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Student Success

Eleven different University of Houston students were honored with scholarships at the annual American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects holiday dinner, including nine from the Cullen College of Engineering. ASIE is a…
9 Cullen students honored at ASIE holiday dinner
A doctoral candidate from the University of Houston's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has co-authored a transformative study that redefines approaches to assessing earthquake damage using cutting-edge remote…
From Space to Ground – Ph.D. student Voelker leads team transforming remote sensing-based earthquake assessment procedures
A paper recently co-authored by Md Murad Hossain Khondaker, a civil and environmental engineering Ph.D. candidate at the University of Houston, may hold key insights that allow for better predictions of catastrophic flooding…
CEE Ph.D. Candidate Khondaker Identifies New Approach to Improve Hurricane Forecast Accuracy
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) announces Mackrena Ramos, P.E., vice president and business group director at LAN, has been named the 2024 Engineer of the Year by Houston Hispanic Architect and Engineers (HHAE). Ramos…
Cullen alum Ramos Named HHAE Engineer of the Year
University of Houston researchers make significant strides in automating Antarctic glacier monitoring using advanced satellite radar techniques. University of Houston researchers have validated a method that uses deep learning to…
New Deep Learning Method Automates Antarctic Glacier Grounding Line Mapping
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 1
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 2
Presentations, posters and the pride of University of Houston students will be on view during Undergraduate Research Day (URD) on April 11. During this anticipated event, more than 360 students will display their academic…
Cullen Students in the Spotlight During Undergraduate Research Day
A doctoral student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Cullen College of Engineering has been selected for a fellowship from a competitive pool of applicants. Abdulrahman Salah is a Ph.D. candidate…
Ph.D. student Salah earns ACI Fellowship
A doctoral candidate in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Cullen College of Engineering has been hired for an internship with a national laboratory this summer. Kripa Adhikari will work as an intern for AI…
Ph.D. candidate Adhikari earns national lab internship
Madam C. J. Walker’s journey from impoverished orphan to becoming the first female self-made millionaire in America, laid the foundation for her inspiring legacy as one of the twentieth century’s most resilient entrepreneurs. Her…
UH’s Future Black STEM Leaders Strive toward Representation in Energy while Inspiring Their Peers
The American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects (ASIE) recently held its Annual Holiday Party, where they awarded scholarships to seven undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Houston's Cullen College…
Seven Cullen students earn 2023 ASIE scholarships
Stop us if you've heard this one before: a petroleum engineer and an environmental engineer fly to Argentina to participate in the interscholastic Argentina Business Internship Program (ABIP), where they not only spend two months…
Pair of Cullen students complete summer internship in Argentina
The world is full of good ideas, but only some of them become viable and real. “You don’t see the full impact of a good idea until someone figures out a way to convert it to a usable product or service that has value, brings it…
Cullen teams place in UH Energy's Innovation Commercialization Competition
University of Houston, the Energy University, is proud to introduce the inaugural cohort of UH-Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows – eight graduate students who are actively involved in innovative energy-related research across the…
Cullen Students Among Inaugural Cohort of UH-Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows
A doctoral candidate at the Cullen College of Engineering will be traveling to New Mexico in July to present her research on thermal cooling, after earning a travel award for the 17th U. S. National Congress on Computational…
CEE's Adhikari earns USNCCM travel award, SEAoT scholarship
The Houston Mayor and the City Council have appointed Mackrena L. Ramos, P.E., to the City Park Redevelopment Authority and Tax Reinvestment Zone #12 Board of Directors. Ramos is a Vice President with Lockwood, Andrews &…
CE alum Ramos appointed to City Park Redevelopment Authority Board
The Cullen College of Engineering offers its congratulations to the 16 students who have been named Outstanding Juniors and Seniors for the 2022-23 academic year. Students are nominated by professors, with one junior and one…
Cullen recognizes 16 Outstanding Juniors and Seniors for 2022-23
The University of Houston's Engineering Alumni Association honored 42 different students with more than $21,000 in scholarships at the 2023 Engineer's Week Program, hosted in February Daniel Herrera, an Electrical Engineering…
More than 40 students honored at EAA celebration
For Emma Clarke, there was admittedly a bit of an adjustment period to life at the University of Houston. After all, a metro area with 7.3 million people is quite different than Christchurch, the city of about 381,500 she grew up…
CEE grad Clarke adjusts from pitch to professional life