
Director, Civil Engineering Graduate Program
Ted Chu (Ph.D.)
Xing Lu (Ph.D.)
Amanda Wood (Ph.D.)
Reza Arti (Ph.D.)
J.F. Krou (Ph.D.)
Ismat Khan (M.S.)
Qingjun Fu (Visiting Ph.D. Student)
Dr. Wang's current research interests are in coastal, estuary, and lake hydrodynamics, and hydraulic engineering. He has been Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator for 27 funded projects since 1991 amounting to about $1 million. His work has resulted in more than 80 refereed and non-refereed papers.
Hydraulic and Hydrological Modeling using ANN, Fuzzy Logic and Geno-Kalman Filtering Methods
Propagation of Nonlinear Shallow-Water Waves and Their Interactions with Structures
Data and Knowledge Based Modeling of Suspended Sediment Concentration and Significant Wave Height in Lake Okeechobee, Florida
Dam Break and Overland Flow Modeling
Guidance for Design in Areas of Extreme Bed Mobility
Doctoral Training in Infrastructure Engineering
Conference Presentations
- "Physical and Numerical Modeling of Air Hammer and Associated Hydraulic Transients in Sewer Pipes", Texas Section ASCE Fall Meeting, Houston, TX, Sep. 29-Oct. 2, 2004.
- "Modeling Propagation of Nonlinear Shallow-Water Waves past A Porous Barrier", 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Columbia University, New York City, NY, June 2-5, 2002.
- "Modeling Free-Surface Flow Using A Volume of Fluid Method", 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001.
- "Seasonal Variations of Flow Velocities and Suspended Sediment Concentrations in Lake Okeechobee", 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001.
- "Hydraulic Transients and Movement of Trapped Air in Sewers", 14th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, TX, May 21-24, 2000.
- "Three-Dimensional Modeling around A Submerged Orifice", 14th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, TX, May 21-24, 2000.
- "Modeling Suspended Sediment Transport in Open Channels", 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 13-16, 1999.
- "Modeling Nonlinear Shallow-Water Waves and Associated Wave-Structure Interaction", 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, California, May 17-20, 1998.
- "Cnoidal Wave Forces on A Surface-Piercing Vertical Cylinder", 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, California, May 17-20, 1998.
- "Wave Interaction with Horizontal Plates and Caisson Wave Barrier", 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, California, May 17-20, 1998.
- "Simulation of Nonlinear Waves in Shallow-Water Basins", Waves 98 Conference (1998 International OTRC Symposium), Houston, TX, April 30-May 1, 1998.
- "Propagation and Transformation of Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves in Irregular Basins", Waves 97 International Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Nov. 3-6, 1997.
- "Wave Motion over A Multiple-Plate Breakwater", Waves 97 International Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Nov. 3-6, 1997.
- "Hydraulic Transients and Associated Air Hammer in Sewers", ASCE, Texas Section Fall Meeting, Arlington, TX, October 1-4, pp. 140-149, 1997.
- "Site Baseline and Corrective Measures Assessments for Water Resources Protection by Applying Ground Water and Surface Water Modeling", 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 382-387, 1997.
- "A Boussinesq Model for A Wave-Current Interaction System", 6th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA May 26-31, 1996.
- "Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Cylinder Arrays", 6th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA May 26-31, 1996.
- "Physical Modeling to Determine Head Loss at Selected Surcharged Sewer Manholes", North American Water and Environment Congress '96, Anaheim, CA, June 22-June 28, 1996.
- "Oblique Wave Interaction with Vertical Wall Structures", 11th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 19-22, 1996.
- "Three-Dimensional Moving Contact Line for an Accelerating Vertical Cylinder", 11th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 19-22, 1996.
- "Head Loss at Manholes in Surcharged Sewers", ASCE, Texas Section Fall Meeting, El Paso, Texas, 1995.
- "Hydrodynamic and Salinity Transport Modeling in Estuaries", National Symposium on Advances in Model Use and Development in Water Resources, American Water Resources Association 31st Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, November 5-9, 1995.
- "Simulation of the Flow Field at An Interconnected Riverine System", 10th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boulder, Colorado, May 21-24, 1995.
- "Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow Water Wave Diffraction around a Vertical Cylinder", International Symposium: Waves- Physical and Numerical Modeling, Vancouver, Canada, August 21-24, 1994.
- "Interactions of Solitary Waves with Cylinder Arrays", 13th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Houston, February 27-March 3, 1994.
- "Study of the Circulatory and Salinity Changes in Galveston Bay, Texas by Using A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Model" Proceeding of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 19-23, 1993.
- "Turbulent Mixing in Estuary ", ASCE-EMD, ASME-AM and SES Joint Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 6-9, 1993.
- "Influence of Tides and Freshwater Inflows on the Circulation and Salinity Changes in Galveston Bay", ASCE/ASME/SES Joint Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 6-9, 1993.
- "Water Waves on Annular Porous Cylinders ", ASCE-EMD, ASME-AM and SES Joint Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 6-9, 1993.
- "Study of the Circulatory Change and Alteration of Salinity in Galveston Bay by Using a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Modeling", ASCE, Texas Section Fall Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 2, 1992.
- "Three-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Coastal and Ocean Environments", ASCE Civil Engineering in the Oceans V Conference, College Station, Texas, November 2-5, 1992.
- "Flexible Porous Breakwater", ASCE Engineering Mechanics 9th Conference, College Station, Texas, May 24-27, 1992.
- "Numerical Modeling of the Flow Field at the Confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou in Houston, Texas", invited speakers, Houston Branch, (Watershed and Drainage Technical Committee), ASCE, 1992.
- "Numerical Modeling of the Flow Field at the Confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou in Houston, Texas", ASCE, Texas Section Fall Meeting, South Pardre Island, Texas, 1991.
- "Modeling Storm Water Runoff in Bayou Chico", AWRA 27th Annual Conference on Water Management of River System, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 8-13, 1991.
- "Three-Dimensional Scattering of Solitary Waves by A Vertical Cylinder" Invited speaker, Ocean Engineering Seminar Series, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, September 26, 1991.
- "Evolution of Nonlinear Long Waves after Interacting with A Breakwater", Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conference, Columbus, Ohio, May 20-22, 1991.
- "Three-Dimensional Circulation and Salinity Transport Model of Galveston Bay", Galveston Bay Characterization Workshop, Clear Lake, Texas, February 21-23, 1991.
- "On Numerical Strategies of Estuarine and Coastal Modeling", ASCE Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, November 15-17, 1989.
- "Diffraction of Solitary Waves by A Breakwater", Symposium in Fluid Dynamics in honor of Professor Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, August 17-18, 1989.
- "Three-Dimensional Scattering of Nonlinear Long Waves by a Vertical Cylinder", Seventh ASCE EMD Specialty Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, May 23-25, 1988.
- "Flow around An Impulsively Starting Vertical Cylinder", ASCE Conference on Advancements in Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Hydraulics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1986.
- "Nonlinear Impulsive Force on A Vertical Cylinder", 5th ASCE EMD Specialty Conference, 1984.
Chaired Meetings
- Chair of "Fluid-Structure Interaction" session, The Theodore Y. Wu Symposium on Engineering Mechanics, 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, June 20-25, 2004.
- Chair of "Sediment Transport" session, 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Columbia University, New York City, NY June 2-5, 2002.
- Chair of "Hydrodynamics II" session, 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001.
- Chair of "Fluids and Structures II" session, 14th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, TX, May 21-24, 2000.
- Chair of "Water Waves -1" session, 12th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, CA, May 17-20, 1998.
- Co-Chair of "Fluid-Structure Interaction -1" and "Fluid-Structure Interaction -2" sessions, 12th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, CA, May 17-20, 1998.
- Chair of "Coastal Process" session, Waves 98 Conference, Houston, TX April 30-May 1, 1998.
- Co-Chair of "Highway and Construction Runoff", 24th ASCE annual water resources planning and Management conference, Houston, TX, April 6-9, 1997.
- Chair of two "Fluid-Structure Interactions" sessions, 11th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Fort, Lauderdale, Florida, May 19-22, 1996.
- Chair of two "Fluid-Structure Interactions" sessions, 10th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boulder, Colorado, May 21-24, 1995.
- Chair of "Fluid-Structure Interactions" session, Joint Conference of ASCE-EMD, ASME-AMD and SES, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 6-9, 1993.
- Chair of "Fluid-Structure Interactions" session, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, College Station, Texas, May 24-27, 1992.
- Chair of "Fluid-Structure Interactions", ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, ASCE, Columbus, Ohio, May 20-22, 1991.
Editorial Activities / Discussions in Refereed Journals
- Paper Review of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
- Paper Review of the Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE
- Paper Review of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE
- Paper Review of the Journal of Applied Ocean Research
- Paper Review of the Journal of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering
- Paper Review of the Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME
- Associate Editor, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE (Oct. 2000 - Present)
- Co-Editor, Environmental Fluid Mechanics- Theories and Applications book (published by ASCE, 2002)
- Guest Editor, a special issue of J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE in "Advanced Experimental Techniques in Environmental Fluid Mechanics" (2002-2003)
- Guest Editor, a special fluids issue (July issue, 1999) of Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE (Sep. 1998 - March 1999)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Hu, Haming and Wang, K.H. "2D Mathematical Modeling of Noncohesive Suspended Sediment Transport using Hybrid Finite-Analytic Method", Journal of Hydraulic Research (under review).
- Zhong, Zhengyong and Wang, K.H. "Solitary Wave interaction with a Concentric Porous Cylinder System", Ocean Engineering. (in print)
- Hu, Haming and Wang, K.H. (2005). "Damping Effect on Waves Propagating past a Submerged Horizontal and a Vertical Porous Wall", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 131, pp. 427-437.
- Hu, H. and Wang, K.H. (2004) "A Hybrid Finite-Analytic Algorithm for Solving Three-dimensional Advection-Diffusion Equations", International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 1(3), December, pp. 407-430.
- Wang, K.H., Teng, M. H., and Chen, H.-C. (2003) "Study of Environmental Fluid Mechanics Using State-Of-the-Art Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation", (Editorial), Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 129, pp.1107.
- Wang, K.H., Shen, Q., and Zhang, B. (2003). "Modeling Propagation of Pressure Surges with the Formation of A Large Air Pocket in Pipelines', Computers and Fluids, Vol. 32, pp.1179-1194.
- Wang, K.H., Jin, K.R., and Tehrani, M. (2003). "Field Measurement of Flow Velocities, Suspended Solids Concentrations and Temperatures in Lake Okeechobee", Journal of American Water Resources Association, Vol. 39, pp 441-456.
- Williams, A.N. and Wang, K.H. (2003). "A Flexible Porous Wave Barrier for Enhanced Wetlands Habitat Restoration", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 129, pp. 1-8.
- Cheng, A. , Liu, C., Shen, H., Teng, M., Wang, K.H. (2002). "Fluid-Mechanics-An Essential Part of An Environmental Engineering Curriculum", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice, ASCE, October 2002 issue.
- Hu, H.M., Wang, K.H., and Williams, A.N. (2002). "Wave Motion over A Breakwater System of A Horizontal Plate and A Vertical Porous Wall, Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 373-386.
- Mansour, A.M., Williams, A.N., and Wang, K.H. (2002). "The Diffraction of Linear Waves by A Uniform Vertical Cylinder with Cosine-Type Radial Perturbations", Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 239-259.
- Williams A.N., Li, W. and Wang, K.H. (2000). "Water Wave Interaction with A Floating Porous Cylinder", Journal of Ocean Engineering. Vol. 27, pp. 1-28.
- Hu, H.M. and Wang, K.H. (1999). "Entrainment Function of Suspended Sediment in Open Channels", International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.14, No. 3, pp. 1-8.
- Liu, H., Cleveland, T.G., and Wang, K.H. (1999). "Laboratory Tests of Erosion Dependence on Properties of Soils and Rainfall", Journal of American Water Resources Association, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 167-176.
- Wang, K.H. and Shen, Qiang (1999). "Wave Motion over a Group of Submerged Horizontal Plates", International J. of Engineering Science, Vol. 37, pp. 703-715.
- Wang, K.H., Cleveland, T.G., Towsley, C., and Umrigar, D. (1998). "Head Loss at Manholes in Surcharged Sewer Systems", Journal of American Water Resources Association, Vol. 34 (6), pp. 1391-1400.
- Kang-Ren Jin and Wang, K.H. (1998). "Wind Generated Waves in Lake Okeechobee", Journal of American Water Resources Association, Vol. 34(5), pp 1099-1108.
- Wang, K.H. and Ren, X. (1998). "Interactions of Cnoidal Waves with Cylinder Arrays", Journal of Ocean Engineering,Vol. 26(1), pp. 1-20.
- Ren, X., Wang, K.H. and Jin, K.R. (1997). "Open Boundary Conditions for Obliquely Propagating Periodic Nonlinear Shallow-Water Waves in A Wave Channel", J. of Computers and Fluids, Vol. 26(3), pp. 269-278.
- Ren, X., Wang, K.H. and Jin, K.R. (1997). "A Boussinesq Model for A Wave-Current Interaction System", J. of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 24(4), pp. 335-350.
- Wang, K. H., Cleveland, T.G., Fitzgerald, S. and Ren, X. (1996). "Hydrodynamic Flow Modelling at the Conference of Two Streams", J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 122 (10), pp. 994-1002.
- Jiang, L., Ren, X. Jin, K.R. and Wang, K.H. (1996). "Generalized Boussinesq Model for Periodic Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves" J. of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 309-323.
- Jiang, L. and Wang, K. H. (1996). "Hydrodynamic Interactions of Cnoidal Waves with A Vertical Cylinder", Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 17, No. 5, 277-289.
- Wang, K.H. and Jiang, Lei (1994). "Solitary Wave Interactions with An Array of Two Vertical Cylinders " Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 15, pp. 337-350.
- Ren, X. and Wang, K.H. (1994). "Mooring Lines Connected Floating Porous Breakwaters ", International J. of Engineering Science, Vol. 32 (10), pp. 1511-1530.
- Wang, K.H. (1994). "Characterization of Circulation and Salinity Change in Galveston Bay", J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 120(3), pp. 557-579.
- Wang, K.H. and Ren, X. (1994). "Wave Interaction with A Concentric Porous Cylinder System", J. of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 21(4), 343-360.
- Darwiche M. K.M., Williams A. N. and Wang, K.H. (1994). " Wave Interaction with A Semi-porous Cylindrical Breakwater", J. Wtrwy.,Port, Coast. and Oc. Engrg., ASCE. Vol. 120(4), pp. 382-403.
- Wang, K.H. and Ren, X. (1994). "An Effective Wave-Trapping System", J. of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 21 (2), pp.155-178.
- Wang, K.H. and Ren, X. (1993). "Water Waves on Flexible and Porous Breakwaters", J. of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 119, pp. 1025-1047.
- Wang, K.H. (1993). "Diffraction of Solitary Waves by Breakwaters", J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast. and Oc. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 119, pp. 49-69.
- Wang, K.H., Wu, T.Y. and Yates, G.T. (1992). "Three-Dimensional Scattering of Solitary Waves by Vertical Cylinders", J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast. and Oc. Engrg., ASCE, Vol.118, pp.551-566.
- Wang, K.H. and Chwang, A.T. (1989). "Nonlinear Free-Surface Flow around An Impulsively Moving Cylinder", J. of Ship Research, Vol. 33, pp.194-202.
- Wang, K.H. and Chwang, A.T. (1989). "Free-Surface Flow Produced by An Accelerating Vertical Cylinder", J. of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 115, pp.1559-1566.
- Chwang, A.T. and Wang, K.H. (1984). "Nonlinear Impulsive Force on An Accelerating Container", J. of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 106, pp.233-240.
Books / Book Chapters
- Chapter title (Chapter 5): "Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Salinity Transport Modeling in Estuaries", to appear in Environmental Fluid Mechanics- Theories and Applications book, published by ASCE (2002).
Conference Proceedings / Technical Papers Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Wang, K.H. and Zhang, B. (2004). "Physical and Numerical Modeling of Air Hammer and Associated Hydraulic Transients in Sewer Pipes", Proceeding of Texas Section ASCE Fall Meeting, Houston, TX, Hydraulics session, pp. 1-13.
- Wang, K.H. and Dai, Ziping, (2003) "Screen Capture Rate Tests", Proceedings of CIGMAT-2003 Conference, Houston, TX, pp. II-26-27.
- Wang, K.H. and Li, Weimin (2002). "Modeling Propagation of Nonlinear Shallow-Water Waves past A Porous Barrier", Proceedings of the15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Columbia University, New York City, NY, Hydrodynamics I (523), pp. 1-7.
- Alexander, B.L., Wang, K.H., and Alexander, M.P. (2002). "Hydrodynamic Modeling of Bolinas Lagoon, California", Proceedings of the15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Columbia University, New York City, NY, Hydrodynamics II (519), pp. 1-6.
- Wang, K.H. and Dai, Ziping (2001). "Modeling Free-Surface Flow Using A Volume of Fluid Method", Proceeding of 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 94.
- Wang, K.H., Tehrani, M., and Jin, K.R. (2001). "Seasonal Variations of Flow Velocities and Suspended Sediment Concentrations in Lake Okeechobee", Proceeding of 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 96.
- Lee, J. and Wang, K.H. (2001). "Stability of Pipeline under Oblique Waves", Proceeding of Oceans 2001 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 1930-1933.
- Wang, K.H., Shen, Q, and Zhang, B. (2000). "Hydraulic Transients and Movement of Trapped Air in Sewers", Proceedings of the 14th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, TX, Fluids and Structures II, pp. 1-6.
- Hu, H. and Wang, K. H. (2000). "Three-Dimensional Modeling around A Submerged Orifice", Proceedings of the 14th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, TX, Fluids and Structures I, pp. 1-6.
- Hu, H. and Wang, K. H. (2000). "Modeling Suspended Sediment Transport in Open Channels", CIGMAT-2000 Conference, Houston, TX, pp. II5-II6.
- Wang, K.H. and Hu, H. (1999). "Modeling Suspended Sediment Transport in Open Channels", Proceedings of the 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Baltimore, MD, Section T1H, pp. 1-6.
- Hu, H. and Wang, K.H. (1999). "Equilibrium Bed Concentration of Suspended Sediment in Open Channels", Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Hong Kong, China, pp. 87-92.
- Wang, K.H. (1998). "Modeling Nonlinear Shallow-Water Waves and Associated Wave-Structure Interaction", Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, California, May 17-20, pp. 1581-1584.
- Wang, K.H. (1998). "Cnoidal Wave Forces on A Surface-Piercing Vertical Cylinder", Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, California, May 17-20, pp. 1621-1624.
- Li, W., Wang, K.H. and Williams, A.N. (1998). "Wave Interaction with Horizontal Plates and Caisson Wave Barrier", Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, California, May 17-20, pp. 1613-1616.
- Wang, K.H. and Li, W. (1998). "Simulation of Nonlinear Waves in Shallow-Water Basins", Proceedings of Waves 98 Conference (1998 International OTRC Symposium), Houston, TX, April 30-May 1, pp. 100-107.
- Zhang, B., Wang, K.H. and Cleveland T.G. (1998). "Physical Modeling to Determine the Cause of Air-hammer in Sewer Pipes", Proceedings of CIGMAT-98 Conference, March 6, pp. II-23-24.
- Littlejohn, Brandy and Wang, K.H. (1998). "Storm Surge on the Upper Texas Coast", Proceedings of Waves 97 International Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Nov. 3-6, 1997, pp. 1255-1262. (published in 1998)
- Li, Weimin and Wang, K.H. (1998). "Propagation and Transformation of Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves in Irregular Basins", Proceedings of Waves 97 International Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Nov. 3-6, 1997, pp. 573-584. (published in 1998)
- Shen, Q. and Wang, K.H. (1997). "Wave Motion over A Multiple-Plate Breakwater", Proceedings of Waves 97 International Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Nov. 3-6, 1997, pp. 404-415. (published in 1998)
- Wang, K.H. and Shen, Q., and Umrigar, D. (1997). "Hydraulic Transients and Associated Air Hammer in Sewers", Proceedings of Texas Section ASCE Fall Meeting, Arlington, TX, October 1-4, pp. 140-149.
- Hu, Haiming and Wang, K.H. (1997). "Computation of River-Bed Scouring and Armoring", Proceedings of Texas Section ASCE Fall Meeting, Arlington, TX, October 1-4, pp. 130-139.
- Theodoridis, K., Cleveland, T.G., Wang, K.H., and Roberts D.J. (1997). "Biological Impact of Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities in Receiving Streams", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 258-263.
- Jilani, N., Wang, K.H., and Cleveland, T.G (1997). "VISIOSED- A Rainfall-Soil Loss Model for Application to Highway Construction Sites", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 252-257.
- Muscara, J.P., Roberts D.J., Wang, K.H., and Cleveland, T.G (1997). "Typical Pollutants Leaving a Highway Construction Site in the Houston Area, and the Effectiveness of Selected Temporary Sediments Controls", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 246-251.
- Liu, H., Cleveland, T.G., Wang, K.H., and Roberts D.J. (1997). "Relationship of Rainfall Induced Erosion to Shear Strength and Compressive Strength", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 240-245.
- Qiu, G., Cleveland, T.G., Wang, K.H., and Roberts D.J. (1997). "Rainfall Generation for Highway Construction Sites", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 234-239.
- Wang, K.H., Chang, C.C., and Lee, K.C. (1997). "Site Baseline and Corrective Measures Assessments for Water Resources Protection by Applying Ground Water and Surface Water Modeling", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Houston, TX, April 6-9, pp. 382-387.
- Wang, K.H., Cleveland, T.G., Towsley, C.S. and Umrigar, D.C. (1996). "Physical Modeling to Determine Head Loss at Selected Surcharged Sewer Manholes", Proceedings of North American Water and Environment Congress '96, Anaheim, CA, June 22-June 28, C-179, pp. 1-6.
- Ren, X. and Wang, K.H. (1996). "A Boussinesq Model for A Wave-Current Interaction System", Proceeding of the 6th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA May 26-31,Vol. III, pp. 81-86.
- Wang, K.H. and Ren, X. (1996). "Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Cylinder Arrays", Proceeding of the 6th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA May 26-31, Vol. III, pp. 291-298.
- Ren, X. and Wang, K.H. (1996). "Oblique Wave Interaction with Vertical Wall Structures", Proceedings of the 11th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 19-22, pp. 507-510.
- Wang, K.H. (1996). "Three-Dimensional Moving Contact Line for an Accelerating Vertical Cylinder", Proceedings of the 11th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 19-22, pp. 848-851.
- Cleveland, T.G., Wang, K.H., Towsley, C.S. and Umrigar, D.C. (1995). "Head Loss at Manholes in Surcharged Sewers", Proceedings of Fall Meeting, ASCE, Texas Section, El Paso, Texas. pp. 161-169.
- Ren, Xugui and Wang, K.H. (1995). "Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Cylinder Arrays in A Shallow-Water Open Channel", Proceeding of the 32nd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, New Orleans, LA, pp. 649-650.
- Wang, K.H. and Cleveland, T.G. (1995). "Simulation of the Flow Field at An Interconnected Riverine System", Proceedings of the 10th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 369-372.
- Wang, K.H. and Jiang, L. (1994). "Interactions of Solitary Waves with Cylinder Arrays", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Houston, pp. 99-107.
- Yates, G.T. and Wang, K.H. (1994). "Solitary Wave Scattering by a Vertical Cylinder: Experimental Study", Proceedings of the Fourth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan, pp. 118-124.
- Wang, K.H. and Jiang, L. (1994). "Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Shallow Water Wave Diffraction around a Vertical Cylinder", Proceedings of the International Symposium: Waves- Physical and Numerical Modeling, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1267-1276.
- Wang, K.H. (1993). "Study of the Circulatory and Salinity Changes in Galveston Bay, Texas by Using A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Model" Proceeding of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, Vol. 2, pp. 2159-2173.
- Wang, K.H. (1993). "Turbulent Mixing in Estuary ", ASCE-EMD, ASME-AM and SES Joint Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia,pp. 523.
- Wang, K.H. (1993). "Influence of Tides and Freshwater Inflows on the Circulation and Salinity Changes in Galveston Bay", ASCE-EMD, ASME-AM and SES Joint Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia,pp. 189.
- Ren, X. and Wang, K.H. (1993). "Water Waves on Annular Porous Cylinders", ASCE-EMD, ASME-AM and SES Joint Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, pp. 246.
- Wang, K.H. (1992). "Three-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Coastal and Ocean Environments", ASCE Civil Engineering in the Oceans V Conference, College Station, Texas, pp. 637-651.
- Wang, K.H. and Ren X., (1992). "Flexible Porous Breakwater", ASCE Engineering Mechanics 9th Conference, College Station, Texas, pp. 224- 227.
- Wang,K.H. (1991). "Modeling Storm Water Runoff in Bayou Chico", AWRA 27th Annual Conference on Water Management of River System, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 389-390.
- Wang,K.H. (1991) "Evolution of Nonlinear Long Waves after Interacting with A Breakwater", Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conference, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 414- 418.
- Wang,K.H. (1991). "Three-Dimensional Circulation and Salinity Transport Model of Galveston Bay", Galveston Bay Characterization Workshop, Clear Lake, Texas,pp. 202-203.
- Sheng,Y.P., Lee,H.K. ,Wang, K.H. (1989)."On Numerical Strategies of Estuarine and Coastal Modeling",ASCE Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, pp.291-301.
- Wang, K.H. (1989). "Diffraction of Solitary Waves by A Breakwater", Symposium in Fluid Dynamics in honor of Professor Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, pp. 109-118.
- Wang, K.H., Wu, T.Y., Yates, G.T. (1988). "Scattering and Diffraction of Solitary Waves by A Vertical Cylinder", Proc. 17th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 37-46.
- Wang, K.H., Wu, T.Y., Yates, G.T. (1988). "Three-Dimensional Scattering of Nonlinear Long Waves by a Vertical Cylinder", Proceedings of the Seventh ASCE EMD Specialty Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, pp.55.
- Wang, K.H., Chwang, A.T. (1986). "Flow around An Impulsively Starting Vertical Cylinder", Proceedings of the ASCE Conference on Advancements in Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Hydraulics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp.322-328.
- Wang, K.H., Chwang, A.T. (1984). "Nonlinear Impulsive Force on A Vertical Cylinder", Proceedings of the Fifth ASCE EMD Specialty Conference, pp.859-862.
Reports / Manuals
- Heitmuller, F., Asquith, W., Fang, X., Thompson, D. , and Wang, K.H. (2004) "Guidance for Ddesign in Areas of Extreme Bed-Load Mobility: Literature Review for Texas Department of Transportation Research Project 0-4695", USGS Report 0-4695-1. (73 pages)
- Wang, K.H. "Screen Capture Rate Tests", Sponsoring Agency: Headworks, 21 pages, November, 2004.
- Wang, K.H. "CH3D Model Simulation Services" Sponsoring Agency: Navy SPAWAR Systems Center /San Diego State University Foundation, 21 pages, June, 2003.
- Wang, K.H. "Wind-Wave Data Collection for Lake Okeechobee" Sponsoring Agency: South Florida Water Management District, 16 pages, August, 2002.
- Wang, K.H. "Screen Capture Rate Tests", Sponsoring Agency: Headworks, 7 pages, October 2000.
- Wang, K.H. "Hydrodynamic data collection for Lake Okeechobee Hydrodynamic Model validation, Vol. 1 - Sample hydrodynamic and suspended sediment concentration data" Sponsoring Agency: South Florida Water Management District, 33 pages, June, 2000.
- Wang, K.H. "Hydrodynamic data collection for Lake Okeechobee Hydrodynamic Model validation, Vol. 2 - Data analysis", Sponsoring Agency: South Florida Water Management District, 48 pages, Nov. 2000.
- Wang, K.H. " Verification of A Nonlinear Dispersive Wind-Wave Model for Lake Okeechobee", Sponsoring Agency: South Florida Water Management District, 34 pages, August 15, 1996.
- Wang, K.H. " Statistical Data Analysis for Evaluating the Influent Organic Loading in City of Houston Wastewater Treatment Facilities", Sponsoring Agency: Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc./City of Houston, 48 pages, June 1996.
- Wang, K.H. " An Integrated Groundwater and Surface-Water Model for Contaminant Transport Prediction in Industrial Ship Channels", The Energy Laboratory Annual Report, University of Houston, p. 7, December, 1996.
- Wang, K.H. " Development of A New Wind-Wave Model for Lake Okeechobee", Sponsoring Agency: South Florida Water Management District, 48 pages, August 15, 1995.
- Wang, K.H., Cleveland, T.G. and C. W. Towsley " Physical Modeling to Determine Head Loss at Selected Surcharged Sewer Manholes", Sponsoring Agency: Greater Houston Wastewater Program, City of Houston, 124 pages, August 31, 1995.
- Wang, K.H. " Characterization of the Estuarine Circulation in the Corpus Christi Bay System" The Energy Laboratory Annual Report, University of Houston, August, 1995.
- Wang, K.H. " Nonlinear Waves Interactions and Hydrodynamic Loads on Cylinder Arrays", Final Report to Office of Sponsored Programs, University of Houston, under PREF Award, 35 pages, August 1993.
- Wang, K.H. " Influence of Tides, Freshwater Inflows, and Bathymetry on the Circulation, Salinity and Related Water Quality Change in Galveston Bay", The Energy Laboratory Annual Report , University of Houston, August, 1993.
- Wang, K.H. " Tidal Influence on Net Surface Water Flow and Transport of Concentration at the Texas City Industrial Channel ", Sponsoring Agency: ENSR Consulting and Engineering, 34 pages. October 10, 1992.
- Wang, K.H. , Cleveland, T.G. ,Rogers, J.R. and Ren, X., " A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Flow and Transport Model of the Confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou in Houston, Texas - Theory, Numerical Implementation, and Results" Sponsoring Agency: Harris County Flood Control District. UH-CEE 91-7, Vol I, 105 pages, Vol II, 287 pages, November 30, 1991.