
Dr. Joseph W. Tedesco, Ph.D., P.E., Fellow ASCE
Office Location 4302 University Dr., Ezekiel W. Cullen RM 202, Houston, TX 77204-2019
Phone 713-743-4207 | Fax 713-743-4214
Email jtedesco [at] uh.edu
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Lehigh University, 1982
M.S. Civil Engineering, Tufts University, 1974
B. S. Civil Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1971
Professional Experience
2008–2023: Elizabeth D. Rockwell Dean, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas
2008–Present: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX
2000–2007: Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
1992–2000: Professor of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
1987–1992: Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
1984–1987: Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
1982–1984: Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
1979–1982: Instructor in Civil Engineering Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1976–1979: Research Assistant in Civil Engineering Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1974–1976: Structural Engineer, United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts; Part-Time Instructor, Boston Architectural Center, Boston, Massachusetts
1971–1972: Structural Engineer, Souza and True, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Cambridge Massachusetts
Awards & Honors
1986 Outstanding Professor in Civil Engineering, Auburn University
1983 Loyd M. Carter Award, presented annually to the outstanding teacher in the College of Engineering, Oregon State University
Honor Societies
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society
Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society
Professional Memberships
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
Seismological Society of America (SSA)
Structural Engineers Institute (SEI)
Other Awards and Honors
U.S. Air Force Research Fellow, 1985, 1987, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
Honorary President, Fritz Engineering Research Society, Lehigh University, 1987-1988
Gottlieb Professorship, Auburn University, 1992-1997
Structural Engineering Institute, Charter Member, 2000
America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals, 2003
Florida Engineering Leadership Institute, 2006
- American Society of Civil Engineers,Education Committee, Technical Committee on Computing Practices (1985-1990)
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on the State of the Art of Computer Technology, Technical Committee on Computing Practices (1986-1991)
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Technical Committee onPipeline Planning, Pipeline Division (1986-1990)
- American Concrete Institute, Technical Committee 357, Offshore Structures (1986-1997)
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Blast, Shock and Vibratory Effects, Control Group Member (1998-2003); Chairman (2000-2003)
- American Society Of Civil Engineers, Subcommittee On Physical Security (2003-present)
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Technical Activities Committee (TAC) for Dynamics Effects; Chairman (2003-2006)
- American Concrete Institute, Technical Committee 370, Short Duration Dynamics and Vibratory Load Effects, (1997-present)
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Task Committee on Faculty Licensure, (2003-Present)
- American society of Civil Engineers, Standards Committee, Blast Protection for Buildings (2004-Present)
- Managing Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2000-2003
- Senior Managing Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2003-present
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Computers and Structures, 1998-present
Research Interests
Dr. Tedesco's current research interests include finite element modeling of structures, response of structures to dynamic loads, repair of concrete structures with FRP, and wave propagation in elastic and inelastic media high strain rate effects on materials and structures.
Sponsored Research / Research Grant
“Development of Numerical Models for Studying the Performance of Topologically Controlled Lightweigt Armor Systems”, 2006-2008, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, VA. $602,647 (Principal Investigator)
“Structural Systems Analysis and Design”, 2006-2009, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Fl, $313,667 (Principal Investigator)
“Center for Infrastructure Protection and Physical security”, 2005-2008, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), Vicksburg, MS, $2,500,000. (Principal Investigator)
“University Consortium for Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction”, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Washington, D.C., 2004-2008, $51,000,000. (Principal Investigator, UF).
“Repair of the University Boulevard Bridge with Spray-on FRP”, 2002-2004, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., $350,000. (Principal Investigator).
“Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program, 2000-2002, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., $299,400. (Principal Investigator)
“Physical Testing and Numerical Modeling of A-Jacks Concrete Armor Units”, 1998-2000, Lee Brick and Block Products, Inc., Hopkinsville, KY, $120,557 (Principal Investigator).
"Rehabilitation of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge Using FRP Laminates," 1995-1997, Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, and Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., $238,313 (Principal Investigator).
"Fatigue of Diaphram-Girder Connections," 1993-1995, Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, and Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., $695,362 (Co-Principal Investigator).
"Strength Enhancement of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP)," 1994, Wright Laboratories, Air Base Systems Branch, Tyndall AFB, FL, $27,000 (Principal Investigator).
"High Strain-Rate Concrete Material Model," 1992-1994, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, $195,582 (Principal Investigator).
"Physical Model Tests of Dolos Impact Stresses," 1991-1993, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, $504,489 (Principal Investigator).
"Strain-Rate Effects on Construction Materials," 1991, U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, $57,909 (Principal Investigator).
"Wave Propagation in Shock Resistant Materials," 1990-1991, U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, $113,964 (Principal Investigator).
"Dynamic Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," 1989-1990, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, $12,000 (Principal Investigator).
"Numerical Simulation of the Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar," 1988-1989, U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, $69,972 (Principal Investigator).
"Numerical Simulation of Dolos Drop Tests," 1988-1989, Cray Research, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, $20,000 (Principal Investigator).
"Prototype Study of the Crescent City California Breakwater," 1988, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, $31,800 (Principal Investigator).
"Wave Propagation in Layered Systems," 1987-1988, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., $19,950 (Principal Investigator).
"Stress Analysis of Dolos Armor Units," 1987, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, $28,381 (Principal Investigator).
"Pressure Waves in Foam and Foam-Sand Specimens," 1987, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., $8,870 (Principal Investigator).
"Analysis of Layered Structures to Resist Blast Effects of Conventional Weapons," 1986-1987, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., $19,941 (Principal Investigator).
"Dynamic Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," 1986, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, $21,708 (Principal Investigator).
"Investigation of Novel Structures for Protective Military Shelters," 1985, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., $8,090 (Principal Investigator).
“Dynamic Response of Deep Ocean Pipelines," 1984-1985, Engineering Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, $15,500 (Principal Investigator).
"High Strength Welded Wire Fabric for Shear Reinforcement," 1983-1984, Far West Steel Corporation, Eugene, OR, $3,000 (Principal Investigator).
"Dynamic Analysis of Deep-Ocean Pipelines," 1983-1984, American Gas Association, Houston, TX, $35,000 (Co-Principal Investigator).
- “Progressive Collapse of Multi-Story Steel Framed Structures”, invited presentation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, January, 2007.
- “Recent Innovations in Transportation Infrastructure Research”, invited presentation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, May 2005.
- “Guidelines for the Design of Concrete Structures for Blast Effects: Material Characteristics”, invited presentation, ACI Spring 2005 Convention, New York, NY, April, 2005.
- “Response of AJACKS Concrete Armor Units to Wave-Induced Forces”, Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 17-20, 2003.
- “Impact Stresses in AJACKS Concrete Armor Units”, First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, keynote paper Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 12-15, 2001.
- “ASCE Technology Transfer Activities for Blast Resistant Design”, invited presentation, Workshop on Protecting Buildings and People from Bomb Damage, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. November 2000.
- “A Strain Rate Dependent Constitutive Model for Concrete”, invited presentation, ACI Fall 2000 Convention, Toronto, Canada, October, 2000.
- “Hydraulic and Structural Stability of Concrete Armor Units”, Plenary Lecture, The Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Leuven, Belgium, September, 2000.
- “On Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Including Impact”, invited presentation, M.I.T. Chautaugua on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 2000.
- “Finite Element Analysis of a Concrete Bridge Repaired with Fiber Reinforced Plastic Laminates”, 12th Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1999.
- “Structural Analysis of AJACKS Concrete Armor Units”, invited presentation, Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, Long Beach, CA, February 1999.
- “Fiber Reinforced Plastics Applications in the State of Alabama”,, invited presentation, Fiber Reinforced Polymers Composite Materials Seminar, Federal Highway Administration, Region 4, Atlanta, GA, September 1998.
- “High Velocity Penetration into Layered Grout Targets”, invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, September 1998.
- “Physical Testing and Numerical Modeling of AJACKS Concrete Armor Units”, invited presentation, Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers, Long Beach, CA, April 1998.
- “High Velocity Penetration of Layered Concrete Targets”, invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Armament Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, September 1997.
- “Strain-Rate Dependent Constitutive Equations for Concrete”, The 1997 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Orlando, FL, July 1997.
- “A Strain-Rate Dependent Concrete Material Model for ADINA”, Eleventh Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1997.
- “Bridge Rehabilitation in the State of Alabama Using Fiber Reinforced Plastics”, invited presentation, Fiber Reinforced Polymers Composite Materials Seminar, Federal Highway Administration, Atlanta, GA, May 1997.
- “Rehabilitation of a Concrete Bridge Using FRP Laminates”, Fourth ASCE Materials Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., November 1996.
- “Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics for Rehabilitation of the Infrastructure”, invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Armament Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, FL, September 1996.
- “Structural Considerations in Armor Unit Design”, invited presentation, Ocean Engineering Seminar Series, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, February 1996.
- “Rehabilitation of a Concrete Bridge Using Fiber Reinforced Plastics”, Thirty Ninth Annual Transportation Conference, Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, February 1996.
- “Finite Element Method Analysis of Bridge Girder-Diaphragm Interaction”, Tenth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1995.
- "Load Rate Effects on Concrete Compressive Strength," ASCE Structures Congress XII, Atlanta, GA, April 25, 1994.
- "Numerical Analysis of High Strain Rate Splitting-Tension Tests," Ninth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1993.
- "Dynamic Response of Dolos Armor Units to Pendulum Impact Loads," Ninth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1993.
- "Load Rate Effects on Concrete Compressive Strength," Sixth International Symposium on the Interaction of Nonnuclear Munitions with Structures, Panama City Beach, FL, May 1993.
- "Dynamic Tensile Strength of Concrete," invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, July 1992.
- "Strain-Rate Effects on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Concrete," Sixteenth Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Nashville, TN, April 1992.
- "Effects of Strain-Rate on Concrete Strength," American Concrete Institute Spring Convention, Washington, D.C., March 1992.
- "Strain Rate Effects on Concrete Strength," invited presentation, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, August 1991.
- "Numerical Simulation of Dolos Drop Tests," Eighth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 1991.
- "Numerical Analysis of High Strain-Rate Concrete Direct Tension Tests," Eighth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 1991.
- "Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Splitting - Tensile and Direct Tension Tests," invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Engineering Services Center, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, May 1990.
- "Noise Mitigation Study of the 120 mm M-1 Tank Gun," invited presentation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Lab, Champaign, IL, March 1990.
- "Response of Dolos Concrete Armor Units to Impact Loads," invited presentation, ASCE Conference on Stresses in Concrete Armor Units, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, November 1989.
- "Response of Prestressed Concrete Armor Units to Pulsating Loads," invited presentation, ASCE Conference on Stresses in Concrete Armor Units, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, November 1989.
- "Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Split-Cylinder Tests," Seventh Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, August 1989.
- "Wave Propagation Through Layered Systems," Seventh Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, August 1989.
- "Inelastic Analysis of Dynamic Split Cylinder Tests," Fourth International Symposium on the Interaction of Conventional Munitions with Structures, Panama City, FL, April 1989.
- "Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Deep-Ocean Bottom-Laid Pipelines," invited presentation, Ocean Structural Dynamics Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, September 1988.
- "Stress Wave Propagation in Layered Media," invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, August 1988.
- "Structural Response of Dolos in Waves," ASCE 21st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Malaga, Spain, June 1988.
- "Pressure Waves in Foam and Foam-Sand Samples," invited presentation, U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, September 1987.
- "Dynamic Response of Dolos Armor Units," Sixth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1987.
- "Dynamic Response of Layered Structures Subject to Blast Effects of Nonnuclear Weaponry," Sixth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1987.
- "Dynamic Analysis of Layered Structures," Third International Symposium on the Interaction of Non-nuclear Munitions with Structures, Manheim, Germany, March 1987.
- "Marine Pipeline Stability," invited presentation, Fritz Engineering Research Society 50th Anniversary, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, August 1986.
- "Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Armor Units Subject to Wave Impact," ASCE Ninth Conference on Electronic Computation, Birmingham, AL, February 1986.
- "Dynamic Stress Analysis of Layered Structures," invited presentation U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, September 1985.
- "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," Fifth Conference on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 1985.
- "Use of Welded Wire Fabric for Shear Reinforcement in Concrete Beams," Alabama Section, ASCE, Spring Meeting, Auburn, AL, May 1985.
- "Nonlinear Finite Element Method Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," invited presentation, Ocean Engineering Seminar, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, February 1985.
- "Dynamic Stress Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," invited presentation, Workshop on Measurement and Analysis of Structural Response in Concrete Armor Units, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, January 1985.
- "A Finite Element Algorithm for the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Deep-Ocean Pipelines," Twelfth Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Calloway Gardens, GA, May 1984.
- "AGAPIPE -- A Finite Element Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Bottom - Laid Deep-Ocean Pipelines," ASCE Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, San Diego, CA, April 1984.
- "Nonlinear Transient Response of Deep-Ocean Pipelines," ASCE Conference on Pipelines in Adverse Environments, San Diego, CA, November 1983.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Tedesco, J.W. and Kostem, C.N., "Rapid Calculation of Mode Participation Factors for Circular Cylindrical Shells," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 509-515, 1985.
- Tedesco, J.W. and McDougal, W.G., "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 189-201, 1985.
- *Zimmerman, M., Hudspeth, R.T., Leonard, J.W., Tedesco, J.W., and Borgman, L., "Dynamic Behavior of Deep Ocean Pipelines," ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 183-199, 1986.
- Tedesco, J.W., Kostem, C.N., and Kalnins, A., "Free Vibration Analysis of Circular Cylindrical Shells," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 677-685, 1987.
- *Landis, D.W., "Dynamic Response of Layered Structures Subject to Blast Effects of Non-Nuclear Weaponry," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 79-86, 1987.
- Tedesco, J.W., McDougal, W.G.,*Melby, J.A., and McGill, P.B., "Dynamic Response of Dolos Armor Units," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 67-77, 1987.
- Tedesco, J.W., Kostem, C.N., and Kalnins, A., "Free Vibration Analysis of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 957-964, 1987.
- McDougal, W.G.,*Melby, J.A., and Tedesco, J.W., "Wave Forces on Concrete Armor Units," ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 114, No. 5, pp. 582-598, 1988.
- Tedesco, J.W., *Landis, D.W., and Kostem, C.N., "Seismic Analysis of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 1165-1174, 1989.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., and *Brunair, R., "Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Split Cylinder Tests," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 609-624, 1989.
- Tedesco, J.W. and *Landis, D.W., "Wave Propagation Through Layered Systems," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 625-638, 1989.
- Ross, C.A., Thompson, P.Y., and Tedesco, J.W., "Split-Hopkinson-Pressure-Bar Tests on Concrete and Mortar in Tension and Compression," ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 475-481, 1989.
- Tedesco, J.W. and *Lee, J. Stewart, "Marine Pipeline Stability," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 976-989, 1990.
- Tedesco, J.W. and *McGill, P.B., "Solution of Natural Convection in a 3-D Cavity by the Finite Element Method," Supercomputer, Vol. VIII, No. 5, pp. 38-44, 1990.
- Tedesco, J.W., *McGill, P.B., and McDougal, W.G., "Response of Prestressed Concrete Armor Units to Pulsating Loads," Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 175-189, 1991.
- Tedesco, J.W., *Rosson, B.T., and McDougal, W.G., "Numerical Simulation of Dolos Drop Tests," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 243-255, 1991.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A.,* McGill, P.B., and *O'Neil, B.P., "Numerical Analysis of High Strain Rate Concrete Direct Tension Tests," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 313-327, 1991.
- Tedesco, J.W., *McGill, P.B., and McDougal, W.G., "Response of Dolos Concrete Armor Units to Impact Loads," ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 4, pp. 286-291, 1991.
- *Rosson, B.T. and Tedesco, J.W., "Dynamic Response of Dolos Armor Units to Drop Test Impact Loads," Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 573-599, 1992.
- Tedesco, J.W., *Rosson, B.T., and Melby, J.A., "Static Stresses in Dolos Concrete Armor Units," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 733-743, 1992.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., and *Kuennen, S.T., "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of High Strain-Rate Splitting-Tensile Tests," ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 90, No. 2, pp. 162-169, 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., and *Kuennen, S.T., "Strain-Rate Effects on the Compressive Strength of Shock Mitigating Foams," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 165, No. 2, pp. 376-384, 1993.
- *Hughes, M.L., Tedesco, J.W., and Ross, C.A., "Numerical Analysis of High Strain Rate Splitting-Tension Tests," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 653-671, 1993.
- *Rosson, B.T. and Tedesco, J.W., "Dynamic Response of Dolos Armor Units to Pendulum Impact Loads," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 641-652, 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W.,*Hughes, M.L., and Ross, C.A., "Numerical Simulation of High Strain Rate Concrete Compression Tests," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 65-77, 1994.
- Ross, C.A., Tedesco, J.W., and *Kuennen, S.T., "Effects of Strain Rate on Concrete Strength," ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 37-47, 1995.
- Tedesco, J.W., Stallings, J.M., and *Tow, D.R., "Finite Element Method Analysis of Bridge Girder-Diaphragm Interaction," Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 461-473, 1995.
- Ross, C.A., Tedesco, J.W., Jerome, D.M., and * Hughes, M.L., "Moisture and Strain Rate Effects on Concrete Strength," ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 93, No.3, pp 293-300, 1996.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., *Powell, J.C. and *Hughes, M.L., “A Strain Rate Dependent Concrete Material Model for ADINA”, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vo. l 64, No. 5, pp. 1053-1067, 1997.
- Stallings, J.M., Cousins, T.E. and Tedesco, J.W., “Fatigue of Diaphragm-Girder Connections”, Transportation Research Record, No. 1594, pp. 34-41, 1997.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Ross, C.A., “Strain-Rate Dependent Constitutive Equations for Concrete”, ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 120, No. 4, pp. 398-405, 1998.
- Ross, C.A., Tedesco, J.W., Jerome, D.M., and *Hughes, M.L., “Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally Bonded Composite Laminates”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 96, No.2, pp. 212-220, 1999.
- *El-Mihilmy, M. and Stallings, J.M., “Finite Element Method Analysis of a Concrete Bridge Strengthened with FRP Laminates”, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 379-408, 1999.
- Stallings, J.M., Tedesco, J.W., *El-Mihilmy, M. and *McCauley, M., “Field Performance of FRP Bridge Repairs”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 107-113, 2000.
- *El-Mihilmy, M. and Tedesco, J.W., “Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Laminates”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering., Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 684-691, 2000.
- *El-Mihilmy, M. and Tedesco, J.W., “Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Plates”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 97, No.5, pp. 679-688, 2000.
- *El-Mihilmy, M. and Tedesco, J.W., “Prediction of Anchorage Failure for Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Plates”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol 98, No.3, pp 301-314, 2001.
- Tedesco, J.W., Mcdougal, W.G., Bloomquist, D., and Consolazio, G., “Response of Concrete Armor Units to Wave-Induced Impact”, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 81, pp 963-981, 2003.
- Tedesco, J.W., McDougal, W.G., Wise, L.A., and Bloomquist, D., “Response of Concrete Armor Units to Wave-Induced Hydrodynamic Loads”, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 81, pp 983-984, 2003.
- *Graduate Student Advisee
Books / Book Chapters
- Tedesco, J.W.,Walczak, J., Advances in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics: A Special Issue in Honor of Klaus-Jurgen Bathe, Elsevier Science Ltd., ISSN 0045-7949, 655pp., 2003.
- Tedesco, J.W. and McDougal, W.G., “Hydraulic and Structural Stability of Concrete Armor Units” Chapter 18, Computational Mechanics for the Twenty-First Century, B.H.V. Toping, ed., Saxe-Coburg Publications, ISBN 1-874672-13-x, pp. 353-378, 2000.
- Tedesco, J.W., McDougal, W.G. and Ross, C.A., Structural Dynamics: Theory and Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN 0-673-98052-9, 816pp., 1999 (http://www.structural-dynamics.com)
- Tedesco, J.W., Solutions Manual for Structural Dynamics: Theory and Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN 0673-97411-1, 590pp., 1999.
- Tedesco, J.W., Editor, Computer Aided Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, ASCE, ISBN 0-87262-583-4, 102pp, 1987
- McDougal, W.G., *Melby, J.A., and Tedesco, J.W., “Wave Forces on Concrete Armor Units”. Computer Aided Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, J.W. Tedesco, ed., ASCE, ISN 0-87262-583-4, pp. 1-21, 1987
Conference Proceedings / Technical Papers Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Kostem, C.N. and Tedesco, J.W., "On the Accuracy of the Finite Element Analysis of the Vibration Characteristics of Shallow Cylindrical Tanks," Proceedings of the World Congress on Shell and Spatial Structures, Madrid, Spain, September 1979, Vol. 1, pp. 2.33-2.43.
- Kostem, C.N. and Tedesco, J.W., "Vibrational Characteristics of Shallow Cylindrical Tanks," Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, Part II, Structural Aspects, Vol. 5, September 1980, pp. 117-120.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Kostem, C.N., "A Finite Element Investigation of the Effects of Support Conditions on the Vibrational Characteristics of Cylindrical Tanks," Proceedings of the International Conference on Finite Element Analysis, Shanghai, China, 1982, pp. 327-336.
- *Zimmerman, M., Tedesco, J.W., Leonard, J.W., Hudspeth, R.T., and Borgman, L., "Nonlinear Transient Response of Deep-Ocean Pipelines," Proceedings of the Conference on Pipelines in Adverse Environments, ASCE, San Diego, California, November 14-18, 1983, pp. 223-232.
- Tedesco, J.W.,* Zimmerman, M., and Leonard, J.W., "Agapipe--A Finite Element Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Bottom-Laid Deep-Ocean Pipelines," Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, San Diego, California, April 2-6, 1984, pp. 177-189.
- Tedesco, J.W.,* Zimmerman, M., and Leonard, J., "A Finite Element Algorithm for the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Deep-Ocean Pipelines," Proceedings of the Twelfth Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Calloway Gardens, Georgia, May 10-11, 1984, Vol. II, pp. 351-357.
- Tedesco, J.W. and McDougal, W.G., "Dynamic Stress Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," Proceedings of the Workshop on Measurement and Analysis of Structural Response in Concrete Armor Units, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CERC, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, January 23-24, 1985, pp. 289-314.
- Tedesco, J.W. and McDougal, W.G., "Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Armor Units Subject to Wave Impact," Proceedings of the Ninth Conference in Electronic Computation, ASCE, Birmingham, AL, February 23-26, 1986, pp. 77-88.
- Tedesco, J.W., Hayes, J.R., and *Landis, D.W., "Dynamic Analysis of Layered Structures," Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Interaction of Non-nuclear Munitions With Structures, Mannheim, W. Germany, March 9-13, 1987, Vol. I, pp. 34-43.
- McDougal, W.G., *Melby, J.A., and Tedesco, J.W., “Wave Forces on Concrete Armor Units”, Computer Aided Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems, J.W. Tedesco, editor, ASCE, New York, NY, April 1987, pp. 1-21.
- Tedesco, J.W., McGill, P.B., *Melby, J.A., and McDougal, W.G., "Structural Response of Dolos in Waves," Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Malaga, Spain, June 20-25, 1988, Vol. III, pp. 2445-2454.
- Tedesco, J.W., and * Lee, J.S., "Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Bottom-Laid Deep Ocean Pipelines - A Parametric Study," Ocean Structural Dynamics Symposium '88, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, Sept. 13-14, pp. 310-322.
- Tedesco, J.W., *Brunair, R.M., and Ross, C.A., "Inelastic Analysis of the Dynamic Split Cylinder Tests," Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Interaction of Non-nuclear Munitions with Structures, Panama City Beach, Florida, April 17-21, 1989, Vol. I, pp. 309-314.
- Tedesco, J.W., *McGill, P.B., and McDougal, W.G., "Response of Prestressed Concrete Armor Units to Pulsating Loads," Stresses in Concrete Armor Units, ASCE, 1990, New York, NY, pp. 216-239.
- Tedesco, J.W.,*McGill, P.B., and McDougal, W.G., "Response of Dolos Concrete Armor Units to Impact Loads," Stresses in Concrete Armor Units, ASCE, 1990, New York, NY, pp. 379-412.
- McDougal, W.G., Melby, J.A., *Rosson, B.T., and Tedesco, J.W., "An Analytical Investigation of Static Stresses in Dolosse," Stresses in Concrete Armor Units, ASCE, 1990, New York, NY, pp. 275-292.
- Ross, C.A., *Kuennen, S.T., and Tedesco, J.W., "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of High Strain-Rate Concrete Tensile Tests," Micromechanics of Failure of Quasi-Brittle Materials, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., 1990, New York, NY, pp. 353-369.
- *Kuennen, S.T., Ross, C.A. and Tedesco, J.W., “Strain Rate Effects on the Compressive Testing of Foams”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Interation of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Mannheim, Germany, April 22-26, 1991, Vol. I, pp. 215-223.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., and *Hughes, Mary L., "Strain-Rate Effects on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Concrete," Proceedings of the 16th Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Nashville, TN, April 12-14, 1992, pp. II.11.1-II.11.9.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., and *Hughes, M.L., "Load Rate Effects on Concrete Compressive Strength," Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Interaction of Nonnuclear Munitions with Structures, Panama City Beach, FL, May 3-7, 1993, Vol. I, pp. 194-199.
- Stallings, J.M. and Tedesco, J.W., "Physical Model Tests of Dolos Impact Stresses," Structures Congress XII, ASCE, Atlanta, GA, April 24-28, 1994, Volume I, pp. 67-72.
- Tedesco, J.W., Ross, C.A., and *Hughes, M.L., "Load Rate Effects on Concrete Compressive Strength," Structures Congress XII, ASCE, Atlanta, GA, April 24-28, 1994, Volume I, pp. 245-251.
- Sierakowski, R.L., Ross, C.A., Tedesco, J.W., and *Hughes, M.L., "Strength Enhancement of Concrete Beams Using Externally Bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) Strips," Proceedings of the Third Materials Engineering Conference: Infrastructure, ASCE, San Diego, CA Nov. 13-16, 1994, pp. 139-146.
- Ross, C.A., Jerome, D.M., Schmidt, M.J., Sierakowski, R.L., and Tedesco, J.W., AConcrete Beams with External Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Panels@, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures, Mannheim, Germany, April 24-28, 1995, pp. 149-156.
- Ross, C.A., Muszynski, L.C., Jerome, D.M., Tedesco, J.W. and Sierakowski, R.L., AConcrete Beams and Slabs Externally Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Plastic Panels”, Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh DOD Explosives Safety Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, August 20-22, 1996.
- Tedesco, J.W., Stallings, J.M., *El-Mihilmy, M., and *McCauley, M.W. “Rehabilitation of a Concrete Bridge Using FRP Laminates”, Materials for the New Millennium, ASCE, K.P. Chong, ed., Vol. I, Nov. 1996, pp. 631-637.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Ross, C.A., “Strain-Rate Dependent Constitutive Equations for Concrete”, Structures Under Extreme Loading, ASME, PVP - Vol. 351, Y.S. Shin, editor, 1997 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Orlando, FL, July, 1997, pp. 297-316.
- Tedesco, J.W., Bloomquist, D. and *Latta, T.E., “ Impact Stresses in AJACKS Concrete Armor Units”, Proceedings of the First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.J. Bathe, ed., Elsevier, June 12-15, 2001, pp 499-501.
- Hong, J-W, Birgisson, B. and Tedesco, J.W., “Finite Element Analysis Coupled with Strain gradient Plasticity”, Proceedings of the Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and solid Mechanics, K.J. Bathe, ed., Elsevier, June 14-17, 2005, pp. 162-163.
- *Graduate Student Advisee
Reports / Manuals
- Rentschler, G.P., Driscoll, G.C., and Tedesco, J.W., Highlights of Lehigh Connection Tests--Web Connection Tests 14-1 and 14-3, Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 405.6, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, December 1976.
- Tedesco, J.W., Earthquake Resistant Connections for Nonstructural Building Components, Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 424.1, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, April 1977.
- Rentschler, G.P., Tedesco, J.W., and Driscoll, G.C., Highlights of Lehigh Connection Tests-Web Connection Tests 14-2 and 14-4, Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 405.8, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, May 1977.
- Yuceoglu, U., Tedesco, J.W., and Driscoll, G.C., Connections Between Equipment and Structures Subject to Seismic Loading--Preliminary Bibliography, Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 424.2, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, December 1977 (NTIS No. PB286054).
- Tedesco, J.W. and Kostem, C.N., Vibrational Characteristics and Seismic Analysis of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks, Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 433.5, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 1982.
- Tedesco, J.W., Hudspeth, R.T., Leonard, J.W., and Zimmerman, M., The Effect of Random Seas on Pipeline Stability, Final Report, The American Gas Association, Houston, TX, June 1984.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Lee, S.C., Use of High Strength Welded Wire Fabric for Shear Reinforcement in Concrete Beams -- A Pilot Study, Final Report, Farwest Steel Corporation, Eugene, OR, and Davis Walker Corp., Kent, WA, August 1984.
- Tedesco, J.W., Dynamic Stress Analysis of Layered Structures, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., September 1985.
- Tedesco, J.W., Analysis of Layered Structures to Resist Blast Effects of Conventional Weapons, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., April 1987.
- Tedesco, J.W., Pressure Waves in Foam and Foam-Sand Samples, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., September 1987.
- Melby, J.A., McDougal, W.G., Tedesco, J.W., and McGill, P.B., Wave Induced Dynamic Response of Dolos Concrete Armor Units, Final Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, August 1987.
- Tedesco, J.W., Stress Wave Propagation in Layered Media, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., August 1988.
- McDougal, W.G., Melby, J.A., and Tedesco, J.W., Hydraulic and Structural Stability of Dolos, Final Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, December 1989.
- Tedesco, J.W., Numerical Simulation of Dolos Drop Tests, Final Report, Cray Research, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, February 1990.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Ross, C.A., Noise Mitigation Study of the 120-mm M-1 Tank Gun, Final Report, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Lab, Champaign, IL, March 1990.
- Tedesco, J.W., Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Splitting-Tensile and Direct Tension Tests, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Services Laboratory, Tyndall Air Force Base, FL, May 1990.
- Tedesco, J.W. and McGill, P.B., Analysis of Dolos Concrete Armor Units, Final Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, June 1990.
- Rosson, B.T. and Tedesco, J.W., Static and Dynamic Strength of Dolos Concrete Armor Units, Final Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, August 1991.
- Tedesco, J.W., Seismic Analysis of the Baker City Water Reservoir, Final Report, HGE, Inc., Coos Bay, OR, January 1992.
- Tedesco, J.W., Hughes, M.L., and O'Neil, B.P., Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Direct Tension and Direct Compression Tests, Final Report, Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency, Tyndall AFB, FL, February 1992.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Tasks 1 and 2, Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, January 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Task 3, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, June 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Task 4, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, July 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Task 5, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, August 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Task 6, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, September 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Task 8 & 9, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, October 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Stallings, J.M., Physical Model Tests for Dolos Impact Stresses, Interim Report for Task 7, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, December 1993.
- Tedesco, J.W., Evaluation of Concrete Burst Damage Algorithms in EVA-3D, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., September 1995.
- Stallings, J.M., Cousins, T.E., and Tedesco, J.W., Fatigue of Diaphragm-Girder Connections, Final Report, Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, September 1996.
- Tedesco, J.W., Effects of Airblast Characteristics on Structural Response, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., September 1996.
- Tedesco, J.W., Seismic Analysis of the Riddle, OR Sedimentation Basin, Final Report, HGE, Inc., Coos Bay, OR, March 1997.
- Tedesco, J. W., High Velocity Penetration of Layered Concrete Targets with Small Scale Ogive-Nose Steel Projectiles, Report to U.S. Air Force of Scientific Research, Washington, D.C., September 1997.
- Tedesco, J.W., A Strain-Rate Dependent Constitutive Model for Concrete, Report to Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Air Force Material Command, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, October 1997.
- Tedesco, J.W., Stallings, J.M. and EL-Mihilmy, M., Rehabilitation of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge Using Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Report to Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, March 1998.
- Tedesco, J.W., High Velocity Penetration of Layered Grout Targets, Final Report, U.S. Air Force Office For Scientific Research, Washington, DC, September 1998.
- Tedesco, J.W., Structural Analysis of AJACKS Concrete Armor Units, Final Report, Phase I, Armortec Erosion Control Systems, Bowling Green, KY, February 1999.
- Tedesco, J.W. and El-Mihilmy, M., Design and Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened of Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Final Report, Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, February 1999.
- Tedesco, J.W. and Latta, T.E., Static and Dynamic Stresses in AJACKS Concrete Armor Units, Final Report, Armortec Erosion Control Systems, Bowling Green, KY, April 2000.