
Vaz, Luiz E. (U-Stuttgart, 1981), Nichtlineare Instationare Analyse mit der Methode der Finiten Elemente
Prof., PUC-University, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Al-Ghamedy, Hamdan N. (CU-Boulder, 1986), Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Inelastic Structures with Applications to Reinforced Concrete
Prof., King Saud University, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Sobh, Nahil A. (CU-Boulder, 1987), Bifurcation Analysis of Tangential Material Operators
Assoc. Res. Prof., University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign.
Pramono, Eddy (CU-Boulder, 1988), Numerical Simulation of Distributed and Localized Failure in Concrete
Senior Architect, Cadence Design Inc., San Jose, California.
Sabban, Sahl A. (CU-Boulder, 1989), Property Analysis and Incremental Formulation of J2 Elasto-Plastic Solids in Plane Stress
Chair of Civil Eng., University of Mekah, Saudi Arabia.
Grosserode, Patrick J. (CU-Boulder, 1991), Computational Structural Dynamics for Systems with Chaotic Motions
Senior Structural Member, Orbital Sciences, Chandler, Arizona.
Steinmann, Paul (U-Karlsruhe, 1992), Lokalisierungsprobleme in der Plasto-Mechanik
Chaired Prof. of Mechanics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Etse, Guillermo (U-Karlsruhe, 1992), Theoretische und numerische Untersuchung zum di_usen und lokalisierten Versagen in Beton
Assoc. Prof., University of Tucuman, Argentina.
Dietsche, Andreas (U-Karlsruhe, 1993), Lokale E_ekte in linear-elastischen und elasto-plastischen Cosserat-Kontinua
Res. Assoc., BMW AG, Munich, Germany.
Iordache, Maria-Magdalena (CU-Boulder, 1996), Failure Analysis of Classical and Micropolar Elastoplastic Materials
Res. Assoc., Emerging Technologies, IBM Life Sciences Solutions, Somers, NY.
Muenz, Thomas (CU-Boulder, 1997), Algorithmic Formulations and Failure Characteristics in Large Strain Plasticity and Viscoplasticity
Res. Engineer, DYNAmore, Stuttgart-Echterdingen, Germany.
Kang, Hong Duk (CU-Boulder,, 1997), Triaxial Concrete Model for Plain and Reinforced Concrete Behavior
Consultant Engineer, ARO-Aberdeen MD.
Radakovic-Guzina, Zorica (CU-Boulder, 1998), Ultrasonic Assessment of Damage in Concrete under Axial Loads
Res. Assoc., Itasca Consulting Group, Minneapolis, MN.
Nogueira, Carnot L. (CU-Boulder, 2000), UltrasonicWave Propagation in Two-Phase Composite Materials and Characterization of Mechanical Damage in Concrete
Civil Engineer at Accounting Court of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Hansen, Eric J. (CU-Boulder, 2000), A two-surface anisotropic damage/plasticity model for plain concrete
Research Engineer, Weidlinger Assoc., Palo Alto, CA.
Haeussler-Combe, U., (U-Karlsruhe, 2001), Elementfreie Galerkin-Verfahren, Grundlagen und Einsatzmoglichkeiten zur Berechnung von Stahlbetontragwerken, Habilitation
Ass. Prof., Technical University Dresden, Germany
Pivonka, Peter (TU-Vienna, 2002), Constitutive Modeling of Triaxially Loaded Concrete Considering Large Compressive Stresses: Application to Pull-Out Tests of Anchor Bolts
Post Doctoral Fellow ARRC, Australian Geodynamics Research Center, Perth, Australia.
Hoermann, Matthias (U-Stuttgart, 2002), Nichtlineare Versagensanalyse von Faserverbundstrukturen
Research Engineer, CADFEM GmbH, Munich.
Lee Janghong (CU Boulder, 2003), Aerodynamic Simulation of the Bronx-Whitestone Suspension Bridge using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Consulting Engineer, Soeul Korea.
Rhee, Inkyu (CU Boulder, 2004), Cohesive Interfacial Crack Analysis of Concrete Materials and Reinforced Concrete Structures
Research Engineer, Korean Railroad Institute, Soeul, Korea.
Caballero, Antonio (UPC Barcelona, 2005), Cohesive Interfacial Crack Analysis of Concrete Materials and Reinforced Concrete Structures
Postdoctoral Fellow, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.
Bongers, Hans P.W. (TU Eindhoven, 2006), Concrete Behaviour in Multiaxial Compression: Numerical Modelling
Senior Structural Engineer, Betonson Inc., Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Lee, Keun Kwang (CU Boulder, 2008), Evaluation of Concrete Behavior under High Temperature
Postdoctoral Fellow, CU Boulder, Colorado.
Beizaee, Shahriyar (UH Houston, 2013), Constitutive Modeling and Numerical Implementation of Brittle and Ductile Material Behavior with the Aid of Inelastic XFEM and Damage-plasticity Models, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Mohammadipour, Amir (UH Houston, 2015), Interface Fracture In Masonry Composites: A Lattice Approach, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Mousavi, Reza (UH Houston, 2017)
Champiri D., Masoud (UH Houston 2017)
- R. Kaiser Eng.: Dynamic Failure of Mining Chute, Denver 1983.
- Synthes Inc.: Thermal Stress Analysis of Turning Fixture, Monument, 1985.
- Failure Analysis Associates: Composite Model for Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete, Palo Alto, 1986.
- Shell Development Co.: Failure Study of Threaded Connections, Houston, 1984 and 1987.
- GA-Technologies Inc.: Triaxial Constitutive Formulations for Concrete, San Diego, 1987 and 1988.
- Shell Development Co.: Failure Study of Threaded Connections, Houston, 1992 and 1993.
- Hibbit, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc.: Constitutive Aspects of Concrete Materials, Pawtucket, 1994.
- Amoco Co.: Constitutive Modeling of Rock and Concrete, Tulsa, 1995.
- Hilti Inc.: Characterization of Concrete Materials, Liechtenstein, 1998.
- NIST: Outside Expert of WTC Investigation of Twin Tower Collapse, Gaithersburg, 2003-2004.
- Sandia NL: Thermal E_ects on Structures Exposed to Fire, (with Prof. Y. Xi) 2004-2005.
- CTL Skokie: Consulting of FE Analysis of a RC Parking Structure, 2006-2007.
- NASA Kennedy Space Center: Durability Issues of Space Shuttle Launch Pad, 2008-2009.
- FEMA: Simplified Structural Model for Masonry Infilled RC Frames, 2009-2010
- In the last five years Dr. Willam has directed several research projects on failure mechanics, localization analysis, damage mechanics of cohesive/frictional materials and their ultrasonic detection, thermal degradation of heterogeneous concrete materials, cohesive interface models, hygro-thermal transport in concrete composites, failure mechanics of reinforced concrete and masonry in fill walls. He has authored and co-authored more than 180 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, and presented over 150 invited lectures and papers at professional meetings.
- Scordelis, A.C., Prof. em., University of California, Berkeley.
- Argyris, J.H., Prof. em., University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Carol, Ignacio, Prof., Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
- Rizzi, Egidio, Assoc. Prof., Polytechnical University of Bergamo, Italy.
- Shing, Benson, P., Prof., University of California, San Diego.
- Billington, S., Prof., Stanford University, Palo Alto.
- Xi, Yunping, Prof., University of Colorado, Boulder.
- Xotta, Giovanna, Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Padova.
- Gencturk, Bora, Assistant Professor and Director of Structures and Material Research Laboratory (SMRL), University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- Spencer, Benjamin, Computational Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory.
Research in computational failure mechanics, finite element analysis, interface modeling, mechanics of materials, plasticity, elastic damage, poromechanics, thermohydromechanics, localization analysis of cohesive-frictional materials, thermal degradation of concrete materials, seismic response of masonry infill walls.
AFOSR: Finite Elements and Localized Failure, Bolling AFB, 1982-1985.
NSF: Multiaxial Material Formulations for Finite Element Analysis of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Structures, Washington D.C., 1984-1987.
WES: Constitutive Driver for Triaxial Response Behavior of Plain Concrete, Vicksburg MS, 1985-1987.
NSF: Progressive Failure Simulations in Solids and Structures, Washington D.C., 1988-1990.
AFOSR: Brittle-Ductile Failure Mechanics of Concrete and Mortar, Bolling AFB, 1987-1989.
DFG: Numerische Ansatze zur Lokalisierung von Versagensvorgangen, Bonn, 1989-1993.
NSF: Computational Failure Mechanics of Solids and Structures, Washington D.C., 1991-1994.
AFOSR: Regularization of Structural Degradation Processes, Bolling AFB, 1992-1995.
NSF: Dynamic Stability of Structural Degradation, Washington D.C., 1992-1996.
FHWA: Finite Element Models of Roadside Safety Structures, Washington D.C., 1994-1997.
AFOSR: Failure Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, Bolling AFB, 1996-1997.
NSF: Ultrasonic Assessment of Damage in Concrete Materials, Washington D.C., 1996-1999.
NSF: Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Washington D.C., 1996-1999 (B. Shing PI, K. Willam Co-PI, and E. Spacone Co-PI).
AFOSR: Dynamic Performance Evaluation of Conventional and Non-Conventional Concrete, Bolling AFB, 1997-1998 (K. Willam PI, L. Bond Co-PI, and Y. Xi Co-PI).
NSF: Accelerated Testing and Modeling of Concrete Durability, Washington D.C., 1998-2001 (Y. Xi PI, K. Willam Co-PI, and D. Frangopol, Co-PI).
CASI: Ultrasonic Damage Simulation in Engineering Materials, CSU-Fort Collins, 1998-2000 (K. Willam PI).
NSF: Simulation Platform for the Earthquake Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures, (K. Willam PI, X-Y. Cai, Co-PI, C. Farhat, Co-PI, B. Shing, Co-PI), 2000-2003.
NSF-CMMI: Interface Mechanics of Masonry Panels under Biaxial Loading. Washington D.C., 2011-2015 (K. Willam PI, Ashraf Ayoub, Co-PI)
NSF: High Temperature Effects on Concrete Materials: A Multiscale Approach, (K. Willam, PI, Y. Xi, Co-PI), 2004-2008.
NEESR-SG: Seismic Performance Assessment of Retrofit of Non-ductile RC Frames with Infill Walls (K. Willam, PI, S. Metupalayam, Co-PI), 2005-2009.
ORNL: Thermal Response of RCS in Nuclear Power Plants (K. Willam, PI, Y. Xi, Co-PI), 2008-09.
DOE-NEUP: Multiple Degradation Mechanisms in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Modeling and Risk Analysis, Washington D.C., 2016-2019 (K. Willam PI,Y. Xi Co-PI, B. Gencturk Co-PI, B. Spencer Co-PI, H. Huang Co-PI)
DOE-NEUP-IRP: Cask Mis-Loads Evaluation Techniques, Washington D.C., 2016-2020 (K. Willam PI, UIUC, USC, UMN, PNNL, ANATECH)
- "Analysis of Eccentrically Sti_ened Folded Plates", Presentation at IASS - Symp. Folded Plates and Prismatic Structures, Vienna, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 1970, Proc. R. Krapfenbauer (ed.), Vol. 1, Vienna, 1972, IV, pp. 1-27.
- "Discussion of Finite Element Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessels", Invited Paper at Intl. Seminar of Concrete for Nuclear Reactors, Berlin, Oct. 5-9, 1970, ACI, Special Publication 34, Detroit, 1972.
- "Finite Elements and Fracture", Presentation at 3rd Intl. Conference on Fracture, Munich, April 8-13, 1973.
- "Recent Developments in the Finite Element Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessels", Invited paper at 2nd Conf. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, Sept. 10-14, 1973, Transact. Publ., J. Stalpaert, Vol. 3, Luxembourg, 1973, pp. 1-20.
- "Some Considerations for the Evaluation of Finite Element Models", Invited paper at 2nd Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, Sept. 10-14, 1973, Transact. Publ., J. Stalpaert, Vol. 4, Luxembourg, 1973, pp. 1-20.
- "An Assessment of Finite Element Models, Finite Element Congress", Invited Lecture at FEM'73, Nov. 19-20, 1973, Baden-Baden, IKOSS Stuttgart, pp. 91-116.
- "Finite Element Ultimate Load Analysis of Three Dimensional Concrete Structures", Invited Lecture Series on Numerical Methods in Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics, Jablonna, Poland, Sept. 22-28, 1974, Proc. Translated into Polish by J. Gierlinski, Warsaw, 1976, pp. 379-445.
- "Some Considerations for the Evaluation of Finite Element Models", Invited Paper at Intl. Short Course Finite Element Linear and Nonlinear Analysis: Methods and General Purpose Programs, Stresa, Italy, June 3-6, 1975, Proc. Politecnico di Milano, 1975, pp. 315-356.
- "Finite Element Ultimate Load Analysis of Three Dimensional Concrete Structures", Invited Paper at Intl. Short Course Finite Element Linear and Nonlinear Analysis: Methods and General Purpose Programs, Stresa, Italy, June 3-6, 1975, Proc. Politecnico di Milano, 1975, pp. 359-428.
- "Inelastic Response Analysis of Structures", Invited Paper at 3rd Conf. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, London, Sept. 1-5, 1975.
- "SMART - Strukturmechanische Analyse in der Reaktortechnologie", Invited Paper at SBB-Tagung Berechnungsverfahren, Grenzlast- und Langzeitanalyse, Berlin, Okt. 13-14, 1975, Schriftenreihe des DAfStb, Vortragsband Nr. 2, Berlin, 1975, pp. 1-36.
- "Constitutive Models and Finite Element Solution of Inelastic Behavior", Invited paper at US-Germany Symposium on Formulation and Computational Algorithms in Finite Element Analysis, MIT, Cambridge, Aug. 9-13, 1976.
- "Finite Element Analysis of Inelastic Structural Behavior", Invited paper at 4th Conf. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, Aug. 15-19, 1977, Transact. Publ., J. Stalpaert, Vol. M, Luxembourg, 1977, pp. 1-13.
- "Finite Elemente zur thermomechanischen Berechnung von Massivbauten", Invited Paper at Tagung Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis, Hanover, April 13-14, 1978, Tagungsbericht, Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Dusseldorf, 1978, pp. 57-76.
- "A Model for Nonlinear Creep of Concrete, RILEM Colloquium on Creep Concrete", Invited Paper at University of Leeds, April 20-21, 1978, Precirculated Notes, A.M. Neville, G. Singh (eds.), Leeds, 1978. II-C/ pp. 1-11.
- "Inelastic Finite Element Analysis of Massive Concrete Structures", Invited paper at IASS - Symposium on Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, July 3-7, 1978, G. Mehlhorn, H. Ruhle, W. Zerna (eds.), Werner Verlag Dusseldorf, 1978, pp. 331-356.
- "New Developments in the Inelastic Analysis of Quasistatic and Dynamic Problems", Invited Paper at GAMNI Congr_es pour M_ethodes Num_eriques dans les Sciences de I'Ingenieur, Proc. E. Absi, R. Glowinski (eds.), Paris, 1979, pp. 77-93.
- "Computational Aspects of Inelastic Analysis,", Invited Paper at 5th Conf. Structural Mechanicals in Reactor Technology, Berlin, Aug. 13-17, 1979.
- "Numerical Techniques for the Finite Element Analysis of Elastic and Inelastic Material Nonlinearities", Invited Paper at IUTAM-Symposium on Physical Non-Linearities in Structural Analysis, CETIM-Senlis-France, May 26-30, 1980, Proc. J. Hult (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981, pp. 6-16.
- "Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures", Invited paper at IABSE-Colloquium on Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete, Delft, June 2-4, 1981, Introductory Report, published by the IABSE, Zurich, 1980, pp. 85-106.
- "Numerical Stability of Inelastic Finite Element Analysis Applied to Time-Variable Problems during Arc-Welding", Presentation at 9th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanicals, NATCAM, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., June 21-25, 1982.
- "Numerical Modeling of Strength and Deformation Behavior in the Direct Shear Test", Presentation at Intl. Conf. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, Tucson, Jan. 10-14, 1983, Proc., C.S. Desai and R.H. Gallagher (eds.), University of Arizona, 1983, pp. 537-544.
- "Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Fracture in Shear", Invited Paper at Air Force Symp. Interaction of Non- Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Colorado Springs, May 10-13, 1983, Proc. Part 1, 1983, pp. 101-106.
- "Computational Aspects of Concrete Mechanics", Invited Paper at US-Dutch Cooperative Symposium on Concrete Mechanics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, June 21-23, 1983.
- "Finite Element Analysis of Arc-Welding Processes", Invited Paper at 3rd Intl. Conf. Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Seattle, Washington, Aug. 2-5, 1983, Proc. R.W. Lewis, J.A. Johnson and W.R. Smith(eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, 1983, pp. 249-259.
- "Computational Stability and Uniqueness of Strain-Softening Materials", Presentation at W. Prager Symp. On Mechanicals of Geomaterials, Northwestern University, Evanston, Sept. 11-15, 1983.
- "Strain-Softening, A Material Property, that is the Question?,"ASCE Spring Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, May 14-18, 1984.
- "Experimental Results on Concrete Fracture,"Invited Paper at AFOSR-Workshop in Inelastic Deformations and Failure Modes, Northwestern University, Evanston, Nov. 18-21, 1984.
- "Constitutive and Computational Aspects of Strain-Softening and Localization in Solids", Presentation at ASMEWAM '84 Symp. Constitutive Equations: Micro, Macro and Computational Aspects, New Orleans, Dec. 10-14, 1984, ASME Symp., Vol. G00274, K. Willam (ed.), New York, pp. 233-252.
- "A Composite Fracture Model for Localized Failure in Cementitious Materials", Presentation at Air Force Symp.on Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Panama City Beach, Florida, April 15-19, 1985, Proc., 1985, pp. 272-277.
- "Experimental, Constitutive and Computational Aspects of Concrete Failure", Invited Paper at U.S.-Japan Symposium on Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Tokyo, May 21-24, 1985, C. Meyer and H. Okamura (eds.), ASCE, New York, 1986, pp. 226-254.
- "Computational Modeling of Material Softening", Presentation at 2nd Joint ASCE/ASME Mechanics Conference, June 23-26, 1985.
- "Stability and Uniqueness of Strain-Softening Computations", Presentation at Europe-US Symposium on Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Problems, NIT Trondheim, Norway, Aug. 12-16, 1985, Bergan, Bathe, Wunderlich (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1986, pp. 119-142.
- "Computational Modeling of Distributed and Localized Failure", Presentation at 8th Intl. Conf. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Brussels, Aug. 19-23, 1985.
- "Uniqueness of Quasistatic and Dynamic Strain-Softening Computations", Presntation at 10th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, NATCAM 10, Austin, Texas, June 16-20, 1986.
- "Uniqueness and Stability Issues of Non-Associated Strain-Softening Computations", Invited Paper at World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Austin, Texas, Sept. 22-26, 1986.
- "Uniqueness and Stability Issues of Strain-Softening Computations", Presentation at Intl. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, Tucson, Arizona, 1987, Desai, Krempl, Kioussis and Kundu (eds.), Vol. I, Elsevier, New York, pp. 249-260.
- "Invariant Response Formulation for Rate-Sensitive Frictional Materials", Presentation at Intl. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, Tucson, Arizona, 1987, Desai, Krempl, Kioussis and Kundu (eds.), Vol. I, Elsevier, New York, pp. 751-758.
- "Fracture Energy-Based Plasticity Model for Shear Failure", Presentation at Intl. Symp. on Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Vol. II, Mannheim, March 1987, pp. 679-691.
- "Bifurcation Analysis of Tangential Material Operators", Invited Paper at at NUMETA'87, A Numerical Methods in Engineering, G.V. Pande and J. Middleton (eds.), Swansea, June 1987, Vol. II, Paper C-4, Martinus Nijho_ Publ., Dordrecht, 15 pp.
- "Elastic Plastic Tangent Operators: Local Study on Constitutive and Finite Element Levels", Presentation at ASME-WAM'87 Symp. Advances in Inelastic Analysis, Boston, Dec. 12-16, 1987, S. Nakazawa, N. Rebelo and K. Willam (eds.), ASME-AMD, Vol. 88, New York, pp. 107-126.
- "Statistical Performance Evaluation of Flexible Joints in Space Structures", Invited paper at IUTAM Symp. Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamics, Igls-Innsbruck, June 21-26, 1987, Schueller and F. Ziegler (eds.), Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 168-183.
- "Simulation Issues of Distributed and Localized Failure Computations", Invited paper at France-US Workshop on Strain Localization and Size E_ects due to Cracking and Damage, Paris, Sept. 6-9, 1988, J. Mazars and Z.P. Ba_zant (eds.), Elsevier Appl. Sci., London, 1989, pp. 363-378.
- "Recent Issues in Computational Plasticity", Invited paper at COMPLAS II, Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Sept. 18-22, 1989, D.R.J. Owen, E. Hinton and E. Onate (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, pp. 1353 -1377.
- "Sto_gesetze und Numerische Ansatze fur Versagensvorgange in Beton", Invited paper at DFG-Schlu_kolloqium Nichtlineare Berechnungen im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, March 2-3, 1989, Hanover, E. Stein and W. Wunderlich (eds.), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp. 324-342.
- "Triaxial Behavior of Plain Concrete", Invited Paper at CEB Conference, Sept. 12-15, 1989, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, CEB-Bulletin No 194, Lausanne, 1990, pp. 15-43.
- "Numerical Methods for Localization Analysis in Solids"Invited Paper at MFI-Workshop on Computational Methods in Solid Mechanics, Oberwolfach Germany, Oct. 29- Nov. 4, 1989.
- "Failure Diagnostics of Non-Associated Elasto-Plastic Material Models", Presentation at SECTAM XV, Atlanta, Georgia, March 22-23, 1990, Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, S.V. Hanagud, M.P. Kamat and C.E. Ueng (eds.), Georgia Inst. Techn., pp. 887-897.
- "Failure Assessment of the Extended Leon Model for Plain Concrete", Invited paper at Sci-C Conf., Zell am See, Austria, April 4-6, 1990, N. Bicanic, H. Mang (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, pp. 851-870.
- Simulation of Failure Processes in Cementitious Particle Composites", Presentation at ASCE/EMD Spec. Conf., Columbus, Ohio, May 19-22, 1991.
- "Computational Aspects of Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures", Invited Paper at US - Japan Meeting on FEARCS, Columbia University, June 3-7, 1991, Chapter 7 in Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, J. Isenberg (ed.), ASCE Spec. Publ., New York, 1993, pp. 367-489.
- "Computational Aspects of Localized Failure Simulations in Plain Concrete", Presentation at Intl. Conference on Fracture Processes in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics, Nordwijk, Netherlands, June 19-21, 1991, J. van Mier, J.G. Rots and A. Baker (eds.), Vol. II, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 651-660.
- "Adaptive Finite Element Strategies for Capturing Localization", Presentation at 1st US - Congress for Computational Mechanics, Chicago, July 21-24, 1991.
- "Regularization of Localized Failure Computations", Presentation at COMPLAS III, 3rd Intl. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, April 6-10, 1992, Part II, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and E. Hinton (eds.), Pineridge Press Swansea, pp. 2185-2204.
- "Distributed Failure Analysis, Fallacies and Remedies", Presentation at ASCE-EM Conf., Texas A&M, College Station, May 25-27, 1992, Proc. ASCE pp. 345-349.
- "Fundamental Aspects of Strain-Softening Descriptions", Presentation at Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, FramCoS 1, Breckenridge, June 1-5, 1992, Z.P. Ba_zant (ed.), Elsevier Appl. Sci., pp. 227-238.
- "Finite Element Analysis for Capturing Localized Failure", Presentation at Annual Conf. Soc. Engrg. Sciences, San Diego, Sept. 14-16, 1992.
- "Localization Analysis of Elastoplastic Cosserat Continua", Presentation at ASME-WAM'92, Nov. 9-13, 1992, Anaheim, in Symp. Vol. on Damage mechanics and Localization, J.W. Ju and K. Valanis (eds.), ASME-AMD Vol. 142, pp. 25-40.
- "Micropolar Localization Analysis of Elastic Degradation and Plastic Softening", Presentation at ASME/ASCE/SES Meeting'93, UVA Chalottesville, VA, June 6-9,1993.
- "Localized Failure in Elastic-Viscoplastic Materials", Presentation at 5th RILEM Symp., Concrete Creep and Shrinkage ConCreep 5, Barcelona, Sept. 7-10, 1993, Z.P. Ba_zant and I. Carol (eds.), E&FN SPON, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 327-344.
- "Viscoplastic Regularization of Discontinuous Bifurcation", Invited Paper at NSF Sponsored US-FranceWorkshop on Localization and Bifurcation, Aussois, France, Sept. 6-9, 1993.
- "Finite Element Discretization of Spatial Discontinuities due to Localization", Presentation at ASME-WAM'93, New Orleans, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 1993, Advanced Computational Methods for Material Modeling (D. Benson and R. Asaro (eds.), ASME-AMD Vol. 180, pp. 85-98.
- "Failure Conditions and Localization in Concrete", Invited paper at Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C, Innsbruck, March 21-25, 1994, N. Bicanic, R. deBorst and H. Mang (eds.), pp. 263-282.
- "Fundamental Aspects of Failure Modes in Brittle Solids, Fracture and Damage in Quasi-Brittle Materials", Invited Paper at Prague, Sept. 21-23, 1994, Z.P. Ba_zant, Z. Bittnar, J. Jira_sek and J. Mazars (eds.), E&F SPON, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 35-67.
- "Dynamic Stability of Softening Behavior", Presentation at ASME Symp. Material Instabilities, Theory and Applications, Chicago, Nov. 9-11, 1994, Proc. R.C. Batra and H.M. Zbib (eds.), ASME-AMD Vol. 183, New York, pp. 161-178.
- "Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Materials", Invited Paper at ACI Spring Convention, Salt Lake City, March 5-8, 1995.
- "Constitutive Singularities of Combined Elastic Degradation and Plasticity", Presentation at ASCE Engrg Mechcs Spec. Conf., Boulder, May 22-24, 1995, S. Sture (ed.), ASCE Press, New York, pp. 529-532.
- "Failure Diagnostics in Multi-Dissipative Materials", Presentation at 3rd US-Congress for Computational Mechanics, Dallas, June 12-14, 1995.
- "Experimental Observations of Concrete Behavior under Uniaxial Compression", Invited Paper at FramCos-2 Conf., Zurich, July 24-28, 1995, F.H. Wittmann (ed.), Aedi_catio, Vol. I, pp. 397-414.
- "Constitutive Driver for Cohesive-Frictional Materials", Presentation at 4th-ASCE Materials Conference, Washington D.C., Nov. 10-14, 1996.
- "Localized Failure Analysis in Elastoplastic Cosserat Continua", Presentation at Symp. on Advances in Computational Mechanics, TICAM - The University of Texas Austin, Jan. 13-15, 1997.
- "Vehicular Collision Study of a Breakaway Lighting Structure", Presentation at 76th TRB Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan. 12-16, 1997.
- "Challenges of the Simple Shear Problem", Invited Lecture in Applied Mechanics, UPC, Barcelona, May 16, 1997.
- "Computational Studies of Dynamic Failure", Invited Paper at IUTAM/IACM Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics II, Austrian Academy of Sciences, June 2-6, 1997.
- "Analysis of Shear Failure in Concrete Materials", Invited Paper at IUTAM Symposium on Material Instabilities, Delft University of Technology, June 9-13, 1997.
- "Brittle/Ductile Failure of Concrete in Triaxial Compression", Presentation at McNU'97 Conference, Northwestern University, June 30-July 2, 1997.
- "Dynamic Failure Studies in Large-Scale Finite Element Computations", Presentation at 4th National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, August 6-8, 1997.
- "Failure Simulations in Elastoplastic Cosserat Continua", Presentation at 4th National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, August 6-8, 1997.
- "Dynamic Failure Analysis of Roadside Safety Structures", Presentation at ASME-IMECE'97, Dallas, Nov. 17-21, 1997.
- "Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers", Invited Paper at at EURO-C 1998 Conference, Badgastein, Austria, March 31-April 3, 1998.
- "Deterministic vs Stochastic Methods in Mechanics", Invited Panel Discussion at ASCE EMD Conference, La Jolla, CA, May 18-20, 1998.
- "Localization Analysis of Mechanical Deterioration Processes in Concrete Materials", Invited Paper at IV World Congress for Computational Mechanics, June 29-July 2, 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "Performance of Bridge Piers under Earthquake Loads", Presentation at ASCE Structural Engineering World Congress, SEWC, July 18-23, 1998, San Francisco.
- "A Study of Compressive Failure in Over-Reinforced Concrete Beams", Invited paper at FRAMCOS-3, Oct. 12-16, 1998, Gifu Japan.
- "Evaluation of a Rate-Sensitive Material Model for Concrete", Presentation at ASCE Structures Congress, New Orleans, April 21, 1999.
- "Deterioration Analysis of Materials with Structure"Invited Lecture at Politecnico di Milano, June 9, 1999.
- "Deterioration Analysis of Concrete Materials", Presentation at ASCE-EMD Specialty Meeting, Baltimore, June 15, 1999.
- "Failure Analysis of Materials and Structures at Di_erent Levels of Observation", Invited Paper at The First Intl. Conf. on Multiscale Material Phenomena in Harsh Environments, June 19-24, 2000, Limassol, Cyprus.
- "Computational Failure Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Piers", Invited Lecture at PUC-University,Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 21, 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- "A Combined Plasticity and Damage Model for Cohesive Frictional Materials", Presentation at ASME 2000 International Mechanical Congress & Exposition, Orlando FL, Nov. 5-10, 2000.
- "Multiresolution Analysis of Elastic Degradation in Heterogeneous Materials", Invited Paper at Intl. Conference on Lifetime Oriented Design Concepts, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum Germany, March 29-30, 2001.
- "Multiscale Interaction of Shrinkage and Moisture Migration in Concrete Materials", Invited Paper at Framcos-4 Post-Conference Workshop on Fracture and Durability, B. Gerard and K. Willam organizers, Paris, France, June 1, 2001.
- "Multiresolution Analysis of Damage in Materials", Invited Lecture at University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart Germany, July 9, 2001.
- "Interface Analysis of Degradation and Failure", Presentation at 6th US National Conference on Computational Mechanics, USNCCM6, Dearborn MI, July 31-August 4, 2001.
- "Homogenization Using Wavelets", Invited Lecture at ISM-Technical University Vienna, Vienna Austria, January 9, 2002.
- "Finite Elements and the Berkeley Connection", Invited Paper at CUREE Symposium in Honor of Ray Clough and Joe Penzien, Berkeley CA, May 10-11, 2002.
- "Interface Degradation in Concrete Composites", Invited Paper at NSF Advanced Workshop on Model-Based Simulation of Durability of Materials and Structures, Czech Technical University, Prague, July 4-6, 2002.
- "Interface Degradation of Cohesive Particle Composites", Invited Paper at WCCMV, 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna Austria, July 7-12, 2002.
- "Thermomechanical Degradation in Concrete Materials", Invited Lecture at IBS, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart Germany, December 20, 2002.
- "3-D Simulations of Shaking Table Experiments on a 5 Story Shear-Wall Building", CAMUS Workshop, Colloque AFPS 2003, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau France, July 1-3, 2003.
- "Stability and Uniqueness of Coupled Problems", ASCE 16th Engineering Mechanics Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, July 16-18, 2003.
- "Interface Analysis of Cohesive-Frictional Materials", Keynote Lecture, 7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque NM, July 27-31, 2003.
- "Thermal Degradation E_ects in Concrete Material Systems", NSF-FHWA Workshop on Imaging and Simulation of Concrete Microstructure, Northwestern University, Evanston, July 29-30, 2003.
- "Recent Advances in Computational Failure Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete Structures", US-Japan-Europe Workshop on Simulation of Collapse of Concrete Structures: From Research to Practice, Maui Hawaii, Nov. 2-4, 2003.
- "Challenges in Computational Failure Mechanics", APPM Colloquium, CU Boulder, Oct. 22, 2004.
- "Failure Analysis of Concrete Materials under Extreme Temperatures", Structural Engineering Seminar, Politecnico di Milano Italy, Dec. 1, 2004.
- "Constitutive Aspects of High Temperature Material Models", _b Workshop: Fire Design of Concrete Structures, Politecnico di Milano Italy, Dec. 2-4, 2004.
- "Concrete Materials and RCS under High Temperatures", Structural Engineering Seminar, University of California San Diego, March 2, 2005.
- "Issues of Thermal Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures", UPC Geotechnical Engineering Seminar, Barcelona Spain, June 9, 2005.
- "Elastoplastic Collapse Analysis: An Old Topic Viewed Through Computational Plasticity", Dan Drucker Medal Symposium, IMECE Congress 2005, ASME FL, Nov 6-9, 2005.
- "Structural Collapse due Impact and Fire: Lessons learned from NIST Studies of the WTC Tower Collapse", UPC Geotechnical Engineering Seminar, Barcelona Spain, June 6, 2006.
- "Strength and Durability of of Concrete Subjected to various Heating and Cooling Treatments", US National Congress on Applied Mechanics, University of Colorado Boulder, June 27, 2006.
- "The Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Severe Temperatures", Structures Seminar, University of Catania Sicily, September 21, 2006.
- "Pressing Issues in Concrete Mechanics", Applied Mechanics Colloquium, Northwestern University, April 6, 2007.
- "Multiscale Issues of Softening Material Behavior", Z. Bazant Workshop, Czech Technical University, Prague, June 24, 2007.
- "Computational Studies of Masonry Composites at the Mesomechanical Level of Observation", US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCMIX, San Francisco, July 26, 2007.
- "Concrete Spalling", Structural Engineering Colloquium, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, June 25, 2008.
- "Performance Evaluation of Masonry In_ll Walls Subjected to Axial and In-Plane Shear: Meso- and Macro- Experiments and Simulations", 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM08, Venice, Italy June 29-July 4, 2008.
- "Spalling of Concrete Subjected to Rapid Heating", International Symposium on Plasticity, St. Thomas, Jan. 3-8, 2009.
- "Experimental and Computational Observations on Thermal Spalling of Concrete Materials and Structures", SEDUREC Spanish Workshop on Durability of Civil Engineering Structures, UPC Barcelona, Feb. 25-27, 2009.
- "Spalling of Concrete from High Temperture Exposure", Distinguished Lecture Series, CEE Department, University of California Los Angeles, UCLA, May 26, 2009.
- "Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Interaction in Concrete Materials", ASCE-ASME-SES Conference, VPI Blacksburg, June 24-27, 2009.
Conference Presentations
- Nonlinear Methods of Structural Analysis", Keynote Lecture at 1st Conf. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, Sept. 20-24, 1971, publ. Nucl. Engng. Design, 1972, pp. 169-197.
- Finite Element Method of Thermomechanical Problems", Keynote Lecture at 3rd Conf. Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 19-21, 1971, publ. in Proc. AFFDL-TR-71-160 Report, 1973, pp. 729-772.
- Finite Element Modelling of Inelastic Behavior", Keynote Lecture at ASCE - Engng. Mech. Spec. Conf., Waterloo, Ontario, May 26-28, 1976, publ. by University of Waterloo Press, 1977, pp. 17-52.
- Numerical Solution of Transient Nonlinear Problems", Keynote Lecture at Intl. Conf. on Finite Elements in Nonlinear Mechanics, FENOMECH'78, University of Stuttgart, Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 1978, publ. in Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 17/18, 1979, pp. 341-409.
- Eulerian and Lagrangian Techniques for Elastic and Inelastic Large Deformation Processes", Keynote Lecture at 2nd Intl. Conf. on Conputational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanicals, TICOM 2, March 26-29, 1979, University of Texas, Austin, publ. in Proc. T.J. Oden (ed.), North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1980, pp. 13-66.
- Finite Elemente zur Inelastischen Berechnung von Tragwerken", Antrittsvorlesung als Privatdozent der University at Stuttgart, July 4, 1980.
- Experimental and Computational Aspects of Concrete Fracture", Keynote Lecture at Intl. Conf. on Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures, Split Yugoslavia, Sept. 17-21, 1984, publ. in Proc. Pineridge Press, Swansea, F. Damjanic, E. Hinton, D.R.J. Owen, N. Bicani_c, and V. Simovic (eds.), pp. 33-70.
- Computational Failure Analysis, State of the Art and Future Trends", Keynote Lecture at FEM'90, Finite Element Congress Baden-Baden, Nov. 19-20, 1990, publ. in Congress Proc. by IKOSS Stuttgart, pp. 14-22.
- Failure Analysis of Inelastic Materials", Keynote Lecture at FEMSA'90 Conference on Finite Element Analysis, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Aug. 13-17, 1990.
- Computational Simulation of Discontinuous Failure Processes," Keynote Lecture at 5th Argentine Congress of Computational Mechanics, MECOM 96, Sept. 10-13, 1996, publ. in Proc. Mecanica Computacional, Universidad de Tucuman, G. Etse and B. Luccioni, Eds, Vol. XVII AMCA, pp. 227-242.
- Computational Issues of Concrete Failure", Keynote Lecture in Symposium on Advanced Design of Concrete Structures, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg Sweden, June 12-14, 1997, publ. in Advanced Design of Concrete Structures, K. Gylltoft, B. Engstrom, L.-O. Nilsson, N.-E. Wiberg and P. Ahman Eds., CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 15-29.
- Performance Evaluation of Damage and Plasticity Formulations for Concrete", Keynote Lecture on Post-Peak Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Loads, Japan Concrete Institute, Tokyo, Oct. 25, 1999, ASCE Special Publication on Modeling of Inelastic Behavior of RC Structures under Seismic Loads, P.B. Shing and T. Tanabe (eds.), ASCE Reston VA, 2001, pp. 1-19.
- Constitutive Models for Materials", Keynote Lecture at IV Symposium EPUSP on Concrete Structures, Technical University of Sao Paulo, Aug. 21-25, 2000, publ. as CD-TUSP, Brazil.
- Multiresolution Analysis of Elastic Degradation in Heterogeneous Materials", Keynote Lecture at 2nd European Congress on Computational Mechanics, ECCM-2001, Cracow, Poland, June 26-29, 2001.
- Multiresolution Analysis of Transport Problems on Concrete Materials", Keynote Lecture at WCCMV, 5thWorld Congress on Computational Mechanics , Vienna Austria, July 7-12, 2002.
- Interface Analysis of Cohesive-Frictional Materials", Keynote Lecture, 7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque NM, July 27-31, 2003.
- Issues of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Extreme Temperature Events", Keynote Lecture, 5th Intl Conf.on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, IASS IACM 2005, Salzburg Austria June 3, 2005.
- Localization in Reinforced Concrete Materials under High Temperatures", Keynote Lecture, US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCM-8, Austin Texas, July 25-27, 2005.
- Current Issues in Interface Mechanics", Keynote Lecture, MHM-2007 Conference on Multiscale Heterogeneous Materials, CTU Prague, Czech Republic, June 25-27, 2007.
- Bond of Reinforced Concrete under High Temperature", Keynote Lecture, 49th Brazilian Concrete Institute Congress, IBRACON 2007, Bento Gonzales, Brazil, Sept. 2-4, 2007.
- Computational Failure Mechanics: Recent Advances and Open Issues", Plenary Lecture, US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCM-9, San Francisco, July 23-27, 2007.
- Alexander C. Scordelis: Legacy in Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete", Keynote Lecture, IASS-IACM 2008 Congress "Spanning from Nano to Mega", Cornell University, Ithaca, June 28-31, 2008.
- Spalling of Concrete: High Temperature Experiments and Simulations", Keynote Lecture, World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM08, Venice Italy, June 29-July 4, 2008.
- Heating and Drying of Concrete Materials", Keynote Lecture, US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCMX, Columbus, Ohio, July 15-19, 2009.
Selected Publications
- Willam, K., (1969), Finite Element Analysis of Cellular Structures," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California Berkeley, p. 295.
- Willam, K. and A. Scordelis, (1970), "MULSTR-Analysis of Orthotropic Folded Plates with Eccentric Sti_eners," SESM Report 70-2, University of California Berkeley, p. 130.
- Willam, K. and A. Scordelis, (1970), "CELL-Computer Program for Cellular Structures of Arbitrary Plan Geometry," SESM Report 70-10, University of California Berkeley, p. 157.
- Argyris, J.H., Faust, G., Roy, J.R., Szimmat, J., Warnke, E.P. and K. Willam, (1973), " Finite Elemente zur
Berechnung von Spannbeton-Reaktordruckbehaltern", DAfStb, Heft 234, W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, p. 69. - Willam, K.J. and E.P. Warnke, (1974), "Constitutive Model for the Triaxial Behaviour of Concrete," Proc. Intl. Assoc. Bridge Structl. Engrs, Report 19, Section III, Zurich, 1975, p. 30.
- Argyris, J.H., Pister, K.S. and K. Willam, (1976), "Thermomechanical Creep of Aging Concrete - A Uni_ed Approach," Proc. Intl. Assoc. Bridge Struct. Engrg., Report 36, Section I, Zurich, 1975, pp. 23-57.
- Argyris, J.H., Warnke, E.P. and K. Willam, (1977), "Berechnung von Temperatur- und Feuchtefeldern in Massivbauten nach der Methode der Finiten Elemente", DAfStb, Heft 278, W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, p. 42.
- Argyris, J.H., Faust, G, Szimmat, J., Warnke, E.P. and K. Willam, (1977), "Finite Element Berechnung von
Spannbeton-Reaktordruckbehaltern," DAfStb, Heft 279, W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, p. 34. - Willam, K., (1979), "Finite Elemente zur raumlichen und zeitlichen Diskretisiering von quasistatischen Problemen", Habilitationsarbeit, University of Stuttgart, p. 134.
- Argyris, J.H., Doltsinis, J. St., Knudson, W.C., Szimmat, J., Willam, K.J. and Wustenberg, H.,, (1980), Eulerian and Lagrangian Techniques for Elastic and Inelastic Large Deformation Processes", Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics TICOM 2, March 1979, Austin, T.J. Oden (ed.), Chapter 2, Proc., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 13-66.
- Willam, K., (1983), "Possibilities of Modelling Nonlinear Triaxial Behavior," Appendix D of CED Task Group Report on Concrete under Multiaxial States of Stress, J. Eibl (ed.), University of Karlsruhe, pp. 60-79.
- Willam, K., (1984), "Experimental and Computational Aspects of Concrete Fracture", Proc. Intl. Conf. Comp. Aided Anal. and Design of Concrete Structures," N. Bicani_c, D.R.J. Owen, E. Hinton (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, pp. 33-70.
- Argyris, J.H., Szimmat, J. and K. Willam, (1985), "Finite Element Analysis of Arc-welding Processes," Chapter 1 in Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer, Vol. III, R.W. Lewis & K. Morgan (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, U.K., pp. 1-33.
- Willam, K., Ko, H-Y., Sture, S., Gerstle, K., Pramono, E., Stankowski, T., Klisinski, M. and S. Smith, (1987), "Constitutive Driver for Triaxial Response Behavior of Plain Concrete," Structural Research Series No 87-08, University of Colorado Boulder, p. 313.
- Willam, K., Bicani_c, N., and S. Sture, (1987), "Composite Fracture Model for Strain-Softening and Localized Failure of Concrete," Chapter 5, Computational Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures, E. Hinton and R. Owen (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, Chapter 5, pp. 122-153.
- Steinmann, P. and K. Willam, (1991), "Localization within the Framework of Micropolar Elasto-Plasticity," V. Mannl, O. Brueller, J. Najar (eds.), 60'th Anniversary Volume in honor of Horst Lippmann, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 296-313.
- Willam, K., et al., (1993), "Topic 7: Computational Aspects" Chapter 7, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, FEARCS, J. Isenberg (ed.), ASCE Spec. Publ., New York 1993, pp. 367-489.
- Willam, K. and M.-M. Iordache, (1994), "On the Cosserat Theory of Plate Bending," Proc. Recent Developments in Finite Element Analysis, 60th Anniversary Volume in honor of R. Taylor, T.J.R. Hughes, E. Onate and O.C. Zienkiewicz (eds.), CIMNE, University of Catalonia, UPC Barcelona, pp. 225-234.
- Willam, K., Dietsche, A., Iordache, M.-M. and P. Steinmann, (1995), "Localization in Micropolar Continua,"
Chapter 9, Continuum Models for Materials with Microstructure, H.-B. Muhlhaus (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, U.K., pp. 297-340. - Willam, K. and M.-M. Iordache, (1996), "Deterioration Measures for Concrete Materials", 60th Anniversary Volume in honor of J. Eibl, H. Hilsdorf and G. Kobler (eds.), Institut fur Bausto_kunde und Massivbau, IfBM, University of Karlsruhe, pp. 183-202.
- Willam, K.J. and Tanabe, T., (eds.), (2001), "Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures", ACI International, Special Publication SP-205, p. 399.
- Li, V.C., Leung, C.K.Y., Willam, K.J. and Billington, S.L., (eds.), (2004), Proceedings of Intl. Conf. of I.A. FramCoS on "Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Materials and Concrete Structures", Vol 1/2, p. 1195.
- Jirasek, M., Carol, I. and Willam, K., (eds.), (2006), Special Issue on "Computational Modelling of Concrete", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195, Issue 52, pp. 7075-7076.
- Leung, C.K.Y. and Willam, K., (eds.), (2007), Special Issue on "Fracture of Concrete Materials and Structures", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 74., Issues 1-2, pp. 1-2.
Refereed Journal Publications
- Willam, K. and Scordelis, A., (1972), Cellular Structures of Arbitrary Plan Geometry, ASCE-ST, Vol. 98, pp.1377-1394. Argyris, J.H., Buck, K.E., Scharpf, D.W., and Willam, K., (1972), Linear Methods of Structural Analysis, Nucl. Engng. Design, Vol. 19, pp. 139-167.
- Argyris, J.H., Buck, K.E., Scharpf, D.W., and Willam, K., (1972), Nonlinear Methods of Structural Analysis,
Nucl. Engng. Design, Vol. 19, pp. 169-197. - Argyris, J.H., Faust, G., Szimmat, J., Warnke, E.P., and Willam, K., (1974), Recent Developments in the Finite Element Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessels, Nucl. Engng. Design, Vol. 28, pp. 42-75.
- Argyris, J.H. and Willam, K., (1974), Some Considerations for the Evaluation of Finite Element Models, Nucl. Engng. Design, Vol. 28, pp. 76-96.
- Argyris, J.H., Faust, G., and Willam, K., (1976), Limit-Load Analysis of Thick-Walled Concrete Structures - A Finite Element Approach to Fracture, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 8, pp. 215-243.
- Argyris, J.H., Pister, K.S., Szimmat, J., and Willam, K., (1977), Uni_ed Concepts of Constitutive Modelling and Solution Methods for Concrete Creep Problems, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 10, pp. 199-246.
- Argyris, J.H., Vaz, L.E., and Willam, K., (1977), Higher Order Methods for Transient Di_usion Analysis, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 12, pp. 243-278.
- Willam, K., (1978), Numerical Solution of Inelastic Rate Processes, Computers & Structures, Vol. 8, pp. 511-531.
- Argyris, J.H., Pister, K.S., Szimmat, J., Vaz, L.E., and Willam, K., (1978), Finite Element Analysis of Inelastic Structural Behavior, Nucl. Engng. Design, Vol. 46, pp. 235-262.
- Argyris, J.H., Vaz, L.E., and Willam, K., (1978), Improved Solution Methods for Inelastic Rate Problems, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 16, pp. 231-277.
- Argyris, J.H., Doltsinis, J. St., and Willam, K., (1979), New Developments in the Inelastic Analysis of Qua-sistatic and Dynamic Problems, Intl. J. Num. Meth. Engng., Vol. 14, pp. 1813-1850.
- Argyris, J.H., Doltsinis, J.St., Knudson, W.C., Vaz, L.E., and Willam, K., (1979), Numerical Solution of Transient Problems, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 17/18, pp. 341-409.
- Argyris, J.H., Vaz, L.E., and Willam, K., (1981), Integrated Finite Element Analysis of Coupled Thermovis- coplastic Problems, J. Thermal Stresses, Vol. 4, pp. 121-154.
- Argyris, J.H., Szimmat, J., and Willam, K., (1982), Computational Aspects of Welding Stress Analysis, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 30/31, pp. 635-666.
- Haefner, L. and Willam, K., (1984), Large Deection Formulation of a Simple Beam Element Including Shear Deformation, Engineering Computations, Pineridge Press Swansea, Vol. 1, pp. 359-368.
- Runesson, K., Sture, S., and Willam, K., (1988), Integration in Computational Plasticity, Intl. J. Computers
and Structures, Vol. 30, pp. 119-130. - Smith, S.S., Willam, K., Gerstle, K., and Sture, S., (1989), Concrete over the Top-or: Is there Life after Peak? A.C.I. Materials Journal, Vol. 86, pp. 491-497.
- Pramono, E. and Willam, K., (1989), Implicit Integration of Composite Yield Surfaces with Corners, Engineering Computations, Vol. 6, pp. 186-198.
- Pramono, E. and Willam, K., (1989), Fracture Energy-Based Plasticity Formulation of Plain Concrete, AS-CEJEM, Vol. 115, pp. 1183-1204.
- Al-Ghamedy, H.N. and Willam, K J., (1990), Layered Nonhomogeneous Curved Beam Elements for Inelastic Analysis, Computers & Structures, Vol. 37, pp. 521-534.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K.J., (1991), Finite Elements for Capturing Localized Failure, Archive of Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 61, pp. 259-275.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1991), Performance of Enhanced Finite Element Formulations in Localized Failure Computations, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol. 90, pp. 845-867.
- Dietsche, A., Steinmann, P., and Willam, K., (1993), Micropolar Elasto-Plasticity and its Role in Localization Analysis, Intl. J. Plasticity, Vol. 9, pp. 813-831.
- Etse, G. and Willam, K., (1994), A Fracture Energy-Based Constitutive Formulation for Inelastic Behavior of Plain Concrete, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 120, pp. 1983-2011.
- Carol, I., Rizzi, E., and Willam, K., (1994), A Uni_ed Theory of Elastic Degradation and Damage Based on a Loading Surface, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 31, pp. 2835-2865.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1994), Finite-Element Analysis of Elastoplastic Discontinuities, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 120, pp. 2428-2442.
- Menetrey, Ph. and Willam, K., (1995), A Triaxial Failure Criterion for Concrete and its Generalization, ACI Structures Journal, Vol. 92, pp. 311-318.
- Guzina, B., Rizzi, E., Willam, K., and Pak, R., (1995), Failure Detection of Smeared Crack Formulations, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 121, pp. 150-161.
- Rizzi, E., Carol, I., and Willam, K., (1995), Localization Analysis of Elastic Degradation with Application to Scalar Damage, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 121, pp. 541-554.
- Carol, I. and Willam, K., (1996), Spurious Energy Dissipation/Generation in Sti_ness Recovery Models for Elastic Degradation and Damage, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 33, No. 20-22, pp. 2939-2958.
- Rizzi, E., Maier, G., and Willam, K., (1996), On Failure Indicators in Multi-Dissipative Materials, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 33, No. 20-22, pp. 3187-3214.
- Etse, G. and Willam, K., (1996), Integration Algorithms for Concrete Plasticity, Engineering Computations, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 38-65.
- Frangopol, D., Lee, Y.-H. and Willam, K., (1996), Nonlinear Finite Element Reliability Analysis of Concrete, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 122/12, pp. 1174-1182.
- Dietsche, A. and Willam, K., (1997), Boundary E_ects in Elastoplastic Cosserat Continua, Intl. J. Solids
Structures, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 877-893. - Lee, Y.-H. and Willam, K., (1997), Anisotropic Vertex Plasticity Formulation for Concrete in Plane Stress, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 123, pp. 714-726.
- Lee, Y.-H. and Willam, K., (1997), Mechanical Properties of Concrete in Uniaxial Compression, ACI Materials
Journal, Vol. 94/6, pp. 457-471. - Menetrey, Ph., Walther, R., Zimmermann, Th., Willam, K. and Regan, P.E., (1997), Simulation of Punching Failure in Reinforced Concrete Structures, ASCE-JSE, Vol. 123, pp. 652-659.
- Iordache, M.-M. and Willam, K., (1998), Localized Failure Analysis in Elastoplastic Cosserat Continua, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 151, pp. 559-586.
- Etse, G. and Willam, K., (1999), Failure Analysis of Elasto-Viscoplastic Material Models, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 125, pp. 60-69.
- Iordache, M.-M. and Willam, K., (1998), Localized Failure Modes in Cohesive-Frictional Materials, accepted for publication, Intl. J. Mech. of Cohesive-Frictional Matls.
- Munz, T., Runesson, K. and Willam, K., (1998), Large Strain Plasticity Analysis for Kinematic Hardening -An Assessment of Simple Shear, accepted for publication, Intl. J. Computational Mechanics.
- Radakovic-Guzina, Z., Willam, K. and Bond, L., (1999), Ultrasonic Assessment of Damage in Concrete under Axial Compression, accepted for publication, Intl. J. Damage Mechanics.
- Kang, H. and Willam, K., (1999), Localization Characteristics of a Triaxial Concrete Model, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 125, pp. 941-950.
- Xi, Y., Willam, K. and Frangopol, D., (2000), Multiscale Modeling of Interactive Di_usion Processes in Concrete, ASCE-JEM, Vol. 126, pp. 258-266.
- Kang, H.D., Willam, K., Shing, B., and Spacone, E., (2000), Failure Analysis of R/C Columns Using a Triaxial Concrete Model, Computers and Structures, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 423-440.
- Carosio, A. and Willam, K. and Etse, G., (2000), On the Consistency of Viscoplastic Formulations, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 37, 48-50, pp. 7349-7369.
- Kuhl, E., Ramm, E. and Willam, K., (2000), Failure Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Materials at Di_erent Levels of Observation, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 37, pp. 7259-7280.
- Kang, H. and Willam, K., (2000), Performance Evaluation of an Elastoviscoplastic Concrete Model, ASCE
JEM, Vol. 126/9, pp. 995-1000. - Nogueira, C. and Willam, K., (2001), Ultrasonic Testing of Damage in Concrete under Uniaxial Compression, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 98/3, pp. 265-275.
- Willam, K. and Rhee, I., (2001), Deterioration Analysis of Materials and Finite Elements, Engineering Computations: Intl. J. Comp.-Aided Engrg. & Software, Vol. 18/3-4, pp. 690-718.
- Carol, I., Rizzi, E. and Willam, K., (2001), On the Formulation of Anisotropic Degradation. I. Theory based on a Pseudo-Logarithmic Damage Tensor, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 38/4, pp. 491-518.
- Carol, I., Rizzi, E. and Willam, K., (2001), On the Formulation of Anisotropic Degradation. II. Generalized Pseudo-Rankine Model for Tensile Damage, Intl. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 38/4, pp. 519-546.
- Liebe, T. and Willam, K., (2001), Localization Results of Generalized Drucker-Prager Elastoplasticity, ASCE- JEM, Vol. 127/6, pp. 616-619.
- Willam, K., Rhee, I. and Beylkin, G., (2001), Multiresolution Analysis of Elastic Degradation in Heterogeneous Materials, Meccanica, AIMETA Vol. 36/1, pp. 131-150.
- Willam, K., (2002), Triaxial Strength of Concrete Materials, Transactions of Japan Concrete Institute, JCI
Vol. 40/1, pp. 109-115. - Carol, I., Rizzi, E. and Willam, K., (2002), An Extended Volumetric/Deviatoric Formulation of Anisostropic Damage Based on a Pseudo-Log Rate, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids Structures, Vol. 21, pp.
747-772. - Pivonka, P. and Willam, K., (2003), The E_ect of the Third Invariant in Computational Plasticity, Engineering Computations, Intl. J. Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, Vol. 20, No. 5/6, pp. 741-753.
- Willam, K., Rhee, I. and Shing, B., (2004), Interface Damage Model for Thermomechanical Degradation of Heterogeneous Materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 3327- 3350.
- Willam, K., Rhee, I. and Shing, B., (2004), Interface Damage Model for Thermomechanical Degradation of Heterogeneous Materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 3327- 3350.
- Salari, M.R., Saeb, S., Willam, K.J., Patchet, S.J., and Carrasco, R.C., (2004), A Coupled Elastoplastic Damage Model for Geomaterials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 2625-2643.
- Willam, K., Rhee, I. and Xi, Y., (2005), Thermal Degradation in Heterogeneous Concrete Materials, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 276-285.
- Suwito, A., Ababneh, A., Xi, Y., and Willam, K., (2006), "The Coupling E_ect of Drying Shrinkage and Moisture Di_usion in Concrete", Computers & Concrete, Vol. 3, No. 2-3, pp. 103-122.
- Basche, H.D., Rhee, I., Willam, K.J. and Shing, P.B., (2007), Analysis of Shear Capacity of Lightweight Concrete Beams, Int. J. Engineering Fracture Mechanics , Vol. 74, No. 1-2, pp. 179-193.
- Arslan, H., Sture, S., Willam, K.J., (2007), Analytical and Geometrical Representation of Localization in Granular Materials, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 194, pp. 159-173.
- Caballero, A., Willam, K. and Carol, I., (2008), "Consistent Tangent Formulation for 3D Interface Modeling of Cracking/Fracture in Quasi-Brittle Materials", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 197, pp. 2804-2822.
- Lee, J., Xi, Y., and Willam, K., (2008), "Properties of Concrete after High Temperature Heating and Cooling", J. of Materials, ACI, Vol. 105/4, pp. 334-341.
- Koeberl, B. and Willam, K., (2008), "The Question of Tension Softening vs Tension Sti_ening in Plain and Reinforced Concrete", J. of Engrg. Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 134/9, pp. 804-808.
- Lee, J.S., Xi, Y. and Willam, K., (2009), "A Multiscale Model for the Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete at High Temperatures", Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 39/4, pp. 754-762.
Editorial Activities / Discussions in Refereed Journals
- Advisory Editor, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Elsevier Science S.A., Amsterdam.
- Editorial Advisory Board, Engineering Computations, Intl. J. for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, MCB University Press Ltd, Bradford, England.
- Editorial Board, Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Incorporating Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, U.K.
Books / Book Chapters
- Willam, K.J., (2002), "Constitutive Models for Engineering Materials", Encyclopedia of Physical Science & Technology, 3rd Edition, Volume 3, Academic Press, pp. 603-633. http://civil.colorado.edu/_willam/matl01.pdf.
- Argyris, J.H., Balmer, H., Doltsinis, J. St., and Willam, K., (1973), "Finite Element Method of Thermomechanical Problems", 3rd Conf. Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, 1971, Proc. AFFDL-TR-160 Report, pp. 729-772.
- Argyris, J.H., Doltsinis, J. St., Gloudeman, J., Straub, K., and Willam, K., (1973), "Aspects of the Finite Element Method as Applied to Aero-Space Structures", 23rd Congress of Astronautics, Vienna, 1972, L.G. Napolitano, et al. (eds.), Proc. Astronautical Research, pp. 179-238.
- Willam, K. and Warnke, E.P., (1975), "Constitutive Model for the Triaxial Behavior of Concrete", Colloquium on Concrete Structures Subjected to Triaxial Stresses, ISMES, Bergamo, May 17-18, 1974, IABSE Vol. 19, ETH Zurich, III-I, p. 1-30.
- Argyris, J.H. and Willam, K., (1977), "Finite Element Modelling of Inelastic Behavior", Mechanics in Engineering Study No. 11, ASCE-EMD Spec. Conf., Waterloo, Ontario, May 1976, R.N. Dubey, N.C. Lind (eds.), University of Waterloo Press, pp. 17-52.
- Argyris, J.H., Krempl, E., and Willam, K., (1977), "Constitutive Models and Finite Element Solution of Inelastic Behavior", US-Germany Symposium on Formulation and Computational Algorithms in Finite Element Analysis, M.I.T., Cambridge, Aug. 1976, Proc. Mass. Inst. of Techn. Press, K.J. Bathe, et al. (eds.), pp. 353-392.
- Pister, K.S., Argyris, J.H., and Willam, K., (1978), "Creep and Shrinkage of Aging Concrete", Douglas McHenry International Symposium on Concrete and Concrete Structures, Oct. 1976, Mexico City, B. Bresler (ed.), Proc. ACI Special Publication 55, pp. 1-30.
- Argyris, J.H., Faust, G., and Willam, K., (1981), "Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures", Introductory Report, IABSE Colloquium Delft 1981, Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete, IABSE Vol. 33, ETH Zurich, pp. 85-106.
- Argyris, J.H., Vaz, L.E., and Willam, K.J., (1981), "Numerical Techniques for the Finite Element Analysis of Elastic and Inelastic Material Nonlinearities", IUTAM Symposium Senlis, France, May 27-30, 1980, Physical Non-Linearities in Structural Analysis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, J. Hult and J. Lemaitre (eds.), pp. 6-16.
- Argyris, J.H., Szimmat, J., and Willam, K., (1983), "Finite Element Analysis of Arc Welding Processes", Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Aug. 1983, R.W. Lewis, J.A. Johnson and W.R. Smith (eds.), pp. 249-259.
- Christensen, J., Ickert, K., Stankowski, T., Sture, S. and Willam. K. (1983), "Numerical Modeling of Strength and Deformation Behavior in the Direct Shear Test", Proc. Intl. Conf. Constitutive Laws for Engrg. Matls, C.S. Desai and R.H. Gallagher (eds.), Tucson AZ, pp. 537-544.
- Christensen, J. and Willam, K., (1983), "Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Failure in Shear", Symp Proc. On The Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, US-AF Academy, Colorado Springs, May 10-13, 1983, pp. 101-106.
- Willam, K., Bicani_c, N., and Sture, S. (1984), "Constitutive and Computational Aspects of Strain-Softening and Localization in Solids", ASME-WAM84, New Orleans, Symp. Vol. Constitutive Equations: Micro, Macro and Computational Aspects, K. Willam (ed.), ASME Symp. Vol. G00274, New York, pp. 233-252.
- Willam and Sture, S., (1985), "A Composite Fracture Model for Localized Failure in Cementitious Materials", Proc. Intl. Symp. Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Florida, April 15-19, 1985, p.6.
- Willam, K., Hurlbut, B., and Sture, S., (1986), "Experimental and Constitutive Aspects of Concrete Failure", Proc. Japan-US Symp. on Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, C. Meyer and H. Okamura (eds.), ASCE, New York, pp. 226-254.
- Willam, K., Pramono, E., and Sture, S., (1986), "Stability and Uniqueness of Strain-Softening Computations", Proc. Europe-US Symp. on Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Problems, Trondheim, Aug. 1985, P. Bergan, K-J. Bathe, W. Wunderlich (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 119-142.
- Willam, K., Bicani_c, N., Pramono, E., and Sture, S., (1986), "Composite Fracture Model for Strain-Softening Computations of Concrete", Proc. Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy of Concrete, F.H. Wittmann (ed.), Elsevier Sci. Publ., pp. 149-162.
- Willam, K., Pramono, E., and Sture, S., (1987), "Uniqueness and Stability Issues of Strain-Softening Computations", Proc. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, C.S. Desai, et al. (eds.), Vol. I, Elsevier, New York, pp. 249-260.
- Willam, K., Stankowski, T., and Sture, S., (1987), "Invariant Response Formulation for Rate-Sensitive Frictional Materials", Proc. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, C.S. Desai, et al. (eds.), Vol. I, Elsevier, New York, pp. 751-758.
- Willam, K. and Montgomery, K., (1987), "Fracture Energy-Based Softening Plasticity Model for Shear Failure", Proc. Intl. Symp. Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Vol. II, Mannheim, pp. 679-691.
- Willam, K., Sobh, N., and Sture, S., (1987), "Elastic Plastic Tangent Operators: Local Study on Constitutive and Finite Element Levels", ASME-WAM'87 Symp. Advances in Inelastic Analysis, Boston, Dec. 12-16, 1987, S. Nakazawa, N. Rebelo and K. Willam (eds.), ASME-AMD, Vol. 88, New York, pp. 107-126.
- Willam, K., Stankowski, T., and Sture, S., (1988), "Theory and Basic Concepts for Modelling Concrete Behavior", CEB Plenary Session, Sept. 20-23, 1988, CEB Bulletin d'Information No 194, Lausanne, p. 29.
- Grosserode, P. and Willam, K., (1988), "Statistical Performance Evaluation of Nonlinear Joints in Space Structures", Proc. IUTAM Symp. Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamics, Igls-Innsbruck, June 21-26, 1987, Schueller and F. Ziegler (eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 517-526.
- Willam, K., Pramono, E., and Sture, S., (1989), "Fundamental Issues of Smeared Crack Models", Proc. Intl.Conf. Fracture Concrete and Rock, S.P. Shah and S.E. Swartz (eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 192-207.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1989), "Finite Elements for Capturing Localized Failure", Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on Numerical Methods for Localization and Bifurcation of Granular Bodies, E. Dembicki, G. Gudehus, Z. Sikora (eds.), Gdansk-Karlsruhe, Sept. 25-30, 1989, Geotechnical Department, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland, pp. 161-190.
- Willam, K., (1989), "Recent Issues in Computational Plasticity", Proc. Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS II, D.R.J. Owen, E. Hinton and E. Onate (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, (1989), pp. 1353 -1377.
- Willam, K., Stankowski, T., Runesson, K., and Sture, S., (1989), "Simulation Issues of Distributed and Localized Failure Computations", Proc. France-US Workshop on Strain Localization and Size E_ects due to Cracking and Damage, J. Mazars and Z.P. Ba_zant (eds.), Elsevier Appl. Sci., London New York, pp. 363-378.
- Sobh, N., Sabban, S., Sture, S. and Willam K., (1990), "Failure Diagnostics of Elasto-Plastic Operators", Proc. NUMETA'90 Conference, Swansea Jan. 7-11, 1990, G.N. Pande and J. Middleton (eds.), Vol. 2, Elsevier Appl. Sci. London, pp. 775-794.
- Willam, K. and Etse. G., (1990), "Failure Assessment of the Extended Leon Model for Plain Concrete", Proc. Sci-C Conf., Zell am See, Austria, April 4-6, N. Bicani_c, H. Mang (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, UK, pp. 851-870.
- Willam, K. and Etse, G., (1990), "Failure Diagnostics of Non-Associated Elasto-Plastic Material Models", SECTAM XV, Atlanta, Georgia, March 22-23, 1990, Proc. Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, S.V. Hanagud, M.P. Kamat and C.E. Ueng (eds.), Georgia Inst. Techn. 1990, pp. 887-897.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1991), "A Critical Assessment of FE-Performance in Localized Failure Analysis", Nonlinear Comp. Mechanics State-of-the-Art, P. Wriggers and Wagner (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 586-605.
- Etse, G., Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1991), "Computational Aspects of Localized Failure Simulations in Plain Concrete", Fracture Processes in Concrete, Rock and Ceramics, van Mier, J., Rots, J.G. and Bakker, A.(Eds), Vol. II, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 651-660.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1992), "Localization Analysis in Finite Deformation Elasto-Plasticity", IUTAM Symp. on Finite Inelastic Deformations-Theory and Applications, Hanover 1991, D. Besdo and E. Stein (eds.) Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 323-332.
- Stankowski T., Sture, S., Runesson, K. and Willam, K.J., (1991),"Simulation of Failure Processes in Cementitious Composites-Concrete", van Mier J., Rots, J.G., and Bakker, A. (Eds) Vol. I, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 139-148.
- Willam, K. and Dietsche, A., (1992), "Regularization of Localized Failure Computations", Proc. COMPLAS III, 3rd Intl. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Part II, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and E. Hinton (eds.), Pineridge Press Swansea, pp. 2185-2204.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1992), "Localization Analysis in Finite Deformation Elastoplasticity", Proc. IUTAM Symp. Finite Inelastic Deformations, D. Besdo and E. Stein (eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 323-332.
- Willam, K. and Dietsche, A., (1992), "Fundamental Aspects of Strain-Softening Descriptions", Proc. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, FRAMCOS-1, Z.P. Ba_zant (ed.), Elsevier Appl. Sci., pp. 227-238.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1992), "Adaptive Techniques for Localization Analysis", ASME-WAM'92, Anaheim, in Adaptive, Multilevel and Hierarchical Computational Strategies, A. Noor (ed.), ASME New York, pp. 437-462.
- Grosserode, P. and Willam, K., (1992), "Local versus Global Instability Indicators on the Basis of Lyapunov Exponents", ASME-WAM'92, Anaheim, in Symp. Vol. on New Methods in Transient Analysis, P. Smolinski et al.(eds.), ASME-AMD Vol. 143, pp. 87-91.
- Dietsche, A. and Willam, K., (1992), "Localization Analysis of Elastoplastic Cosserat Continua", ASMEWAM ' 92, Anaheim, in Symp. Vol. on Damage Mechanics and Localization, J.W. Ju and K. Valanis (eds.), ASME-AMD Vol. 142, pp. 25-40.
- Willam, K., Etse, G., and Munz, T., (1993), "Localized Failure in Elastic-Viscoplastic Materials", Proc. 5th RILEM Symp. Concrete Creep and Shrinkage, ConCreep 5, Z.P. Ba_zant and I. Carol (eds.), E&FN SPON,Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 327-344.
- Steinmann, P. and Willam, K., (1993), "Finite Element Discretization of Spatial Discontinuities due to Localization", ASME-WAM'93, New Orleans, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 1993, in Advanced Computational Methods for Material Modeling (D. Benson and R. Asaro (eds.), ASME-AMD Vol. 180, pp. 85-98.
- Willam, K., Munz, T., Etse, G., and Men_etrey, P., (1994), "Failure Conditions and Localization in Concrete", Proc. Comp. Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C, N. Bicani_c, R. deBorst and H. Mang (eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, pp. 263-282.
- Willam, K. and Iordache, M-M. , (1994), "Fundamental Aspects of Failure Modes in Brittle Solids", Proc. Fracture and Damage in Quasi-Brittle Materials, Z.P. Ba_zant, Z. Bittnar, J. Jira_sek and J. Mazars (eds.), E&F SPON, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 35-67.
- Willam, K. and Munz, T., (1994), "Dynamic Stability of Softening Behavior", ASME Symp. Proc. Material Instabilities, Theory and Applications, R.C. Batra and H.M. Zbib (eds.), ASME-AMD, Vol. 183, New York, pp. 167-178.
- Radakovi_c, Z., Bond, L., and Willam, K., (1995), "Ultrasonic Detection of Plastic Yielding in Steel Specimens", Proc. Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1593-1600.
- Iordache, M.-M., Willam, K., and Carol, I., (1995), "Failure Modes of Plastic Degradation Processes in Cosserat Continua", Proc. COMPLAS IV, R. Owen, E. Hinton and E. Onate (eds.), Pineridge Press, pp. 611-622.
- Rizzi, E., Willam, K., and Carol, I., (1995), "Strain Localization for Constitutive Models Combining Plasticity with Elastic Degradation", Proc. COMPLAS IV, R. Owen, E. Hinton and E. Onate (eds.), Pineridge Press, pp. 623-634.
- Lee, Y.-H., Willam, K., and Kang, H.-D., (1995), "Experimental Observations of Concrete Behavior under Uniaxial Compression", Proc. FRAMCOS-2 Conf., July 25-28, 1996, ETH-Zurich, F. Wittmann (ed.), Aedi_catio Publ., Freiburg Germany, Vol. I, pp. 397-414.
- Yoshikawa, H., Nagano, R., and Willam, K., (1995), "Strain Localization as Bifurcation Behavior of Elasto-Plastic Softening Materials", Proc. FRAMCOS-2 Conf., F. Wittmann (ed.), Aedi_catio, Vol. II, pp. 1079-1088.
- Munz, T., Bakhrebah, S. and Willam, K., (1995), "Viscoplastic Adaptation with regard to Discontinuous Bifurcation", Comp. Mechcs'95, Proc. Intl. Conf. Computational Engineering Science, S.N. Atluri, G. Yagawa, T.A. Cruse eds., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany Inc., pp. 1259-1264.
- Munz, T., Carini, A. and Willam, K., (1995), "On the Integrability in Nonlinear Structural Dynamics", Comp. Mechcs'95, Proc. Intl. Conf. Computational Engineering Science, S.N. Atluri, G. Yagawa, T.A. Cruse eds., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany Inc., pp. 2629-2634.
- Willam, K. and Carol, I., (1996), "Discrete versus Smeared Crack Analysis", Proc. FRAMCOS-2 Conf., July 25-28, 1995, ETH-Zurich, F. Wittmann (ed.), Aedi_catio Publ., Freiburg Germany, Vol. III, pp. 1885-1891.
- Munz, T. and Willam, K., (1996), "Computational Simulation of Dynamic Impact Problems", Proc. of 1996 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Montreal, July 21-26, 1996, eds. Y.S. Shin and J.A. Zukas, ASME-PVP Vol. 325, pp. 257-264.
- Radakovi_c, Z., Willam, K. and Bond, L., (1996), "Ultrasonic Assessment of Concrete in Uniaxial Compression", Proc. 3rd Conference Nondestructive Evaluation of Civil Structures and Materials, Boulder Colorado, Sept. 9-13, 1996, M . Schuller and D. Woodham, eds., Express Press, Boulder, pp. 455-469.
- Willam, K. and Iordache, M.-M., (1996), "Computational Simulation of Discontinuous Failure Processes", MECOM 96, 5th Argentine Congress of Computational Mechanics, Sept. 10-13, 1996, G. Etse and B. Luccioni, eds. Vol. XVII, Mecanica Computacional, AMCA, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, pp. 227-242.
- Kang, H. and Willam, K., (1996), "An Analysis of Strong Discontinuities in Concrete Panels", APCOM'96, , Proc. 3rd Asian-Paci_c Conf. on Computational Mechanics, Seoul, Sept. 16-18, 1996, Vol. 2, C.-K. Choi, C.-B. Yun and D.-G. Lee eds., Techno-Press 1996, pp. 1529-1534.
- Willam, K. and Iordache, M.-M., (1996), "Constitutive Driver for Cohesive-Frictional Materials", 4th-ASCE Materials Conference, Washinton D.C., Nov. 10-14, 1996, Proc., Materials for the Next Millenium, Ken P. Chong ed., pp. 751-760.
- Rix, K., Munz, Th. and Willam, K.J., (1996), "Mesh Sensitivity of Dynamic Elastoplastic Failure Simulations", EURODYN'96, Augusti, Borri & Spinelli eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.489-493.
- Munz, Th. and Willam, K.J., (1997), "Finite Element Studies of Dynamic Failure and Vehicular Collision with DYNA3D", TRB Paper 971441, Transportation Research Board Meeting 1997, Washington D.C., Jan. 12-16, 1997.
- Iordache, M.-M. and Willam, K., (1997), "Mohr-Type Analysis of Failure in Drucker-Prager Materials", Proc. COMPLAS V, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and E. Hinton (eds.), Publ. of CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 1671-1678.
- Carol, I. and Willam, K., (1997), "Applications of Analytical Solutions in Elasto-Plasticity to Localization Analysis of Damage Models", Proc. COMPLAS V, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and E. Hinton (eds.), Publ. of CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 714-719.
- Kang, H.D. and Willam, K., (1997), "Computational Issues of Concrete Failure", in Advanced Design of Concrete Structures, K. Gylltoft, B. Engstrom, L.-O. Nilsson, N.-E. Wiberg, and P. Ahman (eds.), Publ. of CIMNE, Barcelona, pp. 15-32.
- Willam, K., Kang, H., Shing, B., and Spacone, E., (1998), "Analysis of Shear Failure in Concrete Materials", IUTAM Symposium on Material Instabilities in Solids, Delft University of Technology, June 9-13, 1997, Proc. R. de Borst and E. van der Giessen (eds.), John Wiley & Sons, UK, pp. 27-39.
- Carol, I., Rizzi, E. and Willam, K., (1998), "On the Formulation of Isotropic and Anisotropic Damage", EURO-C 1998 Conference Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang and G. Meschke (eds), Balkema/Rotterdam, pp. 183-192.
- Munz, Th., Willam, K., and Runesson, K., (1998), "Viscoplastic Algorithmic Operators and their Localization Properties", EURO-C 1998 Conference Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang and G. Meschke (eds), Balkema/Rotterdam, pp. 219-228.
- Kang, H., Rose, B., Shing, B., and Spacone, E. and Willam, K., (1998), "Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers", EURO-C 1998 Conference Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang and G. Meschke (eds), Balkema/Rotterdam, pp. 673-683.
- Men_etrey, Ph. and Willam, K., (1998), "Punching Shear in Reinforced Concrete: Localized Failure Process",EURO-C 1998 Conference Proc. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, R. de Borst, N. Bicanic, H. Mang and G. Meschke (eds), Balkema/Rotterdam, pp. 867-876.
- Iordache, M.-M., and Willam, K., (1998), "Localization Properties of Non-Symmetric Elastoplastic Cosserat Formulations", CD-ROM of IV World Congress for Computational Mechanics, June 29-July 2, 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. Idlesohn, E. Onate and E.N. Dvorkin (eds.), Section 7, Paper 8.
- Kang, H., Shing, B., Spacone, E. and Willam, K., (1998), "Performance of Bridge Piers under Earthquake Loads", paper presented at the ASCE Structural Engineering World Congress, SEWC, July 18-23, 1998, Proc. Elsevier Science Ltd, Kidlington, England.
- Kang, H., Spacone, E. and Willam, K., (1998), "A Study of Compressive Failure in Over-Reinforced Concrete Beams", Proc. FRAMCOS-3, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Materials and Structures, H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo (eds.), Aedi_catio Publ., Freiburg Germany, Vol. 2, pp. 1195-1210.
- Kang, H., Willam, K. and Xi, Y., (1999), "Evaluation of a Rate-Sensitive Material Model for Concrete", Proc. ASCE-SEI Congress, Structural Engineering in the 21st Century, April 18-21, 1999, R. Advent and M. Alawady (eds.), pp. 215-218.
- Kang, H., Willam, K., (1999), "Deterioration Analysis of Concrete Materials", Proc. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conf., Baltimore, N. Jones and R. Ghanem (eds.), CD-ROM.
- Willam, K., Hansen, E. and Kang, H., (1999), " Performance Evaluation of Damage and Plasticity Formulations for Concrete", Proc. US-Japan Seminar on Post-Peak Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Loads, JCI Tokyo, Oct 25-29, 1999, Vol. 1, pp. 23-41.
- Smolarkiewicz, P. and Willam, K., (2000) "Ultrasonic Evaluation of Damage in Heterogeneous Solids", AMDVol. 239, Recent Trends in Constitutive Modeling of Advanced Materials, ASME 2000, Orlando FL, Nov. 5-10, 2000, pp. 137-151.
- Willam, K.J. and Iordache, M.-M., (2001), "On the Lack of Symmetry in Materials", Proc. Int. Conf. Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics, Schloss Hofen, Austria, May 20-23, 2001, W.A.Wall, K.U. Bletzinger and K. Schweizerhof (eds.), International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE-UPC, Barcelona, 2001, pp. 233-242.
- Willam, K., Hansen, E., and Kang, H.D., (2001), "Performance Evaluation of Damage an Plasticity Formulations for Concrete", Proc. US-Japan Seminar on Post-Peak Behavior of RC Structures Subjected to Seismic Loads, Tokyo and Lake Yamanaka, Japan, Oct. 25-29, 1999, ASCE Special Publication on Modeling of Inelastic Behavior of RC Structures under Seismic Loads, P.B. Shing and T. Tanabe (eds.), ASCE Reston VA, 2001, pp. 1-19.
- Hansen, E., Willam, K. and Carol, I., (2001), "A Two-Surface Anisotropic Damage/Plasticity Model for Plain Concrete", Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Materials, Framcos-4, Paris, May 28-31, 2001, R. de Borst, J. Mazars, G. Pijaudier-Cabot and J. van Mier (eds.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2001, pp. 549-556.
- Willam, K. and Rhee, I., (2001), "Multi-Resolution Analysis of Heterogeneous Materials at two Scales of Observation", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and other Quasi- Brittle Materials, ConCreep-6@MIT, Cambridge MA, August 20-22, 2001, F.-J. Ulm, Z.P. Bazant and F.H. Wittmann (eds.), Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 107-112.
- Ababneh, A., Xi, Y. and Willam, K., (2001), "Multiscale Modeling of the Coupled Moisture Di_usion and Drying Shrinkage of Concrete", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and other Quasi-Brittle Materials, ConCreep-6@MIT, Cambridge MA, August 20-22, 2001, , F.-J. Ulm, Z.P. Bazant and F.H. Wittmann (eds.), Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 159-164.
- Etse, G., Sfer, D., Carol. I., Gettu, R. and Willam, K., (2001), "Dilatational Response of Concrete Materials: Facts and Fiction", Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACI Fall Convention, October 15-20, 2000, ACI SP-205, K. Willam and T. Tanabe (eds.), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 367-394.
- Willam, K., Rhee, I. and Xi, Y., (2003), "Thermal Degradation in Heterogeneous Concrete Materials", Proc.Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, N. Bi_cani_c, R. de Borst, H. Mang and G. Meschke (eds.) EURO-C 2003, St. Johann i.P. Austria, March 17-20, 2003, A.A. Balkema Publ., The Netherlands, pp. 569- 579.
- Basche, H.D., Rhee, I., Willam K.J. and Shing, B.P., (2004), "Analysis of Shear Capacity of Brittle Lightweight Concrete beams Using Interface Elements", Proc. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, V.C. Li, C.K.L. Leung K.J Willam and S.L. Billington (eds.), FraMCoS-5, Vail CO., April 12-16, 2004, pp. 131-138.
- Rhee, I., Willam, K. and Shing, B.P., (2004), "Dynamic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Structure Using Plasticity and Interface Models", Proc. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, V.C. Li, C.K.L. Leung, K.J. Willam and S.L. Billington (eds.), FraMCoS-5, Vail CO., April 12-16, 2004, pp. 813-822.
- Willam, K., Basche, H. and Xi, Y., (2005), "Constitutive Aspects of High-Temperature Material Models", Workshop Proceedings Fire Design of Concrete Structures: What now ? What next? P.G. Gambarova, R. Felicetti, A. Meda and P. Riva (eds.), Starrylink Editrice, Brescia Italy, 2005, pp. 121-129.
- Willam, K., Lee, K. and Xi, Y., (2005), "Issues of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Extreme Temperature Events", Proc. 5th Intl Conf on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, E. Ramm, W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger and M. Bischo_ (eds.), Salzburg, IASS IACM 2005, Salzburg Austria, June 1-4, 2005, p. 239.
- 4-page electronic paper, Conf CD.Willam, K., Basche, H., Lee, K. and Xi, Y., (2006), "Assessment of RC Bond under Severe Temperatures", Proc.Euro-C 2006, March 27-30, 2006, Mayrhofen Tyrol Austria, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, and N. Bi_cani_c (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 647-656.
- Willam, K., Lee, K., Lee, J. and Xi, Y., (2006), "Issues of Thermal Collapse Analysis of RCS", Structures Congress of ASCE, May 18-20, 2006, St. Louis MI, 10-page electronic paper, Conf. CD.
- Blackard, B., Kim, B., Citto, C., Willam, K. and S. Mattupalayam, (2007), "Failure Issues of Brick Masonry", FramCoS-6 Conference, Catania Italy, Proc Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, A. Carpinteri, P. Gambarova, G. Ferro and G. Plizzari (eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 1587-1594.
- Lee, J., Xi, Y. and Willam, K., (2007), "Strength and Sti_ness of Concrete under Heating and Cooling Treatments", FramCoS-6 Conference, Catania Italy, Proc Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, A. Carpinteri, P. Gambarova, G. Ferro and G. Plizzari (eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 1709-1714.
- Willam, K.,(2008), "Alexander C. Scordelis: Legacy in Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete", IASS IACM 2008 Congress "Spanning from Nano to Mega", Cornell University, Ithaca, June 28-31, 2008, Audio-Visual CD Record. Lee, K., Xi, Y. & Willam, K., (2008), "Coupling E_ect between Temperature and Moisture on the Deformation of Concrete", Proc. CONCREEP8 Conf., Tanabe, T., Sakata, K., Mihashi, H., Sato, R., Maekawa, K., and Nakamura, H. eds., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 1, pp. 257-260.
- Willam, K., Lee, K., Xi, Y. & Lee, J., (2008), "Spalling of Concrete due to Combined Heating and Drying", Proc. CONCREEP8 Conf., Tanabe, T., Sakata, K., Mihashi, H., Sato, R., Maekawa, K., and Nakamura, H. eds., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 2, pp. 1013-1019.
- Blackard, B., Willam, K. & Mettupalayam, S.,(2009), "Experimental Observations of Masonry In_lled Reinforced Concrete Frames with Openings", American Concrete Institute, ACI-SP 265-9, Thomas T.C. Hsu Symposium on Shear and Torsion in Concrete Structures, (A. Belarbi, Y.-L. Mo and A.S. Ayoub, eds.), pp. 199-222.
- Willam, K., Blackard, B. & Citto, C.,(2010), "Failure Studies on Masonry In_ll Walls: Experimental and Computational Observations", Proc. Euroc 2010 on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, N. Bi_cani_c, R. de Borst, H. Mang, and G. Meschke (eds.), CRC Press, A Balkema Book, Taylor & Francis Group,London, UK, pp. 757-765.