based monthly-to-seasonal reservoir outflow estimation as a function of hydrologic controls, Water Resources Research, 52, 4095-4115, doi:10.1002/2015WR017830, 2016.
- Cao, N.*, H. Lee, H.C. Jung, A phase-decomposition-based PS-InSAR method, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54, 1074-1090, 2016.
- Yoon, Y., E. Beighley, H. Lee, T. Pavelsky, G. Allen, Estimating flood discharges in reservoir-regulated river basins by integrating synthetic SWOT satellite observations and hydrologic modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001320, 05015030, 2015.
- Cao, N.*, H. Lee, H.C. Jung, Mathematical framework for phase triangulation algorithms in distributed scatterer interferometry, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12, 1838-1842, 2015.
- Yuan, T.*, H. Lee, H.C. Jung, Toward estimating wetland water level changes based on hydrological sensitivity analysis of PALSAR backscattering coefficients over different vegetation fields, Remote Sensing, 7, 3153-3183, 2015.
- Lee, H., T. Yuan*, H.C. Jung, E. Beighley, Mapping wetland water depths over the central Congo Basin using PALSAR ScanSAR, Envisat altimetry, and MODIS VCF data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 159, 70-79, 2015.
- R.E. Beighley, K. Eggert, C.J. Wilson, J.C. Rowland, H. Lee, A hydrologic routing model suitable for climate scale simulations of arctic rivers: application to the Mackenzie River Basin, Hydrological Processes, 29, 2751-2768, 2015.
- TSENG, K.-H., S. LIANG, M. IBARAKI, H. LEE, C. SHUM, Study of the variation of schistosomiasis risk in Lake Poyang in the People's Republic of China using multiple space-borne sensors for the monitoring and modelling, Geospatial Health, 8, 353-364, 2014.
- Hossain, F., C. Shum, A. Limaye, S. Biancamaria, H. Lee, S. Akbor, W. Yigzaw, A guide for crossing the Valley of Death: Lessons learned from making a satellite based flood forecasting system operational and independently owned by a stakeholder agency, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95, 1201-1207, 2014.
- KIM, J.-W., Z. LU, J.W. JONES, C. SHUM, H. LEE, Y. JIA, Monitoring Everglades freshwater marsh water level using L-band synthetic aperture radar backscatter, Remote Sensing of Environment, 150, 66-81, 2014.
- HOSSAIN, F., A. SIDDIQUE-E-AKBOR, L.C. Mazumber, S.M. ShahNewaz, S. BIANCAMARIA, H. LEE, C. SHUM, Proof of concept of an altimeter-based river forecasting system for transboundary flow inside Bangladesh, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7, 587-601, 2014.
- TSENG, K.-H., C. SHUM, Y. YI, C.-Y. KUO, H. LEE, H. WANG, Improved retrieval of coastal sea surface height by retracking modified radar altimetry waveforms, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52, 991-1001, 2014.
- TSENG, K.-H., C. SHUM, Y. YI, H. LEE, X. CHENG, X. WANG, Envisat altimetry radar waveform retracking of quasi-specular echoes over ice-covered Qinghai Lake, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 24, 615-627, 2013.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, K.-H. TSENG, Z. HUANG, H.-G. SOHN, Elevation changes of Bering Glacier System, Alaska, from 1992-2010, observed by satellite radar altimetry, Remote Sensing of Environment, 132, 40-48, 2013.
- JUNG, H., M. JASINSKI, J.-W. KIM, C.K. SHUM, P. BATES, J. NEAL, H. LEE, D. ALSDORF, Calibration of two-dimensional floodplain modeling in the Atchafalaya River Basin using SAR interferometry, Water Resources Research, 48, W07511, doi:10.1029/2012WR011951, 2012.
- YAMAZAKI, D., H. LEE, D. ALSDORF, E. DUTRA, H. KIM, S. KANAE, T. OKI, Predictability of water level dynamics by a global river model: a case study on the hydrodynamics in the Amazon River, Water Resources Research, 48, W09508, doi:10.1029/2012WR011869, 2012.
- WANG, L., C. SHUM, F. SIMONS, A. TASSARA, K. ERKAN, C. JEKELI, A. BRAUN, C. KUO, H. LEE, D.-N. YUAN, Coseismic slip and incomplete moment release of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Great Maule, Chile, Earthquake quantified by the inversion of GRACE observations, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 335-336, 167-179, 2012.
- KUO, C.-Y., H.-C. KAO, H. LEE, K.-C. CHENG, L.-C. LIN, Assessment of radar waveform retracked Jason-2 altimetry sea surface heights near Taiwan coastal ocean, Marine Geodesy, 35, 188-197, 2012.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, I. HOWAT, A. MONAGHAN, Y. AHN, J. DUAN, J. GUO, C.Y. KUO, L. WANG, Continuously accelerating ice loss over Amundsen Sea catchment, West Antarctica, revealed by integrating altimetry and GRACE data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 321-322, 74-80, 2012.
- LEE, H., R.E. BEIGHLEY, D. ALSDORF, H.C. JUNG, C. SHUM, J. DUAN, J. GUO, D. YAMAZAKI, K. ANDREADIS, Characterization of terrestrial water dynamics in the Congo Basin using GRACE and satellite radar altimetry, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 3530-3538, 2011.
- SIDDIQUE-E-AKBOR, A.H., F. HOSSAIN, H. LEE, C. SHUM, Accuracy of satellite altimetry for river level detection in complex deltaic environments using a hydrologic-hydraulic modeling approach, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 1522-1531, 2011.
- JUNG, H.C., D. ALSDORF, M. MORITZ, H. LEE, S. VASSOLO, Flood inundation mapping in the Logone floodplain from multi temporal Landsat ETM+ imagery, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 232-240, 2011.
- BEIGHLEY, R.E., R.L. RAY, Y. HE, H. LEE, L. SCHALLER, M. DURAND, K.M. ANDREADIS, D. ALSDORF, C. SHUM, Comparing satellite derived precipitation datasets using the Hillslope River Routing (HRR) model in the Congo River Basin, Hydrological Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.8045, 2011.
- SHUM, C., H. LEE, P.A.M. ABUSALI, A. BRAUN, G. DE CARUFEL, G. FOTOPOULOS, A. KOMJATHY, C.-Y. KUO, Prospects of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reflectometry for geodynamics studies, Advances in Space Research, 47, 1814-1822, 2011.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, K.-H. TSENG, J.-Y. GUO, C.-Y. KUO, Present-day lake level variation from Envisat altimetry over the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: links with precipitation and temperature, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 22, 169-175, 2011.
- ERKAN, K., C. SHUM, H. LEE, C. JEKELI, W.R. PANERO, L. WANG, H. WANG, Possible constraints on the vertical processes interior of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and their effects on satellite geodetic signals, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 22, 241-253, 2011.
- TSENG, K.-H., C. SHUM, H. LEE, J. DUAN, C.-Y. KUO, Satellite Observed Environmental Changes over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 22, 229-239, 2011.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, W. EMERY, S. CALMANT, X. DENG, C. ROESLER, C.-Y. KUO, Y. Yi, Validation of Jason-2 altimeter data by waveform retracking over California coastal ocean, Marine Geodesy, 33, 304-316, 2010.
- TSENG, K.-H., C. SHUM, Y. Yi, C. DAI, H. LEE, D. BILITZA, A. KOMJATHY, C.-Y. KUO, J. PING, M. SCHMIDT, Regional validation of Jason-2 dual-frequency ionosphere delays, Marine Geodesy, 33, 272-284, 2010.
- LEE, H., M. DURAND, H. JUNG, D. ALSDORF, C. SHUM, Y. SHENG, Characterization of surface water storage change in Arctic lakes using simulated SWOT measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 3931-3953, 2010 (FRONT COVER).
- ZHANG, M., H. LEE, C. SHUM, D. ALSDORF, F. SCHWARTZ, S. TSENG, Y. Yi, C.-Y. KUO, H.-Z. TSENG, A. BRAUN, S. CALMANT, N. FILIZOLA, F. SEYLER, Application of retracked satellite altimetry for inland hydrologic studies, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 3913-3929, 2010.
- JUNG, H., J. HAMSKI, M. DURAND, D. ALSDORF, F. HOSSAIN, H. LEE, A.K.M.A. HOSSAIN, K. HASAN, A.S. KHAN, A.K.M.Z. HOQUE, Characterization of complex fluvial systems via remote sensing of spatial and temporal water level variations, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35, 294-304, 2010.
- SHUM, C., P.A.M. ABUSALI, C.-Y. KUO, H. LEE, J. OGLE, R.K. RANEY, J.C. RIES, W.H.F. SMITH, D. SVEHLA, C. ZHAO, Orbit accuracy requirement for ABYSS: the space station radar altimeter to map global bathymetry, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6, 653-657, 2009.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, Y. YI, M. IBARAKI, J.-W. KIM, A. BRAUN, C.-Y. KUO, Z. LU, Louisiana wetland water level monitoring using retracked TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry, Marine Geodesy, 32, 284-302, 2009.
- LU, Z., J.-W. KIM, H. LEE, C. SHUM, J. DUAN, M. IBARAKI, O. AKYILMAZ, C.-H. READ, Helmand river hydrologic studies using ALOS PALSAR InSAR and ENVISAT altimetry, Marine Geodesy, 32, 320-333, 2009.
- KIM, J.-W., Z. LU, H. LEE, C. SHUM, C.M. SWARZENSKI, T.W. DOYLE, S.-H. BAEK, Integrated analysis of PALSAR/Radarsat-1 InSAR and ENVISAT altimeter data for mapping absolute water level changes in Louisiana wetlands, Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 2356-2365, 2009.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, Y, YI, A. BRAUN, C.-Y. KUO, Laurentia crustal motion observed using TOPEX/POSEIDON radar altimetry over land, Journal of Geodynamics, 46, 182-193, 2008.
- LEE, H., C. SHUM, C.-Y. KUO, Y. YI, A. BRAUN, Application of TOPEX altimetry for solid Earth deformation studies, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 19, 37-46, 2008.
- KWOUN, O., S. BAEK, H. LEE, H.-G. SOHN, U. HAN, C. SHUM, Topography, vertical and horizontal deformation in the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica using InSAR, Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 73-81, 2005.
Books / Book Chapters
- Yuan, T., H. Lee, E. Beighley, H.C. Jung, R. Tshimanga, Sources and sinks of the Cuvette Centrale wetlands using multiple remote sensing measurements and a hydrological model, in Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry, AGU Geophysical Monograph, in press, 2020, John Wiley & Sons.
- Durand, M., S. Calmant, C. Birkett, H. Lee, R. Paiva, Y. Yoon, H. Gao, S. Tuozzolo, River discharge and surface water storage variation, in Inland Water Altimetry, in press, 2020, Springer.
- Yuan, T., H. Lee, H.C. Jung, Congo floodplain hydraulics using PALSAR InSAR and Envisat altimetry data, in Remote Sensing of Hydrological Extremes, 65-81, 2017, Springer.
- H. Gao, S. Zhang, M. Durand, H. Lee, Satellite remote sensing of lakes and wetlands, in Environmental Remote Sensing for Hydrological Capacity Building and Sustainability, 57-72, 2016, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Lee, H., H.C. Jung, T. Yuan, R.E. Beighley, J. Duan, Controls of terrestrial water storage changes over the central Congo Basin determined by integrating PALSAR ScanSAR, Envisat altmetry, and GRACE data, in Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle, AGU Geophysical Monograph 206, 117-129, 2014, John Wiley & Sons.