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Faculty Accolades

Smartphones and other personal electronic devices could, in regions where they are in widespread use, function as early warning systems for large earthquakes, according to newly reported research. This technology could serve…
Researchers Test Smartphones for Earthquake Warning
Thomas Hsu is a Moores Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, an author of multiple civil engineering textbooks and a nationally-recognized researcher. This spring, Hsu will add another title to his resume:…
Thomas Hsu Named ASCE Distinguished Member
Hyongki Lee, assistant professor in the Cullen College’s department of civil and environmental engineering, has won a grant through NASA’s Applied Sciences Program to help South Asian nations independently manage their water…
Professor Helps South Asian Countries Manage Water Resources With NASA Grant
Joseph W. Tedesco, Elizabeth D. Rockwell Dean of the UH Cullen College of Engineering, has been elected as a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This prestigious honor is held by less than 4 percent of ASCE…
Joseph Tedesco, Dean of Cullen College, Elected as ASCE Fellow
Two professors in the Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston earned Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF) this year. Each received a five-year, $…
Two Engineering Professors Earn NSF CAREER Awards
Metal buildings comprise almost 50 percent of all non-residential, low-rise construction in the United States. The most common configuration is the gabled frame with sets of exterior columns supporting rafters that form house-…
Engineers Earn Grant to Expand Base Plate Connection Research in Low-rise Metal Buildings
Debora Rodrigues, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Houston, has received the Emerging Investigator award from the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO). Rodrigues has worked…
Cullen College Professor Honored for Work in Nanomaterials
The UH Cullen College of Engineering is proud to welcome Roberto Ballarini as the new Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Ballarini comes to UH from the University of Minnesota, where he served as the…
Cullen College Welcomes Roberto Ballarini as Civil Engineering Department Chair
The American Society of Civil Engineer's Journal of Surveying's newest associate editor is Craig Glennie, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at the Cullen College. Glennie was appointed to the associate…
Craig Glennie Appointed Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Surveying
Hyongki Lee, assistant professor in the Cullen College’s department of civil and environmental engineering, has won NASA’s New (Early Career) Investigator Award in Earth Science. Out of over 130 proposals submitted to the New…
Civil & Environmental Engineering Researcher Wins NASA's New Investigator Award
Computers and other technologies have vastly increased our ability to collect data on just about anything you can imagine. However, one major drawback to this is our inability to keep up with the amount of data being produced by…
NCALM Researcher Awarded $200K To Develop Open-Source LiDAR Software
A team of researchers from University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering and Qatar University has won a $779,000 grant to develop a new way to rehabilitate deteriorating reinforced concrete structures. The three-year grant…
International Team Using Shape Memory Alloys to Rehab Concrete Structures
Damage to natural gas pipelines is both dangerous and expensive to repair. Much of it is also entirely avoidable. Excavators cause about 30 percent of pipeline damage incidents. In most of these events, the team working the…
Researchers Win $700k Grant to Develop Pipeline Safety System
Worldwide, dozens of nuclear power plants are scheduled for construction during the next decade, while hundreds more will be reviewed and examined by regulators. Thanks to the efforts of a University of Houston Cullen College of…
UH Professor Creates “Definitive Guide” on Nuclear Power Infrastructure
Researchers with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering are creating what will likely be the most accurate and detailed map of a forested area the world has ever seen. The map of Tahoe National Forest in…
UH Researchers Mapping Tahoe National Forest, Bit by Bit
A civil infrastructure that provides essentials like clean running water and passable roads is essential to a healthy and prosperous society. While concrete and steel remain the backbones of modern infrastructure, civil engineers…
Civil Engineering Faculty Writing Bridge Design Specs for New Structural Material
Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Hanadi Rifai has been named the Environmental Professional of the Year by the Texas Association of Environmental Professionals (TAEP). Rifai, who also serves as the Cullen College’s…
Rifai Named "Environmental Professional of the Year"
Hyongki Lee, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering, is part of an international team studying shrinking mountain glaciers and ice caps using…
Glacier Study Explores Sea Levels, Water Resources
New, stronger concrete that can better withstand an earthquake isn’t much good if it’s too expensive to use. That’s the idea behind a research project being conducted by Bora Gencturk, assistant professor of civil and…
Earthquake Research Explores Use of High-Performance Concrete
One of the biggest challenges following a natural disaster is simply getting help to where it’s needed. After an event like a hurricane or earthquake, debris and standing water can block roadways, making it nearly impossible for…
Disaster Recovery Gets Boost from NSF Grant