
Director, Hurricane Resilience Research Institute
Dr. Rifai's expertise includes ground water flow and transport modeling, risk assessment, natural attenuation, hazardous waste management and remediation, hydrology, urban storm water quality, non-point source pollution, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), water quality modeling, Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Her research has focused on modeling date and transport of pollutants in the environment, with emphasis on dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls and pathogenic pollutants in natural water systems. Recently, Dr. Rifai’s research has focused on natural hazards, compound flooding and cascading impacts of natural disasters on built and natural environments. Her studies, of late, address the convergence of environment and health with sociodemographic determinants towards community sustainability and resilience.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Govindarajan, A., A. Kiaghadi, H. S. Rifai, and A. R. Pedram, Source apportionment of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in the sediments of an urban estuary, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(2):298, doi: 10.1007/s10661-022-10878-z. 2023.
- Haces-Garcia, F., C. G. Glennie, and H. S. Rifai, Sustainability of Network Infrastructure in a Geospatial Resilience Context, Sustainability, 14(18), 11415; https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811415, 2022.
- Kiaghadi, A., H. S. Rifai, and C. N. Dawson, The presence of Superfund sites as a determinant of life expectancy in the United States, Nature Communications 12, 1947, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22249-2, 2021.
- Bi, S., A. Kiaghadi, B. C. Schultze, C. Bernier, P. B. Bedient, J. E. Padgett, H. S. Rifai, and R. J. Griffin, Simulation of potential formation of atmospheric pollution from aboveground storage tank leakage after severe storms, Atmospheric Environment, 248, 118225, 2021.
- Loveland, M., A. Kiaghadi, C. N. Dawson, H. S. Rifai, S. Misra, H. Mosser, and A. Parola, Developing a modeling framework to simulate compound flooding: When storm surge interacts with riverine flow, Frontiers in Climate,| https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2020.609610, 2021.
- Castro, C. V., and H. S. Rifai, Development and Assessment of a Web-Based National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Nature-Based Solutions and Their Social, Hydrological, Ecological and Environmental Co-Benefits, Sustainability, 13(19), 11018, https://doi.org/10.3390/su131911018, 2021.
- Kiaghadi, A., H. S. Rifai, and W. Liaw, Assessing COVID-19 risk, vulnerability and infection prevalence in communities, Plos One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241166, 2020.
- Sobel, R. S. A. Kiaghadi and H. S. Rifai, Modeling water quality impacts from hurricanes and extreme weather events in urban coastal systems using Sentinel-2 spectral data, Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 192(5): 307, doi: 10.1007/s10661-020-08291-5, 2020.
- Lee, R. E., N. H. Parker, A. M. Hallett, D. Kao, M. J. Modelska, H. Rifai, E. Soltero, and D. P. O’Connor, Stakeholder perspectives and sustainability of an integrated care model for the prevention and management of obesity: the Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD) project, Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10.1093/tbm/ibaa058, 2020.
- Kiaghadi, A., A. Govindarajan, R. Sobel, and H. S. Rifai, Environmental damage associated with severe hydrologic events: A LiDAR-based geospatial modeling approach, Natural Hazards, 103: 2711–2729, 2020.
- Abdulla, B., A. Kiaghadi, H. S. Rifai, B. Birgisson, Characterization of vulnerability of road networks to fluvial flooding using SIS network diffusion model, Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 1: 6, 13, 2020.
- Lee, R. E., D. Kao, N. H. Parker, A. M. Hallett, C. Y. Kochi, M. J. Modelska, H. S. Rifai and D. P. O’Connor, Evaluating sustainability in the Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project: the model and process, Archives of Public Health, 78 (13), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13690-020-0397-2, 2020.
- Kiaghadi, A., and H. S. Rifai, Physical and chemical quality of floodwaters in Houston following Hurricane Harvey, Environmental Science Technology., 5 (39): 4832-4840, 2019.
- Kiaghadi, A., and H. S. Rifai, Natural attenuation of indicator bacteria in coastal streams and estuarine environments, Science of the Total Environment, 677: 230-240, 2019.
- Balasubramani, A. and H. S. Rifai, Efficacy of carbon-based materials for remediating polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment, Science of the Total Environment, 644: 398-405, 2018.
- Fan, J., E. N. Sappington, H. S. Rifai, and D. F. Rodrigues, Confocal microscopy as a new real-time quantification method for oil content in produced water, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 167: 54-63, 2018.
- Sappington, E. N., and H. S. Rifai, Low-frequency electromagnetic treatment of oilfield produced water for reuse in agriculture: effect on water quality, germination, and plant growth, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(34): 34380–34391, 2018.
- Kiaghadi, A., H. S. Rifai, and D. W. Burleson, Development of a storm surge driven water quality model to simulate spills during hurricanes, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129 (2): 714-728, 2018.
- Wickramaratne. C. N., E. N. Sappington, and H. S. Rifai. Confocal laser fluorescence microscopy to measure oil concentration in produced water: Analyzing accuracy as a function of optical settings, Journal of Young Investigators, 34 (6): 39-45, 2018.
- Kiaghadi, A., R. S. Sobel, and H. S. Rifai, Modeling geothermal energy efficiency from abandoned oil and gas wells to desalinate produced water, Desalination, 414: 51-62, 2017.
- Sobel, R. S., H. S. Rifai, and T. M. Petersen, Integration of tidal prism model and HSPF for simulating indicator bacteria in coastal watersheds, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 196: 248-257, 2017.
- Burton, T. G., H. S. Rifai, Z. L. Hildenbrand, D. D. Carlton, B. E. Fontenot, and K. A. Schug, Elucidating hydraulic fracturing impacts on groundwater quality using a regional geospatial statistical modeling approach, Science of the Total Environment, 545-546: 114-126, 2016.
- Leach, H. J., D. P. O'Connor, R. J. Simpson, H. S. Rifai, S. K. Mama, and R. E. Lee, An exploratory decision tree analysis to predict cardiovascular disease risk in African American women. Health Psychology, 35(4), 397–402, 2016.
- Howell, N. L., and H. S. Rifai, PCDD/F and PCB water column partitioning examination using natural organic matter and black carbon partition coefficient models, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (7): 6322-6333, 2016.
- Hildenbrand, Z. L., D. D. Carlton, Jr., B. E. Fontenot, J. M. Meik, J. L. Walton, J. T. Taylor, J. B. Thacker, S. Korlie, C. P. Shelor, D. Henderson, A. F. Kadjo, C. E. Roelke, P. F. Hudak, T. Burton, H. S. Rifai, and K. A. Schug, A comprehensive analysis of groundwater quality in the Barnett Shale region, Environmental Science Technology, 49 (13): 8254–8262, 2015.
- Howell, N. L., and H. S. Rifai, Longitudinal Estimates of Sediment-Water Diffusive Flux of PCB Congeners in the Houston Ship Channel, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 164: 19-27, 2015.
- Lee, R. E., A. M. Hallett, N. H. Parker, D. Kao, M. J. Modelska, H. S. Rifai, D. P. O'Connor, Physical activity policies in Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD) communities, Health Behavior and Policy Review, 4(12): 284-295, 2015.
- Burleson, D. W., H. S. Rifai, J. K. Proft, C. N. Dawson, P. B. Bedient Vulnerability of an industrial corridor in Texas to storm surge, Natural Hazards, 77(2): 1183-1203, 2015.
- Rasheed, H. M., B. R. Clark, H. H. Mahdi, H. S. Rifai, and H. J. Al-Shukri, Simulations of potential future conditions in the Cache Critical Groundwater Area, Arkansas, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 21(1): 1–19, 2015.
- Lee, R. E., A. M. Hallett, N. H. Parker, O. Kudia, D. Kao, M. Modelska, H. Rifai, and D. P. O’Connor. Development of the policy indicator checklist: A tool to identify and measure policies for calorie-dense foods and sugar-sweetened beverages across multiple settings, American Journal of Public Health, 105(5): 1036-1043, 2015.
- O'Connor D. P., R. E. Lee, P. Mehta, D. Thompson, A. Bhargava, C. Carlson, D. Kao, C. S. Layne, T. Ledoux, T. O'Connor, H. S. Rifai, L. Gulley, A. M. Hallett, O. Kudia, S. Joseph, M. J. Modelska, D. Ortega, N. H. Parker, A. Stevens, and the EC-CORD (BETTER Policies) Team. Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project: cross-site evaluation methods, Childhood Obesity, 11(1): 92-103, 2015.
- Sappington, E. N., A. Balasubramani , and H. S. Rifai, Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in municipal and industrial effluents, Chemosphere, 133: 82-89, 2015.
- Balasubramani, A., and H. S. Rifai, Occurrence and distribution of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p -dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in industrial and domestic sewage sludge, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(19), 14801-14808, 2015.
- Beless, B., H. S. Rifai, and D. F. Rodrigues, Efficacy of carbonaceous materials for sorbing Polychlorinated Biphenyls from aqueous solution, Environmental Science Technology, 48 (17): 10372–10379, 2014.
- Balasubramani, A., N. L. Howell, and H. S. Rifai, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in industrial and municipal Effluents: Concentrations, Congener Profiles, and Partitioning onto Particulates and Organic Carbon, Science of the Total Environment, 473-474: 702-713, 2014.
- Desai, A. M., and H. S. Rifai, E. coli concentrations in urban watersheds exhibit diurnal sag: Implications for water quality monitoring and assessment, Journal of American Water Resources Association, 49(4): 766-779, 2013.
- Rifai, H. S., D. Lakshmanan, and M. P. Suarez, Mass balance modeling to elucidate historical and continuing sources of dioxin into an urban estuary, Chemosphere, 93(3): 480-486, 2013.
- Howell, N. L., D. Lakshmanan, H. S. Rifai, and L. Koenig, PCB dry and wet weather concentration and load comparisons in Houston-Area urban channels, Science of the Total Environment, 409(10): 1867-88, 2011.
- Howell, N. L., H. S. Rifai, and L. Koenig, Comparative distribution, sourcing, and chemical behavior of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in an estuary environment, Chemosphere, 83(6): 873-881, 2011.
- Petersen, T. M., H. S. Rifai, and R. Stein, Modeling Escherichia coli and its sources in an urban bayou with Hydrologic Simulation Program in Fortran (HSPF), ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137(6): 487-504, 2011.
- Desai, A. M., H. S. Rifai, T. M. Petersen, and R. Stein, Mass balance and water quality modeling for load allocation of Escherichia coli in an urban watershed, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 137(5): 412-428, 2011.
- Desai, A. M., and H. S. Rifai, Variability of Escherichia coli concentrations in an urban watershed in Texas, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 136(12), 1347-1359, 2010.
- Lakshmanan, D., N. L. Howell, H. S. Rifai, and L. Koenig, Spatial and Temporal Variation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Houston Ship Channel, Chemosphere, 80(2); pp. 100-112, 2010.
- Dean, K., M. P. Suarez, H. S. Rifai, R. M. Palachek and L. Koenig, Bioaccumulation of Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans in Catfish and Crabs along an Estuarine Salinity and Contamination Gradient, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28(11), 2307-2317, 2010.
- Desai, A., H. S. Rifai, E. Helfer, N. Moreno, and R. Stein, Statistical Investigations into Indicator Bacteria Concentrations in Houston Metropolitan Watersheds, Water Environment Federation, (Accepted, 2009).
- Petersen, T. M., H. S. Rifai, and R. Stein, Bacteria Load Estimator Spreadsheet Tool (BLEST) for Modeling Spatial Escherichia coli Loads to an Urban Bayou, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(4): 203-217, 2009.
- Howell, N., M. P. Suarez, H. S. Rifai, and L. Koenig, Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Water, Sediment, and Aquatic Biota in the Houston Ship Channel, Texas, Chemosphere, 70(4), 593-606, 2008.
- Yeager, K. M., Santschi, P. H., H. S. Rifai, M. P. Suarez, R. Brinkmeyer, C-C. Hung, K. Schindler, M. Andres, and E. Weaver, Dioxin Chronology and Fluxes in Sediments of the Houston Ship Channel, Texas: Influences of Non-Steady State Sediment Transport and Total Organic Carbon, Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 5291-5298, 2007.
- Ling, M., and H. S. Rifai, Modeling Natural Attenuation with Source Control at a Dry-Cleaner Site, Groundwater Monitoring Review and Remediation, 27 #1, 108-121, 2007.
- Suarez, M. P., H. S. Rifai, J. Schimek, M. Bloom, P. Jensen, and L. Koenig, Dioxin in Stormwater Runoff in Houston, TX, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 132, #12, 1633-1643, 2006.
- Petersen, T., M. P. Suarez, H. S. Rifai, P. Jensen, Y-C. Su, and R. Stein, Status and Trends of Fecal Coliform Indicator Bacteria in Two Urban Watersheds, Water Environment Research, v78,#12, 2340-2355, 2006.
- LaWare, P. and H. S. Rifai, Modeling Fecal Coliform Contamination from Non Point Sources in the Rio Grande, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v42, #2, 337-356, 2006.
- Correa, O. E., L. Raun, H. S. Rifai, M. P. Suarez, T. Holsen, and L. Koenig, Depositional Flux of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans in an Urban Setting, Chemosphere, 64, 1550-1561, 2006.
- Hausman, S., and H. S. Rifai, Modeling Remediation Time Using Natural Attenuation at a Dry Cleaner Site, Remediation, vol 16, No. 1, 5-31, 2005.
- Suarez, M. P., H. S. Rifai, R. Palachek, K. Dean, and L. Koenig, Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p- Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Houston Ship Channel Tissue and Sediment, Environmental Engineering Science, vol 2, No. 6, 891-906, 2005.
- Suarez, M. P., H. S. Rifai, R. Palachek, K. Dean, and L. Keonig, Distribution of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Suspended Sediments, Dissolved Phase and Bottom Sediment in the Houston Ship Channel, Chemosphere, vol 62, No.3, 417-429, 2005.
- Petersen, T., H. S. Rifai, M. P. Suarez, and R. Stein, Bacteria Loads from Point and Non-Point Sources in an Urban Watershed, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 131, No. 10, 1414-1425, 2005.
- Raun, L., O. Correa, O., H. Rifai, M. Suarez and L. Koenig, Statistical Investigation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-pdioxins and Dibenzofurans in the Ambient Air of Houston, Texas, Chemosphere, 60:973-989, 2005.
- Ling, M., H. S. Rifai, and C. J. Newell, Optimizing Long-Term Monitoring Networks Using Delaunay Triangulation Spatial Analysis Techniques, Environmetrics, 16:635-657, 2005.
- Rifai, H. S., and T. Rittaler, Modeling Natural Attenuation of BTEX with Analytical and Numerical Models, Biodegradation, 16 (4): 291-304, 2005.
- Ling, M. H. S. Rifai, J. J. Aziz, C. J. Newell, J. R. Gonzales, and J. M. Santillan, Strategies and Decision-Support Tools for optimizing Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Plans-MAROS 2.0, Bioremediation Journal, vol. 8, 3-4, 109-128, 2004.
- Correa, O. H. S. Rifai, L. Raun, M. P. Suarez, and L. Koenig, Concentrations and Vapor-Particle Partitioning of Polychlorinated Di-benzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Ambient Air of Houston, TX, Atmospheric Environment, 38: 6687-6699, 2004.
- Suarez, M. P., H. S. Rifai, T. J. Rittaler, and S. Hausman, Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvent Plumes at Texas Dry-Cleaners, Remediation, v. 14, No. 3, 7 – 31, 2004.
- Mehdizadeh, F. and H. S. Rifai, Modeling Point Source Plumes at High Altitudes Using a Modified Industrial Source Complex Model, Atmospheric Environment, 38, 821-831, 2004.
- Fiorenza, S. and H. S. Rifai, Review of MTBE Biodegradation and Bioremediation, Bioremediation Journal, 7(1):1-35, 2003.
- Aziz, J. J., M. Ling, H. S. Rifai, C. J. Newell, and J. R. Gonzales, MAROS: a Decision Support System for Optimizing Monitoring Plans, Ground Water, v41, No. 3, 355-367, 2003.
- Ling, M., Rifai, H. S., Newell, C. J., Aziz, J. J. and Gonzales, J. R., Groundwater Monitoring Plans at Small Scale Sites–An Innovative Spatial and Temporal Methodology, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, vol. 5, No. 1, 126-134, 2003.
- Fiorenza, S., M. P. Suarez and H. S. Rifai, MTBE in Groundwater: Status and Remediation, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 128, No. 9, 773 – 781, 2002.
- Suarez, M. P. and H. S. Rifai, Evaluation of BTEX Remediation by Natural Attenuation at a Coastal Facility, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 22(1):62-77, 2002.
- Suarez, M. P. and H. S. Rifai, Modeling Natural Attenuation of Total BTEX and Benzene Plumes with Different Kinetics, Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 24(3):53-68, 2002.
- Rifai, H. S., P. B. Bedient, and G. L. Shorr, Monitoring Hazardous Waste Sites: Characterization and Remediation Considerations, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2(3): 199-212, 2000.
- Rifai, H. S., C. J. Newell, J. R. Gonzales, and J. T. Wilson, Modeling Natural Attenuation of Fuels with BIOPLUME III, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 126(5): 428-438, 2000.
- Rifai, H. S., S. M. Brock, K. B. Ensor, and P. B. Bedient, Determination of Low-Flow Characteristics for Texas Streams, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning, 126(5): 310- 319, 2000.
- Hopkins, L. P., K. B. Ensor and H. S. Rifai, Empirical Evaluation of Ambient Ozone Interpolation Procedures to Support Exposure Models, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, v. 49: 839-846, 1999.
- Suarez, M. P. and H. S. Rifai, Biodegradation Rates for Fuel Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater, Bioremediation Journal, 3(4): 337-362, 1999.
- Rifai, H. S., L. A. Hendricks, K. Kilborn, and P. B. Bedient, A Geographical Information System (GIS) User Interface for Delineating Wellhead Protection Areas, Ground Water, 31(3): 480- 488, 1993.
- Bedient, P. B., and H. S. Rifai, Ground Water Contaminant Modeling for Bioremediation: A Review, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 32:225-243, 1992.
- Rifai, H. S., and P. B. Bedient, Comparison of Biodegradation Kinetics with an Instantaneous Reaction Model for Groundwater, Water Resources Research, 26 (4), 637-645, 1990.
- Rifai, H. S., P. B. Bedient, J. T. Wilson, K. M. Miller, and J. M. Armstrong, Biodegradation Modeling at Aviation Fuel Spill Site, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 114 (5), 1007-1029, 1988.
- Govindarajan, A., M. Crum, J. Adolacion, A. Kiaghadi, E. Acuna-Gonzales, H. S. Rifai, and R. C. Willson, Sediment and their bacterial communities in an industrialized estuary after Hurricane Harvey, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 175: 113359, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113359, 2022.
- Kiaghadi, A., H. S. Rifai, M. Crum, and R. C. Willson, Longitudinal patterns in sediment type and quality during daily flow regimes and following natural hazards in an urban estuary: A Hurricane Harvey retrospective, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 29(5): 7514-7531, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15912-0, 2022.
- Kiaghadi, A., O. E. Adepoju, H. S. Rifai, W. Liaw, and L. D. Woodard, Examining longitudinal disparities in COVID-19 prevalence in the U.S.: a county level growth rate perspective, Annals of Medicine, 54(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/07853890.2022.2069852, 2022.
Books / Book Chapters
- Bedient, P. B., H. S. Rifai, and C. J. Newell, Textbook: Ground Water Contamination: Transport and Remediation, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 604 p., 1999.
- Weidemeier, T. H., H. S. Rifai, C. J. Newell and J. T. Wilson, Textbook: Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface, John Wiley and Sons, NY, NY, 617 p., 1999.
- Bedient, P. B., H. S. Rifai, and C. J. Newell, Textbook: Ground Water Contamination: Transport and Remediation, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 541 p., 1994.