
Recent Visiting Scholars (A Total of 35):
Shijiang Zhang (09/01/2019 – 11/30/2019)
(Ph.D. Student of Huaqiao University, China)
Project Title: Finite Element Simulation of Inverted-T Bridge Bents -
Aldo Corona (03/01/2019 – 08/31/2019)
(Master Student of University of Parma, Italy)
Project Title: Finite Element Simulation of Steel Plate Concrete Structures -
Vincenzo Lippolis (03/01/2019 – 08/31/2019)
(Master Student of University of Parma, Italy)
Project Title: Structural Performance of Skew Reinforcement in Bridge Bent Caps -
Jiaji Wang (12/01/2018 – 02/28/2019)
(Ph.D. Student of Tsinghua University, China)
Project Title: Constitutive Models of Composite Structures -
Fabio Antonio Bennici (10/01/2018 – 03/31/2019)
(Master Student of University of Parma, Italy)
Project Title: Finite Element Simulation of Concrete Structures
Recent Post-doc Researchers (A Total of 6):
Jiaji Wang (07/15/19 – 08/31/21)
Research Title: Structural Performance of Composite Structures -
Michael Ho (09/01/18 – 05/31/19, co-supervision)
Research Title: Development of Advanced Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors
Recent Ph.D. Dissertation Students (A Total of 25):
Bhagirath Joshi (in progress)
Thesis Title: Carbon Nanofiber Aggregates for Civil Infrastructures subjected to Multi-hazard -
Sharon Huang (in progress)
Thesis Title: Periodic Barriers for Seismic Isolation of Buried Structures -
Tianmin Zhou (graduated in December 2019)
Thesis Title: Model-based Simulation of Steel Plate Concrete Composite Structures -
Satya Roy (graduated in August 2019)
Dissertation Title: Structural Performance of Skewed Reinforcing in Inverted-T Bridge Caps -
Mahadi Masud (graduated in May 2019)
Thesis Title: Non-Contact Lap Splices in Geometrically Dissimilar Bridge Column to Drilled Shaft Connections Interface -
Jamshaid Sawab (graduated in May 2019)
Dissertation Title: Composite Steel Plate Concrete (SC) Structures: Theory and Experiment
Recent M.S. Thesis Students (A Total of 16):
- Yagiz Oz (in progress)
Thesis Title: Implementation of Skewed Reinforcing in Inverted-T Bridge Caps -
Avinash Gautam (graduated in May 2019)
Thesis Title: Study of Carbon Nano-Fiber Aggregates with AC Measurements
Primary research interests are related to the behavior and design of Reinforced/ Prestressed Concrete, Steel, Hybrid and Composite Structures subjected to seismic and blast loads. Current research includes the following topics. (86 invited talks, 266 journal and 169 conference publications, 5 books, 4 book chapters, 8 awarded and 3 pending patents, google scholar citation=7055, h-index=45, i10-index=123)
- Development of advanced/smart materials and structures for vibration control and damage detection.
- Development of innovative structural systems (such as small modular reactors supported by metamaterial-based foundation, prestressed concrete box bridges with corrugated steel webs and reinforced concrete buildings with corrugated steel shearwalls) for seismic resistant design.
- Implementation of new materials (such as ultra-high performance concrete, advanced composites, smart materials) into seismic design, retrofit and repair of engineering structures.
- Dynamic experimental studies on materials, structural components and systems.
- Constitutive models of reinforced, prestressed, prestressed steel fiber and steel plate concrete subjected to shear and/or torsion.
- Computer vision and finite element simulation of engineering structures subjected to multi-hazard.
- Application of artificial intelligence and nanoscale technology to engineering structures.
Invited Presentations / Lectures
- “Periodic Metamaterials for Vibration Isolation of Engineering Structures,” 31st Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress, (Keynote Lecture), December 8-13.2019, Orlando, FL.
- “Periodic Metamaterials for Seismic Base isolation of Energy Storage Facilities,” International Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, (Keynote Lecture), June 24-25, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
- “Carbon Nanofiber Aggregate Sensors for Sustaining Resilience of Nuclear Power Plants to Multi-Hazards,” 2nd International Conference on Energy Materials and Fuel Cell Research, (Keynote Lecture), August 27-28, 2018, Boston, MA.
- “Periodic Materials for Dynamic Design of Energy Infrastructures,” 14th International Conference on Energy and Materials Research, (Keynote Lecture), December 6-7, 2017, Dallas, TX.
- “Satellite-based Big Data for Resilience of Critical Infrastructures subjected to Natural and Man-made Disasters,” International Conference and Exhibition on Satellite, (Keynote Lecture) Houston, Texas, August 17-19, 2015.
Conference Presentations
- Mo, Y.L., H.W. Huang, J. Wang, F.-Y. Menq, K. Stokoe, (2021). “Full-Scale Field Tests on 1D Periodic Barriers,” 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, September 13-18.
- Xu, B., J. Wang, H. Chen and Y.L. Mo, (2021) “Multiscale simulation on the mechanism of debonding defect detection for concrete-filled steel tubes with piezoelectric materials,” International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, August 18-20.
- Joshi, B., X. Shan, J. Wang, X. Yang, Y. Öz and Y. L. Mo, (2021).” Correlation of Impedance and Compressive Stress of Carbon Nanofiber Aggregates for Structural Health Monitoring,” ASCE Earth and Space Conference, Seattle, WA, April 20-23.
- Huang, H.W., J. Wang, F.-Y. Menq, Y. L. Mo and K. Stokoe, (2019). “Seismic Performance of Periodic Metamaterial Barriers,” International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-19.
- Zhou, T., J. Sawab, Y.L. Mo and T.T.C. Hsu, (2019). “Development of CSMM-Based Membrane and Shell Elements for Concrete Structures,” OpenSEES Days Eurasia, Hong Kong, June 20-21, 2019.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Nie, X., J.J. Wang, M. Tao, J. Fan, Y.L. Mo, Z. Zhang, (2020). “Experimental Study of Shear Critical Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls under Tension-Bending-Shear Combined Cyclic Load. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(5): 04020047. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002596.
- Mo, Y. L., R N. Howser, A. Gautam, S. Dhonde, and G. Song, (2020). “Temperature Sensing and Hydration Study of Carbon Nanofiber Aggregates,” ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 33(2), 04020002. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001111
- Masud, M., H. Chen, J. Sawab, H.W. Huang, B. Xu, Y. L. Mo and T. T. C. Hsu, (2020). “Performance of Non-contact Lap Splices in Geometrically Dissimilar Bridge Column to Drilled Shaft Connections”, Engineering Structures, 209: 110000. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.110000
- Chen, H., B. Xu, J. Wang, L. Luan, T.M. Zhou, X. Nie and Y.L. Mo, (2019). “Interfacial Debonding Detection for Rectangular CFST Using the MASW Method and Its Physical Mechanism Analysis at the Meso-Level,” Sensors, 19, 2778. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19122778
- Witarto, W., S.J. Wang, C.Y. Yang, J.J. Wang, Y.L. Mo, K.C. Chang, and Yu Tang, (2019). “Three-Dimensional Periodic Materials as Seismic Base Isolator for Nuclear Infrastructure,” AIP Advances 9, 045014. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5088609
Books / Book Chapters
- Mo, Y.L., A. Gautam, A., Chen, Y., Chen, J. and Joshi, B., (2019), Smart Nanoconcretes and Cement-Based Materials, Edited by M. S. Liew, P. Nguyen-Tri, T. A. Nguyen and S. Kakooei, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam/ London / New York / Tokyo.
- Mo, Y.L., Tadepalli, P.R., Hoffman, N. and Hsu, T.T.C., (2013), Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy, Edited by T.T.C. Hsu, C.L. Wu and J.L. Lin, John Wiley & Sons.
- Hsu, T.T.C. and Mo, Y.L., (2010), Unified Theory of Concrete Structures, John Wiley & Sons.
- Abdeldjelil Belarbi, Mo, Y.L., Ayoub, A. (2009), Thomas T.C. Hsu Symposium: Shear and Torsion in Concrete Structures, ACI Special Publication SP-265, American Concrete Institute, Farmington, MI, March.
- Shi, C. and Mo, Y.L. (Editors), (2007), High Performance Construction Materials, World Scientific.
- Mo, Y. L., (2005), “Reinforced Concrete Structures,” Handbook of Vibration and Shock, Edited by C. de Silva, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton / Ann Arbor /London / Tokyo.
- Issa, M. and Mo, Y.L., (Editors), (2003). Large-Scale Structural Testing, ACI Special Publication SP-211, American Concrete Institute, Farmington, MI, March.
- Mo, Y. L., (2002), “Reinforced Concrete Structures,” Chapter 13, Handbook of Earthquake Engineering, Edited by W. F. Chen and C. Scawthorn, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton / Ann Arbor /London / Tokyo.
- Mo, Y. L., (1994), Dynamic Behavior of Concrete Structures, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam/ London / New York / Tokyo, 424pp.