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December 9-15, 2013 is National Computer Science Education Week, and the non-profit organization is using the week to promote their One Hour of Code initiative. According to, the flagship week-long celebration…
"Hour of Code" Initiative Hopes to Stir Excitement in STEM
Science fairs have come a long way from baking soda volcanoes and pet store mice in a homemade maze. What were once ill-attended exhibitions in middle school cafeterias are now grand tournaments with international circuits, and…
Science and Engineering Fair of Houston Produces UH Scholar
No one disputes that offshore energy development carries environmental risks. Through its involvement in the new Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI), the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering will play a key role…
Cullen College Playing Key Role in Offshore Energy Safety Institute
Watch our video for the NSBE's "Walk for Education!" There’s one morning each year when the members of the UH chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) wake up early to pack hundreds of goody bags full of…
VIDEO: NSBE Students Hit the Pavement for the "Walk for Education"
The Engineering BOS (Beginning of Semester) Party was held last night in front of the engineering buildings. Hundreds of students attended the event and enjoyed free food, drinks, music and games. To view photos from this year's…
PHOTOS: BOS Party 2013
Thanks to an $85,000 grant from BP, the Cullen College’s PROMES (Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies) Program now has the much-needed support to continue its many outreach and student success activities this academic year…
BP Grant Supports PROMES Program, STEP Forward Camp and Power Weekend
An article published in the Nov. 3rd issue of the Houston Chronicle taps into the expertise of Engineering Career Center senior director Vita Como for advice on how engineering grads can increase their chances of employment after…
Advice for Engineering Grads: Houston Chronicle Taps Into Engineering Career Center
Electrical and computer engineering (ECE) professor Fritz Claydon has been appointed director of the Honors Engineering Program at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, with ECE associate professor Len Trombetta appointed as…
ECE Professors Named Directors of Honors Engineering Program
Let’s face it: Houston is an entrepreneurial town, and the University of Houston is no different. In fact, over 3,500 UH alumni own or run a business, and 63 percent of all UH alumni live and work in the city of Houston. The…
Opportunities for Engineering Entrepreneurs You Never Knew Existed
A civil infrastructure that provides essentials like clean running water and passable roads is essential to a healthy and prosperous society. While concrete and steel remain the backbones of modern infrastructure, civil engineers…
Civil Engineering Faculty Writing Bridge Design Specs for New Structural Material
The Cullen College of Engineering's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering held their 11th annual alumni luncheon last Tuesday, October 15th at the Hess Club in Houston.This year's luncheon was held in honor of the…
PHOTOS: Civil & Environmental Engineering Alumni Luncheon
The 9th annual Undergraduate Research Day took place on Thursday, October 10th. It showcased the achievements of 130 undergraduate researchers from the University of Houston through poster presentations. Student presenters…
PHOTOS: Undergraduate Research Day 2013
Cullen College alumnus and advocate Durga D. Agrawal has been appointed to the University of Houston System Board of Regents by Gov. Rick Perry. Agrawal received his master's and doctorate degree in industrial engineering from…
Cullen College Alumnus and Advocate Appointed to UH System Board of Regents
On Thursday, October 3, members of the Cullen College's Engineering Leadership Board gathered at the Petroleum Club of Houston for a reception and dinner. Guests attending the dinner were pleasantly surprised with a speech from…
PHOTOS: Engineering Leadership Board Reception and Dinner
Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Hanadi Rifai has been named the Environmental Professional of the Year by the Texas Association of Environmental Professionals (TAEP). Rifai, who also serves as the Cullen College’s…
Rifai Named "Environmental Professional of the Year"
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has grown tremendously in recent years, with research expenditures and enrollment at or near all-time highs. We must keep this momentum going, but in order to do so, we must…
Videos: Why Should You Invest in a New Engineering Building for the Cullen College?
Two University of Houston faculty members – Steve Pennings, professor of biology and biochemistry, and Kyle Strom, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering – are collaborating with other faculty around the…
Engineering and Biology Professors Team Up to Offer Massive Online Graduate Course
Watch the video: Fall 2013 Engineering Career Fair Besides having one of the best engineering programs in the nation, there's one huge thing that sets the UH Cullen College of Engineering apart from other engineering colleges…
Video: Engineering Career Fairs Set the Cullen College Apart
Hyongki Lee, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering, is part of an international team studying shrinking mountain glaciers and ice caps using…
Glacier Study Explores Sea Levels, Water Resources
New, stronger concrete that can better withstand an earthquake isn’t much good if it’s too expensive to use. That’s the idea behind a research project being conducted by Bora Gencturk, assistant professor of civil and…
Earthquake Research Explores Use of High-Performance Concrete