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The second installment of UH Engineering's Distinguished Rockwell Lecture Series was held on Friday, September 13 and featured Lai-Yung Ruby Leung, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Battelle Fellow of…
Photos: Fall 2019 Rockwell Lecture Series Presents “Global Warming and Extreme Events”
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently awarded $300,008 to two UH Cullen College of Engineering professors for their research into the development of coatings designed to play a role in water purification. The award began…
UH Cullen College Engineering Faculty Win NSF Grant for Water Purification Study
Sensytec Wins Houston MassChallenge, HAN Investment Prize Money and Recognition from Rice Alliance Sensytec, a UH startup, is busy cementing its reputation with multiple wins this month. On Sept. 5, it was chosen as one of three…
UH Startup Sensytec Builds a Foundation of Wins
The UH Cullen College of Engineering is kicking off the 2019-2020 academic year by welcoming seven new faculty members to its teaching and research rosters. They bring expertise in a wide variety of fields ranging from…
The UH Cullen College of Engineering Welcomes Seven New Faculty Members
The Engineering Alumni Association (EAA) held its annual meeting on August 22nd at Saint Arnold’s Brewery. This annual event furthers the EAA’s mission of championing, supporting and uniting the Cullen College’s students, faculty…
Photos: Engineering Alumni Association Hosts 2019 Annual Meeting
This summer, UH Engineering hosted over 40 college students from the South China University of Technology for the first-ever, three-week resilient civil infrastructure summer workshop. The program (July 19- August 12, 2019) led…
UH Cullen College of Engineering Hosts Students from South China University of Technology for First-Ever Civil Summer Workshop
NSF grant to Rice, UH, Texas Southern will help future science, engineering professors HOUSTON – (Aug. 13, 2019) – Rice University, Texas Southern University (TSU) and the University of Houston (UH) have won a multimillion-dollar…
Houston universities team up to boost minorities in academia
UH Cullen College partners with HCC to Better Serve Students, Industries The recently announced partnership between the new University of Houston at Katy – set to open this fall – and Houston Community College (HCC) to enable…
New Engineering Academy Puts UH at Katy in the Lime Light
Ali Ansari’s Research Focuses on Improving Clean Water Output from RO Desalination Ali Ansari, a doctoral student at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, was recently awarded the American Society of Civil Engineers’ John B.…
UH Engineering Student Wins ASCE Hawley Memorial Fellowship
Conference Focuses on Protection and Rapid Recovery on the Gulf Coast Just before the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, emergency managers, industry executives and public executives will meet Friday, Aug. 2, at the…
Hurricane Conference Set for Aug. 2 at UH
The American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) honored the UH Cullen College of Engineering with an award recognizing its commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. The college is one of 74 engineering programs around the…
UH Cullen College of Engineering Recognized for Achievements in Diversity by ASEE
Engineering Students Learn as They Travel While many people dream of seeing the world one day, a group of UH Cullen College of Engineering students recently returned from Brazil as part of the first engineering faculty-led study…
UH PROMES Going Places, Tackling Global Challenges
Two UH Cullen College of Engineering professors received funding from the Welch Foundation for their contributions to basic chemical research that benefits humankind. These three-year grants extend from 2019 to 2022. Jiming Bao,…
Cullen College Professors Win Welch Awards to Explore Fundamental  Chemical Ideas
The online master’s program in civil engineering at the UH Cullen College of Engineering made two different lists highlighting the best programs for students interested in growing their careers in the field. The program was No.…
UH Civil Engineering Online Master’s Program Ranks on Two Lists
Researchers Determine Why Strontium-rich Barite is Found in Oceans In solving a scientific mystery, researchers from the University of Houston and the nation’s national laboratories also discovered a new avenue for clearing…
Solving a Scientific Mystery and Finding a Solution for Industry
The 2019 UH Cullen College of Engineering Alumni Awards Gala will be held at the Bayou City Event Center on Thursday, June 6. The annual event, hosted by the Engineering Alumni Association (EAA), celebrates the professional…
UH Cullen College of Engineering Announces 2019 EAA Gala Honorees
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering celebrated the graduation of more than 600 engineers on Thursday, May 9 at the Fertitta Center. The proud graduates earned: 427 bachelor’s degrees, 141 master’s degrees and…
Photos: Spring 2019 UH Engineering Commencement Ceremony
The UH Cullen College of Engineering hosted its 30th annual Offshore Industry Crawfish Boil on Sunday, May 5 at Lynn Eusan Park. Thousands of alumni, faculty, students and industry leaders gathered to network and mingle as they…
Photos: 30th Annual UH Engineering Crawfish Boil Kicks off OTC
Roberto Ballarini recognized for contributions in numerous disciplines Roberto Ballarini, Thomas and Laura Hsu Professor and chairman of the department of civil and environmental engineering at the UH Cullen College of…
UH Civil and Environmental Engineering Chairman Wins 2019 Mindlin Medal
UH Cullen College of Engineering part of the conference program The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), one of the largest energy expositions and the world’s foremost event for the development of offshore resources, is…
Offshore Technology Conference Celebrates 50 Years