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Each spring, the University of Houston recognizes exceptional faculty member across the university at the annual UH Faculty Excellence Awards Ceremony. This year, nine Cullen College of Engineering faculty members were honored…
Cullen College Faculty Awarded by University
Computers and other technologies have vastly increased our ability to collect data on just about anything you can imagine. However, one major drawback to this is our inability to keep up with the amount of data being produced by…
NCALM Researcher Awarded $200K To Develop Open-Source LiDAR Software
The sun broke through the morning clouds just in time for over 120 golfers to tee off at the 25th annual Cullen College of Engineering golf tournament on Monday, April 7. The golf tournament, sponsored this year by LJA…
PHOTOS: 25th Annual Golf Tournament Tees Off
A team of researchers from University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering and Qatar University has won a $779,000 grant to develop a new way to rehabilitate deteriorating reinforced concrete structures. The three-year grant…
International Team Using Shape Memory Alloys to Rehab Concrete Structures
Damage to natural gas pipelines is both dangerous and expensive to repair. Much of it is also entirely avoidable. Excavators cause about 30 percent of pipeline damage incidents. In most of these events, the team working the…
Researchers Win $700k Grant to Develop Pipeline Safety System
Anyone with respiratory sensitivities like asthma or allergies knows Houston’s air quality can be a problem. Shankar Chellam, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Houston’s Cullen College of…
Shankar Chellam's Saharan Dust Research Highlighted by Houston Chronicle
Yesterday marked the start of National Engineers Week, a time to recognize the essential roles engineers play in modern society. In cooperation with the Houston Engineers Week Committee, engineering professional organizations and…
Four Young UH Alums Honored During EWeek
As part of its ongoing effort to support entrepreneurship among its faculty and students, the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering is hosting an Intellectual Property Training Series for the second year in a row.…
Cullen College Hosts Second "Intellectual Property Training Series"
The Cullen College of Engineering faculty members have made their final decisions on this year’s overall Outstanding Junior and Senior Award recipients, and the winners are Connor Fernandez, chemical engineering junior, and…
Cullen College Names Outstanding Student Award Winners
Last November, we told you about a team of UH Cullen College of Engineering students who were chosen to take a coveted ride in NASA’s reduced gravity aircraft, known as the “Vomit Comet.” The UH “Cougarnauts” team members were…
VIDEO: UH Engineering Students Take Ride on NASA's "Vomit Comet"
MEET TEAM PRIMER…A group of mechanical engineering undergrads at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering who will be competing in the upcoming Shell Eco-marathon in Houston from April 25th to 27th. The 12-member…
VIDEO: Meet Team Primer: Cullen College Undergrads to Compete in Shell Eco-Marathon
Although the winners of the 2013 UH Cullen College of Engineering faculty awards were announced in May of last year, they were honored again last Friday at Dean Tedesco's faculty and staff meeting when each winner was handed…
PHOTOS: Dean Tedesco Honors Faculty for Excellence in Teaching, Research
You may see quite a few college students at the next Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH) on February 19th and 20th, but they won’t be competing against the middle and high school students participating in the fair.…
teachHOUSTON Students Glean Classroom Lessons at the Science and Engineering Fair of Houston
Not only is University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering home to world-class research, it’s also a recognized leader in science and engineering outreach. The latest proof: the college’s Research Experience for Teachers (…
RET Program Earns Spot on President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll
Civil Engineering students at the University of Houston’s Cullen College of Engineering are about to get a firsthand lesson in the grim reality of the country’s crumbling infrastructure, thanks to Dan McNichol’s “Dire States”…
Dire States Tour Makes Stop at UH
Worldwide, dozens of nuclear power plants are scheduled for construction during the next decade, while hundreds more will be reviewed and examined by regulators. Thanks to the efforts of a University of Houston Cullen College of…
UH Professor Creates “Definitive Guide” on Nuclear Power Infrastructure
Researchers with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering are creating what will likely be the most accurate and detailed map of a forested area the world has ever seen. The map of Tahoe National Forest in…
UH Researchers Mapping Tahoe National Forest, Bit by Bit
Volunteer opportunities are available for the upcoming 12th annual Mars Rover Celebration, being held January 25 at the University of Houston Hilton Conrad Hilton Ballroom. The Mars Rover Celebration invites elementary and middle…
Volunteers Needed for Mars Rover Celebration
The Program for Master in Engineering Studies (PROMES) says on its website that they aim for students to “encourage each other to be leaders here at UH and in their careers beyond UH,” and PROMES alumna Nwamaka Nzeocha is a…
PROMES Alumna Gives Back With Scholarship
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering and Bauer College of Business graduating students will accept their diplomas at this semester’s commencement ceremony on Friday, December 20 at 7 p.m. The ceremony will…
Friday's commencement ceremony to be streamed live online